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Result of a good business letter letter
1a. Good
1b. Gets results
2. Best way to get results
2a. Develop a letter
2b. Appearance
2c. Style and content
2d. Conveys information efficiently
3.To perform Function of business letter
3a. Concise
3b. Clear
3c. Courteous

Business letter must be concise

1.Ways to make business letter concise

1a. Don’t waste words
1b. Little introduction
1c. Get to point
1d. Make a point
1e. Leave a point
2. Necessary part of good business letter
2a. Re-read a message
2b. Revise a message
3. Impact of short business letter
3a. Much more impact than long-winded
3b. rambling exercise in creative writing
The business letter must be clear
1. A reader should be idea
1a. Structure of the letter
1b. The paragraphs
1c. Topic
1d. sentences
1e. introduction
1f. conclusion

2. Use an accepted business letter format

2a. Re-read what you have written
2b. all explanations are adequate
2c. A clear message

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