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Item #: SCP-050

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: So far,

all attempts to contain SCP-050 have proven
fruitless1. At present time, whoever has
possession of SCP-050 is to leave it in an
office they use with regularity2.

Description: SCP-050 appears to be a statue

of a monkey reading a book, approximately one
foot3 tall. On the bottom of the statue are
engraved the words "To The Cleverest," in
cursive script.

The statue has so far proven resistant to all forms of damage4. As such,
there is no accurate method to date the object.

When left alone, 050 has proven to be a mixed blessing to its current
owner5. Although never seen to move, no matter the manner or amount of
recordings, any room it is left in becomes very clean, to a polish
whenever possible. Paperwork is filed, trash is emptied, and in general,
clutter is removed. However, this SCP also seems to take a perverse
thrill in leaving traps for its owner, little pranks that are not
discovered until too late.

1: Testing to contain SCP-050 has been discontinued at this time.

2: Attempts to leave SCP-050 in unused offices have resulted in 050
following the researcher home. This is a violation of regulations, and
not to be allowed.
3: One of the quirks of this SCP is that no matter what form of
measurement is used, any recording of said measurements will quickly be
replaced by the Customary System measurements.
4: Attempts to damage SCP-050 have resulted in increasingly lethal
'pranks.' As of this writing, destruction testing is discontinued.
5: See Document 050.

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