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English Work plan 1

Assigned Date Component Text Submission Date

21-01-2022 P1: Textual 24-01-2022
Analysis choices
28-01-2022 P2: Comparative Often the appeal for the reader of a literary 31-01-2022
Essay work is the atmosphere a writer creates (for
example, peaceful, menacing or ironic).
Discuss some of the ways atmospheres are
conveyed and to what effect in two of the
works you have studied.

English Work plan 2

Assigned Component Text Submission

Date Date
11-02- P1: Textual 14-02-2022
2022 Analysis
18-02- P2: Comparative In two works you have studied, what techniques have writers used to 21-02-2022
2022 Essay stimulate an emotional response in the reader?

English Work plan 3

Assigned Component Text Submission

Date Date
04-03- P1: Textual To what extent does identity change and/or remain fixed in the course 07-03-2022
2022 Analysis of a human life? (Text pasted below with discussion questions)

11-03- P2: The personal biography of a writer can influence the form and/or 14-03-2022
2022 Comparative content of what they write. To what extent is this the case in two
Essay works that you have studied? (Use ‘Anton Chekov’s short stories’
and ‘The importance of being Earnest’).

I speak and write in English, but do not altogether share the preoccupations and
perspectives of an Englishman. I teach English literature, I publish in London, but the English
tradition is not ultimately home. I live off another hump as well […]
One half of one’s sensibility is in a cast of mind that comes from belonging to a place, an
ancestry, a history, a culture, whatever one wants to call it. But consciousness and quarrels
with the self are the result of what [D.H.] Lawrence called ‘the voices of my education’.
Those voices pull in two directions, back through the political and cultural traumas of
Ireland, and out towards the urgencies and experience of the world beyond it […]
If you like, I began as a poet when my roots were crossed with my reading. I think of the
personal and Irish pieties as vowels, and the literary awareness nourished on English as
consonants. My hope is that the poems will be vocables adequate to my whole experience.
Seamus Heaney, Preoccupations: Selected Prose, 1980.
Discussion Questions:
1. What does Heaney mean, do you think, when he refers to D.H. Lawrence’s ‘voices of my
education’? Are these ‘voices’ positive? Negative? Or are they conflicted voices?
2. Heaney suggests that his ‘roots were crossed with [his] reading’. What does Heaney
mean, do you think? How, for Heaney, are both ‘roots’ and ‘reading’ necessary to the
formation his poetic identity?

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