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Item #: SCP-029

Object Class: Euclid (Keter class currently

being considered)

Special Containment Procedures: Standard

biological containment and contamination
procedures must be observed when handling
SCP-029. When attached, both SCP-029 and its
host are to be under twenty four (24) hour armed
guard. Host is to be terminated at the first
inclination of violence, mood swing or at any
sign of the host attempting to remove or damage
SCP-029. Guards themselves are instructed not to
damage SCP-029 under threat of execution.

Description: SCP-029 is a prosthetic arm made

of iron, created for a German knight, Götz von
Berlichingen, in 1504, when he lost his right Figure A: Late-18th Century
arm below the elbow to enemy cannon fire. At Sketch of SCP-029.
some point, the artificial limb acquired a
biological component unknown before 1836.
Resembling a gauntlet from a suit of armor, it was thought to contain
mummified tissue within it until a museum researcher reached into
SCP-029. After painfully excising the researcher's hand, the mummified
flesh within came to life, complete with blood flow, respiration and a
cardiovascular system.

SCP-029 is classified as a symbiotic/parasitic entity. As a prosthesis,

SCP-029 appears to have both mechanical components consisting of hinges,
springs and wire pulleys and biological attributes like bone, sinew and
muscle fiber. Bone resembling rows of teeth line the opening of the
gauntlet and it readily attaches to any limb presented to the opening. It
painfully cleaves the flesh of its host and integrates itself into the
nervous and cardiovascular system of its human symbiote. Within a few
minutes, the human host has the ability to make general manipulations to
the prosthesis and within seven (7) to ten (10) days SCP-029 becomes a
fully functional limb. The hand portion of the prosthesis is several
times stronger than an average humans and is capable of bending
construction quality steel rods several centimeters thick. The flesh,
bone and muscle making up the biologic portion for SCP-029 appears to
contain human DNA. Though sequencing has produced several disparities
that may be viral in origin.
If damaged, SCP-029 repairs or heals itself though an unknown process. If
the metal gauntlet is damaged, iron used to repair or replace the damaged
area is taken from iron found in the host's blood cells. SCP-029 does
this at great expense to the host, with little observable concern to the
health of its human. In return, it's believed that SCP-029 secretes
hormones into its human symbiote which increase the overall strength and
endurance of host by encouraging muscle and tissue development.
Unfortunately, the human host experiences psychological effects observed
as amplified emotional states, delusions of grandeur and belief that
he/she is invincible, though this has been more observable in some and
less in others.

Research on the origin of SCP-029, its prolonged effects on hosts and

efforts to duplicate its abilities are currently being implemented.

Addendum: The apparent congruences between SCP-029 and SCP-047 have led
toward combined research efforts to explain the similarities between the
two. However, research has been hindered after Incident-029/047A, in
which hosts armed with either object attacked one another and caused
considerable damage to Armed Research Site-45, which resulted in numerous
deaths and failure of facility containment.

When in the presence of Host-029, Host-047 becomes aggressive and violent

and makes attempts to destroy SCP-029 and its host, regardless of the
previous relationship between either host. Though both hosts involved in
Incident-029/047A were successfully terminated by SCP forces, the
differences between SCP-029 and SCP-047 became exaggerated.


● The most obvious effect SCP-029 has on its host is the incredible
speed, strength and agility the host exhibits. During the events of
the Incident, Host-029 (#0071 actual) was able to maintain composure
and coherency, and attempted to work with SCP forces to contain
SCP-047 and its host.
● The host of SCP-029 (#0071 actual) is officially listed as
"Terminated." SCP-029 and the "body" of its host are currently
located at [DATA EXPUNGED ].


● The host of SCP-047, became unstable and incoherent during the

Incident, speaking in an unknown language. Researchers using
recordings of audio have not been able to translate. Host-047 (#0561
actual) was not known to have violent tendencies before acquisition
of SCP-047. Before said Incident, Host-047 (#0561 actual) was
responsible for fourteen (14) attacks, and two (2) breaches of
● Host used object abilities to absorb metal barricades and equipment
to form melee weapons of various shapes and sizes.
● Even after host had been terminated, SCP-047 attempted locomotion
and destruction of SCP-029.
● SCP-047 has no biological component, as apparent when it maneuvered
free of its deceased host.

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