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This chapter presents the background of the study, problem of the study,

objective of the study, hypothesis of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation

of the study and definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is the profound basic material in learning English. It is one element

that links the four abilities of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. “A
word is a microcosm of human consciousness” (Vygotsky in Thornbury, 2002: 1). In
order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate
number of words and know how to use them accurately. There are many methods that
have been used to learn vocabulary. According to McCarten (2007: 20-25) there are
some methods in teaching vocabulary with focus on vocabulary; offer variety; repeat and
recycle; provide opportunities to organize vocabulary; make vocabulary learning
personal; do not over do it; helping students become independent learners in and out of
class; vocabulary notebooks; research tools; and everyday usage.
Based on the researcher teaching practicum in Madrasah Aliyah Ikatan
Persaudaraan Haji Indonesia (MA IPHI) Pamarican Ciamis District, the researcher found
an interesting case about English subject. In the first meeting, the researcher asked their
opinion about English subject. The students show they feel hard to learn English. It is
caused of internal and external factor. The internal factors are the motivation and the
mind-set of the students. They have no motivation in learning English deep and they set
their mind that English is not fun, hard to learn and their words bank is less. The external
factors are the teacher still used conventional method and the facilities are not enough to
fulfill the learning 2 process. This conventional method means the teacher just delivered
the material, and then asked the students to find the meaning of words in dictionary
without any simulation. After the class activity finished, the students tend to be easier to
forget the meaning of words. Then the school facilities are not appropriate, such as
uncompleted book, unavailable language laboratory and another alternative media. The
students opinion can be seen in appendix II.
Concerning teaching vocabulary, the researcher found that games-based learning
can be effective to help teacher deliver a material to students. According to Edtech
(2013) Game Based Learning (GBL) is a type of game play that has defined learning
outcomes. Generally, Game Based Learning is designed to balance subject material with
game play and the ability of the player to retain and apply said subject material to the
real world. As Rusmajadi (2010: 267) said “games are one way to engage learners in
learning teaching process. Besides it has fun, games drill everyone and bridge the
awkwardness of class situation”.
One of the games that can drill the learner is monopoly. Since for long time,
monopoly has already existed and become the bestseller game. Based on Encyclopædia
Britannica (2013), monopoly is a real-estate board game for two to eight players and the
player’s goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing the rivals into bankruptcy by
buying and developing pieces of property in it. Monopoly has patented in 1935 by Parker
Brothers. The game has a four side and each side of the square board is divided into 10
small rectangles representing specific properties, railroads, utilities, a jail, and various
other places and events. 3 The researcher assumes that monopoly can help the students to
learn English by modifying it. The game emphasizes on specific property, cards, and
rules. The game will be modified and adapted to the needs in learning English
vocabulary by adding properties and rules as well. The material of game will follow the
syllabus and textbook from school. This media believed to be able stimulate the students
in memorizing English vocabularies. However it needs further observation in order to be
an accountable. The research of the use modified monopoly games in learning
vocabulary has been conducted by Wirasaputra (2013) in “Efektivitas Penggunaan Papan
Monopoly Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Jepang (Experimen di
The result of study shows that there is a significant improvement of students’
vocabulary mastery of Japanese after getting treatments. After the researcher read the
study of “Efektivitas Penggunaan Papan Monopoly Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan
Kosakata Bahasa Jepang”, the researcher was interested in doing the study of using
modified monopoly game for English vocabulary. Using modified monopoly game is
aimed to help the students learning English language and master the vocabulary by doing
and experiencing by themselves. According the explanation above, the researcher
attempts to perform a research entitled “The Use of Monopoly Vocabularry Games in
Improving Student Vocabulary Mastery (An Experimental Study at Eighth Grade of
Junior High School in Kecamatan Licin)

Based on the background above, it is necessary to do a study on the process of

teaching vocabulary at Junior high school in kecamatan licin. The general question is;

“How to improve students’ vocabulary using monopoly game?” To specify the problem,

the specific research questions are:

1. How is the students’ mastery on vocabulary before taught by using monopoly


2. How is the students’ mastery on vocabulary after taught by using monopoly


3. Is there any significant difference between student’s mastery on vocabulary before

taught by using monopoly game and after taught by using monopoly game?

B. Objective of the Study

Based on the problems above, the general purpose of this study is to describe the

teaching learning process to improve the students’ vocabulary using monopoly game.

1. To know the students’ mastery on vocabulary before using monopoly game.

2. To know the students’ mastery on vocabulary after using monopoly game.

3. To know the difference of students’ mastery on vocabulary between before and

after taught by using monopoly game.

C. Hypothesis of the Study

1. The Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no difference in the students’ mastery on vocabulary before and after

taught by using monopoly game.

2. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is significant difference in the students’ mastery on vocabulary before

taught by using monopoly game and after taught by using monopoly game.

D. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to give positive contribution for school,

teacher and students. So they can use it as guidance for better learning process.

First, the result of this study for the school is giving the information about the

technique in making the learning variation to improve students’ vocabulary.

Second, for the teacher is giving the information to the teacher about the situation

of English class, giving information to the teacher about readiness and the critical level

of the students and as the material of evaluation for the teacher to improve the students’

The last, the result of the students is as the effort to improve the students’

vocabulary and the effort to raise the intelligence and the competency of the students


E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is to describe the process of improving vocabulary by using monopoly

game at Junior High School In Kecamatan Licin. The analysis is focused on the

technique chosen by the teacher to improve the students’ vocabulary using monopoly

game. Dealing with the ways to select the technique, to present the material and the

students’ response toward the technique.

This study is limited on the description of applying monopoly game. The object
of the research is Eight graders of Junior Highschool in Kecamatan Licin. There is Five
Junior High school In kecamatan licin namely that is :
2. MTs. Nahdlatul Wathan
3. SMP Sunan Giri
4. SMPN 2 Licin
5. MTs Al Amien
6. MTs Nahdlatud Thullab
7. SMP 1 Atap
Researcher choosen 2 Junior Highschool for Observation That is SMPN 1 LICIN and
The reason of choosing Eighth graders as the object is because they must be
motivated to master English skill especially at vocabulary. Having motivation, they will
study harder
to work the problem of English out at Ninenth grade easily.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of

the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write.1

2. Monopoly

Monopoly game is the one of game in which the players compete to collect money

as much as possible. The players take a turn by flipping the dice and move around the

game board based on the number of the dice. The players will through partition of

question that will be answered by the players. 2 The vocabulary in this game is about the

economic activities and the public places.


In this chapter, the writer describes the research methodology; it consist of

research design, place and time of the research, the population, variable, data and data

sources, data collecting method and instrument, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

The research design in this study is experimental research. According to Best,

experimental research provides a systematic and logical method for answering the

questions. The researcher manipulates certain stimuli, treatments, or environmental

conditions and observes how the conditions and observes how the condition or behavior

of the subject is affected or changed.3

An experiment involves the comparison of the effects of a particular treatment

with that of different treatment or of no treatment. In a simple conventional experiment

reference is usually made to an experimental group and to a control group.4

This research is intended to investigate the influence of monopoly game as media

in teaching vocabulary for the Eighth year students of Junior High School in Kecamatan

Licin. The research design used by the researcher is pre-experimental design in the form

of one-group, pretest-posttest design.

One-group, pretest-posttest design provides some improvement over the first, for

the effects of the treatment are judged by the difference between the pre-test and the

posttest scores. No comparison with a control group is provided.5

B. Place and Time of the Research

Place of the research is a place of the study process which is used to get the

problem solving of the research is happened.6 In this research, the researcher chooses

Junior Highschool In Kecamatan Licin (SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2 LICIN), because

on the Junior Highschool In Kecamatan Licin (SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2 LICIN)

researcher’s opinion, the students have enthusiasm in English but sometimes they have

difficulties to improve their vocabulary and difficult to understand the meaning of the

words. The research was done in May 20.

C. The Population

According to Sugiono, population is the object/subject that has some qualities

and characteristics that are chosen to be learnt and to be studied by the researcher. 7 In

this research, the researcher researches the Junior Highschool In Kecamatan Licin

(SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2 LICIN) because they have many vocabularies and they

are more familiar with some words than other classes under this class. The population of

this class is 17 students. The researcher didn’t choose the sixth graders because they will

have final examination.


D. Variable, Data and Data Sources

1. Variable

According to Best, variables are conditions or characteristics that the

experimenter manipulates, controls, or observes.8 There are two variables in this

research, they are:

a. Independent Variable (X)

The independent variables are the conditions or characteristics that the

experimenter manipulates in his or her attempt to ascertain their relationship to

observed phenomena.9 In this research, the independent variable is the use of

monopoly game.

b. Dependent Variables (Y)

The dependent variables are the conditions or characteristics that appear,

disappear, or change as the experimenter introduces, removes, or changes

independent variables. The dependent variables are the measured changes in pupil

performance attributable to the influence of the independent variables.10 In this

research, the dependent variable is students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. Data and Data Sources

Data is a note of facts or information that will be processed in the research’s

activity. There are two kinds of data:

Primary data is the data that are collected by the researcher directly. 11 As the

primary data in this research were the students’ score of pretest and posttest.

Secondary data is the data that are collected by the researcher indirectly, such as

documentation.12 The secondary data in this research got from person, place and

paper. The secondary data in this research were the documents about the conditions

and situations of the school.

E. Data Collecting Method and Instrument

Data collecting method is the method that is used by the researcher to collect

data.13 To collect the data, the researcher uses instrument. Instrument is the tool that is

used to get the data.14 The use of valid instrument is very essential to determine the

validity of data. In this study, the methods used are test and documentation.

1. Test

According to Ary and friends as quoted in Sukardi, a test is a set of stimuli

presented to individual in order to elicit response on the basis of which a numerical

score can be assigned.15 In this research, test is used as a main method. The test was

given to all Eighth Grade Junior Highschool In Kecamatan Licin (SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2

LICIN). The questions of the test are 25. The test items of pretest are different with the

posttest but similar in their level. The form of the test is made in the form of multiple

choices. The students must choose the correct answer. The score for each item is 4, so

all scores are 100. The test will be done twice, pretest and posttest.

a. Pretest



Pretest is a test that is given to all fifth graders at Eighth Grade Junior Highschool

In Kecamatan Licin (SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2 LICIN) .to measure their ability before

treatment process (teaching by using monopoly game). This test was given to

know the basic competence for all students and to know their earlier knowledge

before they get treatment.

b. Posttest

Posttest is a test that is given to all fifth graders at SDI Qurrota A’yun Ngunut,

Tulungagung after they get treatment (teaching by using monopoly game). It is

done to know the final score and to know the students’ difference competence

before and after they get treatment.

2. Documentation

Documentation is something written that is observed. In this study, the researcher

observed the names of the Eighth Grade Junior Highschool In Kecamatan Licin

(SMPN 1 LICIN And SMPN 2 LICIN). and written information about the school’s

condition as documents.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In managing and analyzing quantitative data collected from the research, the

researcher used quantitative data analysis, so the researcher analyzed the data by using

statistical technique. The research design that was used by the researcher is pre-

experimental design in the form of one-group pretest posttest design. To know the

significant difference, the data are analyzed by using the following formulation of ttest.16


MD = Means of difference (mean value of differences between Variable I Score

and Variable II Score) that can be found by using the formula:

MD =

ΣD = different value between Variable X and Variable Y, and D can be found by

the formula:

D = X-Y

N = Number of Cases= Amount of subject that we observe

SEM = Standard Error that can be found by using the formula:


√ N −1
SD D = Standard Deviation of score differences between Variable I and Variable II

that can be found by using:

2 2
SD D = Σ D − (Σ D) N = Number of cases
N (N )

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