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Instrument (Interview protocol)

Project: Self-concept as a Process of Inducing Motivation Towards Learning English

Time of interview :-
Date :-
Place :-
Interviewer : Muhammad Hanif
Interviewee :-
This is a research study about students’ vocabulary learning style through online games. The
purpose is to figure out what is students’ learning style through online games. The data will
be collected through a semi-structured interview which will be recorded and only used for the
research purposes to protect the interviewee’s confidentiality based on informed consent. The
interview will take approximately 10-15 minutes.


1. Have you play online game on your daily activity?

2. Do you think that online games have academic purposes for learning English,
especially vocabulary?
3. Can online games be one of the media for learning English vocabulary?
4. Do you learn vocabulary while playing online game?
5. Why do you learn vocabulary through online game?
6. How do you get vocabulary by playing online game?
7. What kind of strategies do you use to learn vocabulary through online game?
8. Do you think online games are effective to use for learning vocabulary?
Title : Self-concept as a Process of Inducing Motivation Towards
Learning English

Researched by : Muhammad Hanif

Consent form for participation in research interview

Thank you for reading the information sheet about this study. If you are happy to participate
then please complete and sign the form below. Please initial the boxes below to confirm that
you agree with each statement:

I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet (interview) and have had
the opportunity to ask questions.
I understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw at any time
without giving any reason and without there being any negative consequences.
I understand that my responses will be kept strictly confidential. I understand that my
name will not be linked with the research materials, and will not be identified or
identifiable in the report or reports that result from the research.
I agree for this interview to be tape-recorded. I understand that the audio recording made
of this interview will be used only for analysis and that extracts from the interview, from
which I would not be personally identified, may be used in any conference presentation,
report or journal article developed as a result of the research. I understand that no other use
will be made of the recording without my written permission, and that no one outside the
research team will be allowed access to the original recording.
I agree that my anonymised data will be kept for future research purposes such as
publications related to this study after the completion of the study.
I agree to take part of interview.

Participant’s Name date signature

Researcher’s Name date signature

If you have any further questions or concerns about this study, please contact:

Name of researcher : Muhammad Hanif

Address : Kajhu
Phone : 082248079789
E-mail : 1602031!

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