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Item #: SCP-048

Object Class: None(see description)

Special Containment Procedures: The number SCP-048 is to be retired

from the SCP catalog. No future SCPs are to be created using this number.

Description: SCP-048 has long been considered the "cursed SCP number" by
the staff: any objects given this designation tend to be lost, destroyed,
decommissioned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the Foundation, usually by
no fault of any individual person. In addition, personnel assigned to
SCP-048 in its various incarnations have had a 50% higher rate of
turnover due to death, dismemberment, and disciplinary action.

Whether or not the number 048 actually has any supernatural qualities is
unknown, but given the superstition around this number, the designation
has been removed from the catalog in order to help maintain employee

Addendum 1: This is ridiculous. I'll prove to you superstitious bastards

that you're all just being pussies. The restriction on SCP-048 is now
removed and assigned to [DATA EXPUNGED ]. - Dr. Cortez.

Addendum 2: SCP-048, [DATA EXPUNGED ], was accidentally thrown into the

trash this morning and lost. In an unrelated incident, Dr. Cortez's arms
were accidentally traumatically amputated in a horrific lunchroom blender
accident. SCP-048 closed. - O5-11

Addendum 3: SCP-048 has been once again removed from the archives,
after it was highly apparent that no such "Vampyre Boat" had ever
existed, much less come under Foundation control. It's currently believed
that this error occurred when a low level researcher attempted to save
his "awesome story idea" to his hard drive, instead overwriting the blank
slot reserved for SCP-048. Said researcher has been removed from any and
all archival duties for the time being. - O5-11

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