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Enrichment Learning Activity

Name: Mariluz Gregorio Date: 12/12/2021

Year and Section: ProfEd 1 Instructor: Randolph Bunag
(Note: Please save your file in .pdf using the filename “Module Number_LastName_FirstName”)


Answer the following:

Ten points each.

1. As a teacher used in the regular class, you have found out that John, a Grade 7 student is not able to cope well
in writing and reading. He normally combine words and has not lexical thoughts. How will you approach the
parents of the student?

As a teacher, I will approach John’s parents by setting up a one-on-one meeting with them and will nicely
say to them that their son is not well coping with reading and writing, and I will offer to give their son a tutor so
that I can focus on teaching John.

2. What are the steps that you will do to gather information about John’s Condition?

I will simply observe his way or learning and if some of his learning is lacking, then I will know the things
on how to teach him with learning and writing.

3. What is the role of the teacher in this case? How about the guidance counselor? How can they remediate the

School counseling takes place in public and private school settings in grades K-12. Counseling is
designed to facilitate student achievement, improve student behavior and attendance, and help students
develop socially.

SY2021-2022 1st Term Seatwork

Enrichment Learning Activity


NOTE : Ten points each item.

1. In the lesson and reading materials above, what are the salient points to focus as a teacher in the future?

• Strong subject knowledge

Great teachers have always mixed a passion for and deep understanding of the subjects they
are teaching. This becomes even more critical in classrooms equipped with computers and internet
search engines

• Being a facilitator

The role of teacher as facilitator is well established in many developed education systems.
Facilitating learning is not only important to encourage young people to be lifelong learners.

• Strong social skills

Social skills are already the traits that are most desired by many employers. So it follows
that teachers of futures will need to be experts at encouraging the social aspects of learning.

SY2021-2022 1st Term Seatwork

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