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Item #: SCP-032

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-032 is

to be stored in a spherical vacuum, at 0.000023
degrees Kelvin. The artifact is to be accompanied
by a single temperature-shielded 100-watt bulb.
SCP-032 will slowly accelerate and begin its
orbit of the bulb, and although speed and size of
the orbit varies, it is most often found rotating
at 0.5 RPM, and at a distance of two hundred
eighty (280) centimeters.
Figure A: a realistic
Any interaction with SCP-032 requires O5 replica of SCP-032.
clearance, and is to be participated in by Level
4 agents only. This includes transportation, or
modification/maintenance of its storage container.

Description: SCP-032 is roughly spherical, with an approximate diameter

of 5cm (2in), and appears to be a close replica of planet Earth. The
object is animated, and has its own self-contained ecosystem. It spins on
our earth's same axis, but undergoes only seasonal change that is
directly enacted upon it through introduction of bright light to its

There are many differences between the geography of our Earth, and that
of SCP-032. Most notably, the complete exclusion of Greenland, and
subsequent redesign of the tiny planet's ocean currents. Further detail
has been submitted to the administration, database release pending.

Physical interaction with SCP-032 has seen a direct result on our Earth.
These manifest as natural occurrences, varying in intensity from barely
detectable, to very minor. The cause is always related by nature to the
effect. Direct touch can cause a local earthquake. Extreme proximity to a
light source can cause a drought in the most heavily-lit area. A full
write up on these effects is also pending release.

Additional Notes: Mishandling of SCP-032 has been the direct cause of

some natural disasters. We cannot stress enough, that correct care be
taken in the transportation and upkeep of this artifact.

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