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Part C : 1.

We often got on the minibus to school , but no we don’t

The minibus ………………………………………………….to achool ( collect )
2. Sending messages around the world instantly is nolonger unusual ( got )
We ……………………………………………………………messages around the world instantly
3. This is the first time my father took me to a concert
My father …………………………………………………………………………………… ( never )
4. We cleaned up the ground because we wanted to hold a party there
a. We cleaned the ground …………………………………………………………a party there ( in )
b. We cleaned the ground …………………………………………………………a party there ( as )
c. We cleaned the ground …………………………………………………………………a party there ( that )
5. The festival is gripping for him
He finds ………………………………………………………….the festival ( take )
6. People said that my daughter was driving when the accident happened ( to )
My daughter ………………………………………………………………..when the accident happened
7. I bet you were exhausted after such a long journey ( must ) ( bet = thề )
You ………………………………………………………….after such a long way
8. It was wrong of you to drive too fast ( ought )
You …………………………………………………….too fast
9. The baby is crying because the dog ate his cake
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ( happened )
173. / arrival / airport / John / felt / little / disappoint / when / no one / come / pick / up
174. Peter / not / feel / satisfy / now job , so / have / always / a / complaint / it
175. Many / vegetable / flower / grow / late winter / early spring
176. They/ ask / us / whether / we/ out / fire / next / fence / day / before
177. boss / showed / appreciation / quality / product / always / impression / his staff

9. ……………….…..(n) = gió 13. ………………... ( n) = đồng bằng

………………….. (n) = không khí ………………….(n) = đất , đất đai
10. ………………… (n) = hồ nhân tạo ………………….(n) = đồng ruộng
………………… (n) = hồ nước ………………… (n) = sa mạc
………………… (n) = vũng nước 14. ………………. (adj) = tuyệt chủng
………………… (n) = ao nước ………………. (adj) = bị đe dọa
11. ………………… (n) = sấm 15. ………………… (n)= chất thải
………………… (n) = tia chớp …………...….(n)= rác rưởi (loại như giấy vụn)
12. ………………. (adj) = toàn cầu ………………… (n)= đồ bỏ đi , rác
………………. (adv/adj)=khắp thế giới

= yêu cầu = làm buồn , làm mất hy vọng

= hủy = cho cái gì là do
= (thời tiết) cải thiện = dập tắt( lửa)
= cô lập , ngắt kết nối = bắt đầu và tiếp tục
( điện , điện thoại )
= giảm dần = viết tắc
= tân trang = phá hủy
= chấp nhận và cố gắn giải quyết = vức bỏ
BTVN : viết lại câu : 71 - If there is a fire, you must stay calm.
EVENT In ......................................................................................................., you must stay calm.
72 I advise you not to go out in this hailstorm.
BEITER You .................................................................................................. out in this hailstorm.
73 These two cameras look the same to me.
DIFFERENCE I can not .......................................-..................................................... these two cameras.
74 She regrets ever having married him.
WISHES She .............................................................................................................................. him.
75 Appearing in public is natural to him.
USED He ....................................................................................................................... in public.
76 "Of course I didn't give them your phone number," she said to me.
HAVING She ..................................................................................................... my phone number.
77 Will there ever be an opportunity for me to meet him in person?
CHANCE Will I ever ................................................................................................ him in person?
78 It's time the government abolished that law.
AWAY It's time ............................................................................................................... that law.
79 It's possible that he hasn't received the bill.
MAY He .......................................................................................................................... the bill.
80 The detective could no longer see the suspect when he entered the building.
SIGHT The detective ............................................. the suspect when he entered the building
Unit 20- II, III

hard to do = khó khi làm gì đó prevent sth from happening = ngăn cản không cho cái gì đó xảy ra
TEST 1 : PART 1 : 0. along / much / lots / far

PART 2 : Write one word in each gap : 0. to

PART 3 :
PART 4 :

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