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Teacher’s name Gonzalo Cervini Date: June , 16th

School: Liceo Castillos / turno 2E Group: 2nd 3
Visit 1st  2nd  __1st___ Topic: Time expressions
Learners _22_ present / 0__ latecomers / ____ enrolled / ____ drop-outs / 0__ Special needs
Comments: Students show excitement. also motivation

…………... Written Lesson Plan: yes Fits annual plan: 

Annual Plan:
Re planning:

Teacher’s Marks updated:  Above average: ___ Below average: ___ Attendance: yes / no
Course development:  Updated  Comments:

Written tests: yes / no #________ Oral presentations: yes / no _______

Objectives explicit to Ss  Warm up  Review  Checking of Hw  Closure 

Instructions Giving: Checking:

Skills involved: Speaking: Reading:

Listening: Writing:

Strategies (teaching/

Aids and resources Coursebook: Yes / No

ICTs: Yes / No

Classroom Seating arrangement Teacher movements Use of board (clean,

management pairs at the front and walked organization, clear handwriting,
etc.) well done
around the class
Relationship with Rapport motivation expectations
students all students participate not clear

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

1.While teacher connects computer sts write down the date

sts write down the date
2. Vamos a empezar la clase con
algo que a ustedes les gusta: un students get ready
3. students are familiar with the app
and enter immediately
4. Teacher waits and sees how
students enter. some students enter with nicknames and cause
disruption (solution)

5. Teacher reads the sentences

TEACHER SHOWS VERY Students complete it in the kahoot
POWERFUL VOICE so that all
students can listen.
(other strategies)

sts celebrate
6. See the podium
Some students can tell the rules. They provide
7. Teacher elicits the topic of the examples. Sts make an effort to contribute.
kahoot and the rules using: AT- IN- (There is a lot of Spanish at this stage -WHY?
ON Faltaba contexto para deducir entonces
explicaban )

8. Students have two minutes to They copy the rules

copy on their notebooks

9. T asks random questions so that Students answer

the students produce accurate
sentences (S:! Teacher por que yo? Nahiara tiene ganas/
T: Porque si… )(S: Una fácil profe/ T: Una
fácil …What day is it tomorrow?)

Sts laugh. No precisa que me griten, T se tapa

10. A student mispronounces a oidos
- use of technology and careful planning to achieve the objectives of the class
- communicative intention in an activity to check grammar

- work on the climate where learning occurs

Áreas of improvement

. learning/ teaching habits in the class according to their roles

PAD: ______________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

Inspectora: __________________________________

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