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Name : Ilham Wahyu Satria

NPM : 21010025
Class : 2TI P1
Formula Words Sentences
S+V He accuse
S+V He will learn
S+V He will borrow
S+V We will buy
S+V Zori really cares
S+V + C Zori go to hell every day
S+V + C Zori swims in the river
S+V + C My mother made a good boy
S+V + C I always eat every day Simple Sentence
S+V + C I want to see you in the afternoon
S+V + O He accuses me
S+V + O He will learn silat
S+V + O He will borrow wagon
S+V + O We will buy the nation's throne
S+V + O Zori really cares about his students
S+V + O +C I saw you defecate in the afternoon
S+V + O +C I really want to climb the mountain beside the house
S+V + O +C I bought marijuana at the pharmacy
S+V + O +C Jokowi leads PDIP because he is ordered
S+V + O +C Ilham is the clown in your heart when you're sad
FOR I bought satay ,for Joko and Megawati
FOR Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy
FOR He will borrow wagon, for work
FOR Megawati will buy the nation's throne, for jokowi
FOR She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing
to do
AND They got there early, and they got really good seats
AND It was getting dark, and we weren't near the cabin yet
AND Nina wakes up late, and she goes to school by bus
AND ina and Amel wake up at 5:00 am, and they go to school
at 6:30 am
AND Our plane left Bangkok on schedule, and we arrived in
London early
NOR Our family doesn’t have a big house, nor have a fancy car
NOR They had no ice cream left at home, nor did they have
money to go to the store
NOR We have never been to Asia, nor have we visited Africa Compound Sentences
NOR Mary never wrote the letter, nor did she call him
NOR There are no eggs in the fridge, nor is there any bread in
the cupboard
BUT I like my job and boss, but I’m not paid enough
BUT I thought the promotion was mine, but my attendance
wasn't good enough
BUT I would have gotten an A in my Mandarin Class, but my
final examination score wasn’t good enough
Name : Ilham Wahyu Satria
NPM : 21010025
Class : 2TI P1
BUT They don’t want a bad score, but they don’t study
BUT Paijo ran fast, but she couldn't catch Sutri
OR Should we start class now, or wait for everyone to get
OR I think I will buy a rose for her, or perhaps I will choose
an orchid
OR You can watch a movie, or you can listen to a song
OR I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three days
OR Should they take the test now, or should they wait until Compound Sentences
next month?
YET He didn't want to go to the dentist, yet he went anyway
YET He's crazy! He doesn't like the car, yet he bought it
YET I have known him for a long time, yet I have never
understood him
YET The pain was really bad, yet he refused to see a doctor
YET Saipul didn't want to go to the ricefield, yet he went
SO Everyone was busy, so I went to the movie alone
SO The cinema was sold out, so we watched a movie on TV
SO Our car broke down, so we took a taxi
SO James works very hard, so James wins the competition
SO He was feeling sick, so he went to the doctor
While he was sleeping, someone broke into his house
and took all his money
Subordinating Once his contract is finished, he will be free to do
anything he likes
conjunction You can watch TV after you finish your homework
of time While she was reading, someone broke into his house
and took all her bra
You can watch YouTube after you finish yourtask for
Subordinating That lady is nice but stern Subordinate
I want to go for a walk, but it’s raining outside

Conjunction Even though I got ready to go, we decided to just stay at

Though she waited for almost an hour, her friend never
showed up
Of Contrast Although I hate camping, I am going hiking and camping
this weekend
Subordinating Waiting for the new episode of the series on TV, never
being able to watch it, of course, for it is aired very late
at night.
There were so many tourists on the beach because of
the beautiful weather last weekend.
Name : Ilham Wahyu Satria
NPM : 21010025
Class : 2TI P1
Conjunction of They were unable to practice a lot and therefore had to
Cause /Reason improvise during the performance.
The company’s revenues have decreased as a result of
this quarter’s decline in sales.
She normally doesn’t talk much unless you start the Conjunction
conversation with her.
Subordinating Even if Marianne loses her job in the Department of
Health, I think she will continue to
work in the government.
Linda will serve five years in jail unless the parole board
releases her early for good
Conjunction In the event that the president dies in office, the vice-
president will replace him.
in case there is a fire emergency, employees should use
the stairs to exit the building
Condition If Mr. Johnson cannot raise enough money, he will drop
out of the senatorial race

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