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Item #: SCP-040

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-040 is to be detained in a large

room of any make, furnished as to a normal child's bedroom. All personnel
in the area are to be armed with pistols and rifles of a nonlethal type,
containing powerful tranquilizers. Subject is to be given anything it so
wishes, so long as it does not defy standard security protocol, and is to
be fed three (3) times a day, also whatever it wishes. Subject is to
never be left alone, even when unconscious. All personnel dealing with
SCP-040 are to be perfectly content with their lives, and have no hidden
or deep desires, and will be psychologically cross examined before coming
into contact with subject. As long as SCP-040 is kept preoccupied, it
will likely abstain from the use of its abilities, except in the case of
contact with someone with a desire. If SCP-040 displays any of its
inherent abilities, it is to be immediately tranquillized. Any personnel
or objects affected by SCP-040's abilities are to be immediately
tranquilized and kept for indefinite study.

Subject is currently contained within Bio-Research Area-12, along with

all of the results of SCP-040's abilities.

Description: SCP-040 is a young girl of indeterminate age, although

rough estimates would put her in the five to ten (5-10) age bracket.
Subject is one (1) meter in height and of a normal child's build.
Pigmentation is unusual, having light pink hair, and heterochromia, one
iris being green, and the other being yellow. The sclera in the yellow
eye is also black. Skin is pale, and reacts adversely to an overexposure
to light.

SCP-040 has the archetypal mentality and intelligence of a child of her

age, if slightly above average. Psychological tests indicate no mental
problems or issues, although at times, subject will display extreme
loneliness or delusions of grandeur. When experiencing either, extreme
caution is to be taken, as this is when most activity regarding SCP-040's
abilities occurs.

Subject is wearing a living organism, which changes according to

SCP-040's will, or the environment SCP-040 is in. Garment has been seen
to change between various textures and sizes, from being smooth and
covering less than fifty percent (50%) of subject's body whilst being
exposed to high surrounding temperatures, to being furred and covering
over ninety percent (90%) of the subjects body when faced with a low
surrounding temperature. Attempts to remove SCP-040 from this garment has
proved fruitless. The organism instantly heals all damage to itself, and
seems to survive on the dead skin cells and dirt on SCP-040's person.
Garment also reacts to danger, and attempts to shield SCP-040 from any
and all damage.

SCP-040 has the ability to forcibly mutate and evolve surrounding matter
with sheer force of will, regardless if said matter is organic or not.
Entire new life forms have been created by SCP-040, out of organic and
inorganic substances and objects, i.e. both living and dead animals and
plants, concrete, steel, plastic and clay. Subject has even been known to
mutate objects and integrate metaphysical concepts into them, such as
time, energy, and dimension. With this ability, subject is quite capable
of breaching the walls of its containment, and those of the entire
facility, despite what the wall may be constructed of. When altered, or
brought to life, subject may or may not resemble its original state, and
may also be altered mentally, if subject possessed such faculties
beforehand. Most substances or objects subjected to SCP-040's abilities
has expressed a fanatical loyalty to her, with the exception of certain

SCP-040 has also shown to possess unconscious telepathy, unknowingly

reading the subconscious mind of those around her. When faced with
someone with a deep desire or wish, subconscious or not, SCP-040 will
change that person into a physical manifestation of that wish. It appears
to be a reflex action that SCP-040 has no control over, and when asked
about the incident afterwards, she claims to have no memory of it.

Tests have deduced that subject has an abnormally high central internal
body temperature and pressure, upwards of one thousand, six hundred and
sixty eight degrees (1668) Celsius and six (6) Kilopascals, despite the
fact that SCP-040 has a normal external body temperature and pressure.

Additional: Subject was found in [DATA EXPUNGED ].

All of the additional subjects found alongside SCP-040 were taken into
custody for research. The surrounding population was mentally purged
after careful questioning regarding SCP-040. Population is still being
monitored at present time for any resurgence of ████████████ ██████.

Addendum 040-01: In the interest of keeping SCP-040 content and her

relation to the organization in high regard, she has been allowed to keep
up to four beings altered by her abilities. All four subjects were
created from either toys that had been particularly liked by SCP-040, or
from items of furniture in the room. Study is ongoing of interaction
between SCP-040 and these subjects. Please see file SCP-040-1
Addendum 040-02: After attempting to escape several times, SCP-040 has
been allowed supervised time outside the facility, though only in the
surrounding uninhabited areas. Hopefully, this action will help SCP-040's
mental state, and eliminate the urge for further escape attempts.

Addendum 040-03: After examining the subject, it has been decided to

educate SCP-040 in fields expected of an average child. This project is
for both the mental growth for SCP-040, and to keep subject as mentally
balanced as possible.

Addendum 040-04: Tests have begun to examine SCP-040's effect on dead

humans. Although SCP-040 had originally expressed distaste at such an
action, she has agreed to undertake the activity. All subjects were not
resurrected, but remade into completely new organisms, with no trace of
the mindset of the original subject.

Addendum 040-05: SCP-040 occasionally talks to SCP-182, and has

expressed a liking of the subject, blushing when SCP-182 is either
mentioned, or enters the same room.

Document 040-1048: "Agent ██████ was expressly told to confess to any

deep desires or urges he had. Tell him he can stop being a research
subject if he's able to stop exuding gold from his fingernails and hair."

Document 040-1049: "So… Agent █████████ is physically the exact same….

except for the fact he's now a woman. Well… monitor him for a month or
two, and then let him… her, come back to work. And revoke her access to
SCP-113, she's made her bed."

Document 028/005/150/040/151: Agent ███████ was exposed to SCP-028,

but displayed no effects. Two days later Agent ███████ acquired SCP-005
and used it to acquire SCP-150, then made his way to SCP-040's chamber.
Upon Agent ███████'s entering the chamber, SCP-040 reacted, and Agent
███████ was transformed into [DATA EXPUNGED ]. Agent ███████ (now
classified as SCP-151-D) left SCP-005 and SCP-150 in SCP-040's chamber
and proceeded to leave the compound. Though not met with violence from
SCP-151-D, all attempts at containment failed.

SCP-151-D has been recently contained by Mobile Task Force Omega-7.

Addendum 040-06: It has been hypothesized that SCP-148 would be capable

of halting the SCP-040's unconscious telepathy. Tests are pending with
approval. (approved)

Addendum 040-07: Experimentation between SCP-040 and SCP-148 has proven

Dr. Rupert's hypothesis. SCP-040 must now wear a hair band or other head
ornamentation constructed of SCP-148 at all times, allowing the subject
to interact with any person regardless of their interests or
psychological state. It will also prevent incidents such as the SCP-151-D
Creation Incident from happening so easily again.

Addendum 040-08: Testing involving SCP-040 and her control over her
abilities have commenced.

Addendum 040-09: Due to a freak miscalculation regarding placement of

SCP-040's hairband during routine testing, The Fishmonger was
accidentally exposed to SCP-040 for several minutes. Inexplicably, no
changes to Fish's physical body occurred. When asked about this anomaly,
Fish merely shrugged.

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