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E:Good afternoon Ricardo

X:Good afteroon

E:Can you tall me about a person you admayer?

X:yes, of course My older brother He´s my inspiration!

E:cool! What dis hi du?

X:He´s a good doctor

E:Fantastic! What is the dily rutin dat hi dass? what tim du yu ushualy get ap?
X:My brother wakes up at 6:30 and goes running at 7, I get up at seven o'clock

E:Ameizing! and you sher brekfast with yur brother?

X:Yes, sometimes, at 7:30 we take a shower and at 8 o'clock we have breakfast; I have
breakfast: toast, eggs, orange juice and a coffee and my brother has breakfast: toast,
avocado and his tea.

E:what dos your brother du after brekfast? what is your workplace?

X:At half past ten my brother goes to work in his car. He works at the Honorio Delgado
hospital from 11.15 to 8.30

E:interesting, what taim and whir heiv lunch?

X: My brother has lunch at work at two in the afternoon.

E:What time does your brother liiv work?

X:He leaves work at half past eight

E:What does your brother do after work?

X:I guess checking his patient list or going out with his friends

E:And what time does your brother have dinner?

X:he has dinner at nine o'clock.

E:does your brother go to bid irly?


E:And what time does your brother go to bed?

X:he goes to bed around half past ten.

E:thanks for your time, bye

X: thanks.
E:Good afternoon Ricardo
X:Good afternoon
E:Can you tell me about a person you admire?
X:yes, of course My older brother He´s my inspiration!

E:cool! What does he do?

X:He´s a good doctor

E:Fantastic! What is the daily routine that he does? what time do you usually get up?
X:My brother wakes up at 6:30 and goes running at 7, I get up at seven o'clock

E:Amazing! and you share breakfast with your brother?

X:Yes, sometimes, at 7:30 we take a shower and at 8 o'clock we have breakfast; I have
breakfast: toast, eggs, orange juice and a coffee and my brother has breakfast: toast,
avocado and his tea.

E:what does your brother do after breakfast? what is your workplace?

X:At half past ten my brother goes to work in his car. He works at the Honorio Delgado
hospital from 11.15 to 8.30

E:interesting, what time and where do you have lunch?

X: My brother has lunch at work at two in the afternoon.

E:What time does your brother leave work?

X:He leaves work at half past eight

E:What does your brother do after work?

X:I guess checking his patient list or going out with his friends

E:And what time does your brother have dinner?

X:he has dinner at nine o'clock.

E:does your brother go to bed early?


E:And what time does your brother go to bed?

X:he goes to bed around half past ten.

E:thanks for your time, bye

X: thanks.

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