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SCP-1511: Absilis

Containment class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1511 is contained in a 5mx5m room, with 2 cameras inside the
room. Interfering with SCP-1511 is prohibited, except in rare occasions, but the person that wishes to
study SCP-1511 must be accompanied with 2 guards armed with rifles and follow the protection

Description: SCP-1511 resembles a black sphere of approximately 15cm in diameter. On the sphere is a
scarlet eye that constantly looks at the person that touches the object. The object also seems to have
the word Absilis written on it, that was shown later through analysis to be written in the blood of an
unknown species. Any attempt to wash off the blood of SCP-1511 finished in a failure, the blood always
coming back, rewriting itself on the SCP.

Anybody within a 3-meter range of SCP-1511 will automatically feel an urge to take SCP-1511 in its
hands. When in the hands of someone, the said person is now designed as SCP-1511-A. SCP-1511-A will
show itself extremely aggressive towards all lifeforms and will try to kill anybody in its range.

At this point, SCP-1511 will manifest its true power: shapeshifting. SCP-1511 will change appearance and
transform into an appropriate weapon type against its host’s opponent. The weapon that SCP-1511 will
choose to transform in will always be a medieval weapon. For example, if SCP-1511-A is in front of a
soldier with a knife, SCP-1511 will transform into a bow. If in front of a soldier with a rifle, SCP-1511 will
transform into a spear 3m long. SCP-1511-A can effectively use the different forms of SCP-1511. While in
the possession of SCP-1511, SCP-1511-A’s speed and power seems to increase to superhuman levels,
going to speed around 30m/s and capable of destroying a wall in 3 strikes.

It is still easy to prevent the effects of SCP-1511, by simply wearing gloves with gold and silver on them.
Stopping SCP-1511-A is as easy since the subject still possesses the resistance of a normal human.

Discovery place: Boston, USA

Discovery Date: 20th April 2007

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