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SCP-3500: Galiel

Containment class: Apollyon

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3500 cannot be contained at the moment of this writing. SCP-
6000 lives in outer space, therefore cannot be contained. SCP-3500 lives at the surface of the sun.

Description: SCP-3500 resembles a light green humanoid figure. Discovered in 2009 by astrology
scientists of the NASA., it has been shown that SCP-3500 lives 300 km from the external surface of the
sun. The estimated size of SCP-3500 is 35 km, according to estimations of Dr. June and Dr. Khalid. SCP-
3500 seems to possess 9 wing-like members, each of a size of about 75 km. SCP-3500 also possesses an
unidentified object on both of his hands, strongly resembling a dark spear, named SCP-3500-A. It has
later been found out that SCP-3500-A is a black hole in the shape of a spear.

SCP-3500 sometimes, and unexplainably, swings SCP-3500-A in a clockwise sense, for about 10 minutes.
Through observations and analysis, each time SCP-3500 swings SCP-3500-A, huge changes are made at
the level of the ozone layer, provoking aurora borealis in many places all around Earth, Venus and

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