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Date: Sept. 21, 2021

Let’s Learn
We are able to appreciate the world around us and express ourselves
using our different senses. We can do many good things with our senses.
We also do bad things with them. It is, however, our mind that controls or
guides our actions. We have our mind to think, our mouth to speak, our
ears to hear, our eyes to see, our hands to perform tasks, and our feet to
take us where we want to go.

When we think of good things, we will perform good things, speak of

good things, hear good stories, watch and entertain ourselves with good
movies and books, work on worthwhile projects, and go to good events
and activities.
There are lots of things that can make us happy and at peace. We
feel happy and at peace when we do good to ourselves and to others. We
are glad when people treat us well. As we wake up in the morning, we
welcome the new day that is ahead of us. All of us would like a happy day

We feel proud of ourselves when we are praised and appreciated

because of the good things we have done. We feel a sense of achievement
every time we do something good and helpful. A sure sign to know if our
action is good is to find out if it made us peaceful and the people around
us are happy. True peace starts from within. We feel at peace and there is
harmony within our relationships with other people. The purity of our
actions is important to make this certain.
Purity is the condition of being clean and pure. It is the state of being
that is free from anything that corrupts the mind.

Purity is being clean in our thoughts, words, and deeds. To be clean

in our thoughts is to think well of ourselves and of others.

To be clean in our words is to say only the good things that can help
a person grow. To be clean and our deeds or actions is to do something
that will improve a person's life. Purity is refraining from bad thoughts,
words, actions, and desires. Bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions, and
bad desires hurt us and the people around us.

The practice of this virtue is a sign of true love for God. Purity
measures our love for God. Furthermore, purity is a responsibility towards
ourselves and towards other people. It is always having good intentions. It
is thinking and doing what will help us and other people live a good life.

Purity is not acquired. It is a gift from God that can only be made
possible through a solid prayer life. It protects the sacredness of the
human body in which God dwells. The practice of this virtue is a sign of
true love for god. Purity measures our love for God. Furthermore, purity is
a responsibility towards ourselves and towards other people. It is always
having good intentions. It is thinking and doing what will help us and other
people live a good life.

In your life, or the life of someone close to you, have you

experienced a fearsome storm or natural disaster? While the disciples are
engaged in this discussion, what do you imagine Jesus was doing?
Just from a simple reading of the few verses, we can rightly conclude
that the account demonstrates Jesus' authority over the elements of
nature, and the disciples having weak faith when they started being
terrified. One of the best known stories in the bible is that of Jesus calming
the storm on the lake.
Jesus is not just a king over the people of Israel but rather, He is
king of peace over all nature.
In our ordinary life as students, we can achieve that sense of
calmness when we can do good things to others and to ourselves.
Sometimes, peace is difficult to achieve especially when we have guilt
feelings in us.
Jesus is giving us an example that even though we're troubled with
the storms in our life, he will always be with us through the presence of
good advice in people around us. This is for us to attain the peace we
Let us avoid occasions of sin that can offend our pure hearts. Let us
stay away from looking at indecent pictures, and watching television shows
and movies.
Let us be modest in the way we dress and careful with the words
that come out of our mouths. Idleness may tempt us to think and entertain
bad and hurtful thoughts and actions on ourselves and other people.
We should work on worthwhile activities like studying or lessons,
doing household chores diligently and volunteering in school and
community projects.

We are being called to leave in holiness to be truly happy. We can

achieve this by being pure. It may seem hard because of all the
temptations around us but it is possible.

Tell Me!
What are some concrete ways that we can do to remain pure at all times?

We will keep ourselves pure by doing worthwhile things like reading
good books, watching good movies, practicing or skills, and discussing
useful topics with our family and friends. We will remember to dress
modestly and be a good example to all.

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