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Item #: SCP-052

Object Class: Keter (Previously classified as

Euclid until Incident 052-1. See addendum for

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-052, in

its current state, does not appear to require any
extensive containment. The only procedures
required, as of now, are that SCP-052 may not be
observed by any personnel lower than Level 3, and
that it be kept in a five (5) by five (5) meter
containment room, on a four (4) foot tall pedestal.

Description: SCP-052 appears to be a vintage,

untouched snow globe dating back to the year 1950
(approx.). SCP-052 was discovered in a run-down, abandoned laboratory in

SCP-052 has the ability to change the weather of any city it selects,
regardless of season. When any staff are within a five (5) foot radius of
SCP-052, it does not perform any physical modification. When personnel
are not inside the containment room of SCP-052, they report the sound of
churning from an unknown mechanical structure. When one (1) staff member
enters the room after the reported sounds, the visual properties of
SCP-052 have changed, in terms of the city within it and the climate in
the background.

After the physical traits of SCP-052 are altered, if personnel shake the
snow globe then the weather in the area within the globe is immediately
changed to the weather displayed. Evidence of this was shown on
[DATA EXPUNGED ], when SCP-052 had shown Site 19 with small twirls in the
characteristics of cartoon wind. When a Level 3 agent shook SCP-052, Site
19 and the surrounding areas instantly experienced harsh winds for
approximately three (3) hours. These incidents have occurred on multiple
occasions, and how SCP-052 has records of so many locations, secret or
not, is currently being researched. It is also being studied as to why
SCP-052 refuses to execute any visual shifting actions while any sentient
life forms are within the vicinity. SCP-052’s origins are currently

Addendum: “SCP-052 has now had its Security Clearance upgraded to Level
3. This is due to the carelessness of 2, now terminated, Level 1
personnel. Please note, all Level 3 staff, that if SCP-052 depicts
various natural disasters as the weather, DO NOT SHAKE IT! The incident,
classified as 052-1, will heretofore be referred to as ‘Hurricane
Katrina’ within the public domain. Thank you.” - Dr. Klein.

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