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A. Background of the research

Learning English is a must in today's era. That is because we are living in

the twenty-first century that force us doing something by having the skills. It

makes people should have some skills such as mastering English.

As we know that English is one of the foreign languages that is

considered important and must be mastered by all people around the world

because English has a very strategic position, which is apart from being a means

of communication it is also a language of association between nations. In

addition, English is also the first foreign language which is considered important

for the purpose of accessing information, absorbing and developing science and


In Indonesia, English is a foreign language but it is as important as in

others country. The government put English as obligatory subject in the schools

in all levels. It is started from elementary school until the university. Every

students are needed to master English as a provision to face globalization era.

The teacher in carrying out learning, of course, has been preceded by

planning and teaching design by paying attention to all aspects of learning theory

related to strategies, models, methods, media and teaching materials. Good

teaching planning cannot guarantee the success of teachers in the learning

process. This is because it is influenced by many factors, one of the factors that is

often overlooked is the non-academic factors of teachers and students.

Before the researcher conducted this research, the researcher had made

observations in the school which was used as the research site. The researcher

submitted several questions to two English teachers and the questions submitted

were related to the methods used by the teacher and the vocabulary mastery of

the first-grade students in the school. From these questions, the researcher then

concluded that teachers rarely used game-based learning methods and that the

first-grade students' vocabulary mastery was still low, especially nouns, verbs,

and adverbs.

For this reason, the researcher took the initiative to examine this matter to

see whether a teacher who creatively implements word guessing game during

learning English will be attract students to improve their vocabulary.

There are many methods that usually done by teacher one of them is the

method based on Game. Game is an activity that has rules. The rules will govern

the game from start to finish.

Teaching by the game is one of the relax method that can be offered to

the students. One of the game is Word guessing game. Word guessing game is

the game that players compete to guess the name of a fictional character after

hearing the fewest hints. More and more obvious hints, worth fewer points, are

given until everyone knows the answer.

B. Scope of the research
This research focuses on the use of word guessing game to improve

students’ Vocabulary. Especially noun, verb, and adverb at MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

C. Statment of the problem

Based on the problem background above, the researcher formulates the

problem as follow:

To what extent does the use of Word guessing game improve students’



It is hypothesized that:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0) : The use of word guessing game will not improve

students’ vocabulary at MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha ): The use of word guessing game will improve

students’ vocabulary at MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

D. Objective of The Research

The objective of the research is to what extent the use of Word guessing

game improve students’ Vocabulary at MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

E. Significance of The Research

1. Theoretical Significance

The result of this research is hope be able to give understandeing in solving

the problem in teaching and learning English.

2. Practical significance

This research is hope be able to contribute to the:

a. Students

The students will be d to improve their vocabulary by the word guessing


b. Teachers

This research will be the reference for the teachers in teaching English in

the class.

c. Researcher

This research is hope to be the relevant previous research to the next



A. Theoretical Concepts

1. Definition of Game

Game is an activity that has rules. The rules will govern the game from

start to finish.

According to Wright, Betteridge, and Buckby (2006:1), game is an

activity which is entertaining and engaging, often challenging, and an activity

in which the learners play and usually interact with others.

They continued that Language learning is hard work. One must make

an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to adapt and to use newly

understood language in conversation and in written composition. Effort is

required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time.

Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work.

In another hand, Hadfield (1999:4) defined that a game is an activity

with rules, a good and element of fun. There are two kinds of game:

competitive game, in which players or team race to be the first to reach the

goal, and cooperative games, in which players or teams work together towards

a common goal.

A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless

optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy.

McGonigal (2011: 34). He continued that Playing a game is the voluntary

attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles (2011:28).

Based on the explanation of the experts above, the researcher argues

that games are very important in the learning process. that is because games

can make students more excited and maintain their enthusiasm for learning.

2. Word Guessing Game

word guessing game is a guessing game. The players must try to guess

the word from the description given by other friends. This game is played

with the card in groups of two or more.

Ludewing & Swan (2007:33) stated that Word Guessing Game is the

game that Players compete to guess the name of a fictional character after

hearing the fewest hints. More and more obvious hints, worth fewer points,

are given until everyone knows the answer.

According to Klippel (1984:35) the basic rule of guessing games is

eminently simple; one person knows something that another one wants to find

out. He continued that as the person, guessing has a real urge to find out

something, guessing games are true communicative situations and as such are

very important for foreign language learning. They are generally liked by

students of all ages because they combine language practice with fun and


Based on the explanation of the experts above, the researcher argues

that word guessing game is a guessing game played in groups by using

guessing cards.

3. Steps to play word guessing game

a. The teacher asks students to stand in pairs in front of the class.

b. A student is given a card measuring 10 x 10 cm which will be read to his

partner. Another student is given a card measuring 5x2 cm whose contents

cannot be read. This card is folded and placed on the forehead or tucked in

the ear.

c. While the student holding the 10x10 cm card reads the words written on it,

the partner guesses what is meant by the 10x10 cm card. The correct

answer is if it matches the contents of the card that is placed on the

forehead or ear.

d. If the answer is correct, the couple returns to their seats. If it is not right at

the set time, the teacher may direct in other words but do not immediately

give the answer. (Hamdayama, 2016:111)

4. Equipments needed in Word Guessing Games

In this equipment, Hamdayama (2016:111) described them into two kinds,

they are:

a. Make a card measuring 10x10 cm and fill in the characteristics or other

words that lead to the answer (term) on the card that you want to guess.

b. Make a card measuring 5x2 cm to write words or terms you want to guess

(this card will be put on the forehead or tucked in the ear).

5. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important thing in a language that should be

known by language learners. Language learners must memorize about the

formal words which used the language in daily communication. Without

vocabulary, people cannot say anything.

According to Hutton (2008:1) vocabulary consists of the words we

understand when we hear or read them (receptive vocabulary) and words we

speak or write (expressivevocabulary). We build vocabulary by picking up

words that we read or hear and through direct instruction from teachers or

other professionals. Knowing a variety of words is important for language

development and reading comprehension.

Hiebert and Kamil, (2005:3) defined that Oral vocabulary is the set of

words for which we know the meanings whenwe speak or read orally. Print

vocabulary consists of those words for which the meaning is known when we

write or read silently. These are important distinctions because the set of

words that beginning readers know are mainly oral representations.

While Lynch and Andesson, (2012:1) stated that Most of us feel that

our lack of second language vocabulary is an obstacle to more effective

communication and comprehension. Although some students seem to pick up

English vocabulary easily, the evidence from research is that learning new

words and structures of another language requires conscious mental effort.

Based on the experts’ explanation above, the researcher concludes that

vocabulary is the word which has the meaning, it consists of the words for the

meaning is known when we write or read.

6. Vocabulary Classes

The researcher identifies the vocabulary consist of vocabulary classes.

According to Thornburry (2002:3), vocabulary classes into one of eight

different words classes:

Nouns : Ball, Pieces, Record, Player

Pronouns : you, Them, our

Verbs : Like, Looking, Doing, To look

Adjectives : Old, Beautiful, New

Adverbs : beside, Up, Behind,

Prepositions : For, Like

Conjunctions : or, And

In terms of the meanings associated with these words classes, we can

make a crude division into two groups, there are words like for, and, them,

and to. That mainly contribute to the grammatical structure of the sentence.

Novia (2010: 15-200) explains those above vocabulary classes:

a. Nouns

Noun is a word that indicates the name of people, place, or name of

a thing. For examples: Anto, Hotel, and Book. While she classifies two

functions of noun:

Noun as a subject : The girls goes to school everyday

Noun as an object : He goes to library

b. Pronouns

Pronoun is a word that used to change a noun. The function of

pronoun is to avoid the repeating of a word in a sentence. For examples:

she, they, and who.

c. Adjectives

Adjective is a word that used to limit the use of noun with giving the

characteristic from that noun. For example: beautiful, smart, and long

d. Verbs

Verb is the word that indicates an act or a job that has been done, on

the process, or something that will be done. For example: work, stand,

speak and study.

e. Adverb

Adverb is a word that used to explain a verb, adjective, or other

words. For example: Here, yesterday, and above.

f. Prepositions

Preposition is a word that put before noun or pronoun to indicate

relation of both with other sentence. For example: behind, before, but, and


g. Conjunctions

Conjunction is a word function to relate word with word or sentence

with sentence. For example: and, or, and but.

7. Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is divided into two kinds, those are receptive vocabulary

and productive vocabulary. Hatch and Brown in Alqahtani (2015: 25)

explains two above kinds of vocabulary:

a. Receptive vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and

understand when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce.

It is vocabulary that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading

text but do not use it in speaking and writing

b. Productive vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and

can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It

involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak

or write at the appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be

addressed as an active process, because the learners can produce the words

to express their thoughts to others.

Based on the above two kinds of vocabulary by Alqahtani (2015:

25), the researcher concludes that receptive vocabulary is the vocabulary

that does not be used by the learners in their daily life but just finds in

reading text. Productive vocabulary is the vocabulary that always used by

the learners in their daily life for speaking.

8. The Importance of Vocabulary

As the researcher has discussed above about the definition of

vocabulary, it shows that vocabulary is very important in speaking, because

without vocabulary people could not speak.

According to Thornburry (2002: 13), without grammar very little can

be conveyed but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.

Pikulski and Templeton (2013: 5) in their journal about teaching and

developing vocabulary state that teaching vocabulary is to facilitate the

comprehension of a text that students will be assigned to read. If students do

not know the meaning of many of the word that thaey will encounter in the

text, their compromised. When the purpose of vocabulary instruction is to

facilitate the comprehension of selection, it is obvious that this instruction

must take place as an introduction before the reading of the selection.

Based on those above experts’ explanations, the researcher concludes

that vocabulary is really important because it is the main key to understand

more about English.

9. The Advantage of Vocabulary

In English especially in learning vocabulary, students will be

demanded to be mastery in using every words which in their own mine,

without much vocabulary they will get difficulties in arranging the sentences.

According to Hutton (2008:2), students may struggle to increase

vocabulary because of poor memory skills, difficultyusing word learning

strategies, or lack of instruction.This may be a result of a language and/or

learning disability, or poor instruction. Under these situations, schools can

administer a responseto intervention program (RtI). RtI will then determine if

the student requires additional instructionor special education services.

Contact your school district to find out its current response to intervention


Pikulski and Templeton (2004:4) stated that the amount of vocabulary

that children need to acquire each year is staggering in scope, estimated to be

about 3,000 words a year. Therefore, a comprehensive approach consisting of

the following components needs to be in place.

a. Use “instructional” read-aloud events.

b. Provide direct instruction in the meanings ofclusters of words and

individual words.

c. Systematically teach students the meaning ofprefixes, suffixes, and

root words.

d. Link spelling instruction to reading andvocabulary instruction.

e. Teach the effective, efficient, realistic use ofdictionaries, thesauruses,

and other referenceworks.

f. Teach, model, and encourage the application ofa word-learning


g. Encourage wide reading.

h. Create a keen awareness of and a deep interestin language and words

So, the advantage of vocabulary itself can be used in communication.

Without vocabulary, we cannot speak or write.

B. Relevant Previous Research

1. Nurdin (2016) about improving students’ vocabulary mastery using scramble

game (The Use Of Scramble Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

At SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate). The Objectives of this research is to know

whether the use of scramble game improve students’ vocabulary at the first

years students of SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate. Therefore the researcher

formulated the problem statement such as; does scramble game improve

students’ vocabulary. This research was conducted in the first Grade

students’ of SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate. The findings of the study showed

that using scramble game can improve students’ vocabulary.

2. Nurmayanti (2015) The Effectiveness of using game and Songs in teaching

English vocabulary to the second year of SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate. The

objective of this research is to known whether the use of game and songs

effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA Negeri 5 Kota

Ternate. In this research the researcher formulated the problem statement such

as; does the use of game and songs effective to improve students’ vocabulary

mastery of the second year at SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate. The result of this

study showed that the use of game and songs is effective to improve students’

vocabulary mastery. It is supported by statistical data which showed that the

score in the posttest is higher. Pretest (X1 = 557) less then posttest (X2 = 1286)

and t-test (10.46) exceeds the t-table (1.729). it means that H 1 is accepted and

H0 is rejected because there is a significant difference between posttest and


Both of these studies are relevant to the research to be carried out, the

two researchers conducted research with this title to determine the advantages

and disadvantages of the use of game to improve students' vocabulary

mastery. Both studies show that the use of game can improve students'

vocabulary mastery.



This chapter presents research design, research field, Population and

Sample, technique of data collection, technique of data analysis.

A. Research Method

This research is quantitative research which used pre-experimental

research design. The experimental research design consisted of pretest and

posttest. The purpose of this research was to compare the students before and

after giving treatment. The groups of pretest – posttest design can be

described as follows:

O1 X O2

O1 = the result of pretest (before giving treatment by using word

guessing game to improve students vocabulary).
X = in the treatment by using word guessing game.

O2 = the result of posttest (after giving treatment by using word guessing

game to improve students vocabulary. (Sugiyono, 2018:74)

B. Research Field

This research conducted at MAN 2 Kota Tidore and focus on the first

grade students in the class X/1 IPA.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is the area of generalization consists of object or subject

has quality and certain characteristic which is stated by the researcher to

learn and then to conclude (Sugiono.2018:80).

Population covers a whole of characteristic that has been possessed by

subject or certain object. So, the population of this research were 133

students in the first grade of MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

2. Sample

Sample is a half of the population that the researcher conducted the

research with experimental. Sugiono (2018:81) states sample is a part of

number and characteristic that is possessed on population. The researcher

use convenience sampling that consists of 25 students in the class X/I IPA

of MAN 2 Kota Tidore.

Convenience sample is sampling based on the availability of elements

and the ease of obtaining them. Samples were taken or selected because

the samples were at the right place and time.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

a. Instrument

The instrument is about noun, verb, and adverb. The instrument is

arranged with multiple choice. The multiple put the picture such as in the

treatment the researcher gave.

b. Data

The data is collected by using the procedures below:

1. Giving pretest

In the pretest, students are given the test of vocabulary and

they answer the questions based on the instrument before the

researcher gives the treatment of vocabulary and game.

2. Giving treatment

Treatment is the stage of research which the researcher teaches

the students about the material that the researcher conducted the

research. In the treatments, the researcher taught by applying word

guessing game. There are six meetings in this treatment.

3. Giving posttest

After giving treatment, the researcher give posttest to the

students to know students’ vocabulary improvement after teaching

them by word guessing game.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

Quantitative data analysis is a powerful research from, emanating in

part from the positivist tradition. It is often associated with large scale

research, but can also serve smaller scale investigation, with case study, action

research, correlation research and experiment. (Cohen, 2007:501).

The data is obtained from pretest and posttest. the procedures of

quantitative analysis as follows:

Before the data is analyzed by using t-count score, the researcher

corrects students’ result of pretest and posttest by following formula:

∑ thenumberofscoresobtained (…) x 100
∑ maximumnumberofscores( …)

After collecting the data of pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzes

the pretest and posttest result, and then researcher uses the formula as follows:



t = Guest scores

SXD = Standard error of mean differentiation

D = The difference between pretest and posttest

N = Total of sample

To analyze the above formula is show as follow:

1. Counting the differences (D) between x1 and x2 through formula bellow


2. Counting standard deviation of the differences

SD = ∑ D −D2


3. Counting standard error of means

√ N −1
4. Counting t-score


5. Level of significance is 0.05

(Gay, 2012)



In this chapter, the researcher will discuss about finding of the research and

discussion of the research.

A. Finding

In this research, researchers conducted treatment for 6 meetings. At the

first meeting, the researcher gave a pretest to the students, and at the second

meeting until the fifth meeting the researcher gave treatment, while at the last

meeting the researcher gave a posttest.

To do the treatment, the researcher applied a game-based method, namely

by applying word guessing games during the learning process. To play the game,

the researcher first gives lessons according to the lesson plans that have been made

by making the game a learning method.

The process of playing this game has been described in the previous

chapter, where students are asked to come to the front of the class in pairs, then

one student becomes a guesser and one of the students becomes the information

provider. Students who are assigned as guessers will be given a card with the name

of the object or thing being guessed written on.

when the researcher did the treatment, The students' vocabulary mastery in

each meeting has increased. It can be seen from the students who remember the

words used when playing word guessing games.

1. Data Analysis

After conducting the data, the researcher will analyze the data of pretest

and posttest. This analysis intends to find out the comparison between pretest

and posttest. The samples were 25 students, the data were analyzed by using

the formula of dependent t-test.

To categorize the results of the students' pretest and posttest, the

researcher used the categories in the table below.

Table 1
Classification of students’ scores

Score Category
85-100 Excellent
70-84 Good
55-69 Sufficient
40-54 low
< 40 poor

2. Comparing between pretest and posttest

Pretest is the test that given to determine students’ abilities before

giving the treatment about the material. Posttest is the test to get the data. The

researcher gave the students 20 questions that consist of multiple choice.

Table 2
Data of pretest
NO Sample Scores Category
1 NS 45 Low
2 AD 55 Sufficient
3 NS 45 Low
4 SI 50 Low

5 NMHH 45 Low
6 AS 65 Sufficient
7 MM 50 Low
8 NHA 40 Low
9 NAY 65 Sufficient
10 VL 60 Sufficient
11 ANK 50 Low
12 IFA 60 Sufficient
13 NI 50 Low
14 DS 55 Sufficient
15 YRA 45 Low
16 MRI 55 Sufficient
17 MF 45 Low
18 ARM 70 Good
19 FS 35 Poor
20 NM 45 Low
21 ST 45 Low
22 FA 45 Low
23 DS 60 Sufficient
24 FH 50 Low
25 NI 35 Poor
N=25 Σ= 1265

From the table above had showed that in the pretest, there are two
students obtained poor (< 40), fourteen students obtained low (40-54), eight
students obtained Sufficient (55-69), and only one student obtained good (70-
84), there is no student obtained excellent.

Based on the data above, the researcher concludes that the vocabulary
mastery of most students is still low.

While the posttest is a test given to students to determine the students'

vocabulary mastery after treatment. In the posttest, students are given several
questions as a pretest.

Table 3
Data of Posttest

NO Sample Scores Category
1 NS 70 Good
2 AD 75 Good
3 NS 65 Sufficient
4 SI 70 Good
5 NMHH 65 Sufficient
6 AS 80 Good
7 MM 70 Good
8 NHA 65 Sufficient
9 NAY 75 Good
10 VL 75 Good
11 ANK 70 Good
12 IFA 75 Good
13 NI 70 Good
14 DS 75 Good
15 YRA 70 Good
16 MRI 75 Good
17 MF 70 Good
18 ARM 85 Excellent
19 FS 65 Sufficient
20 NM 70 Good
21 ST 70 Good
22 FA 70 Good
23 DS 75 Good
24 FH 70 Good
25 NI 65 Sufficient
N=25 Σ= 1785

From the table above had showed that in the posttest, there are

nineteen students obtained good (70-84), one student obtained Excellent (85-

100), and five students obtained Sufficient, there is no student obtained low

and poor.

There is also a table that consist the data of comparison score between

pretest and posttest. The following data were obtained from the results of the

pretest and posttest 25 students who were given before and after treatment.

The following is the data obtained from 25 students:

Table 4
Pretest and Posttest

No Sample Posttest Pretest D D2

1 NS 70 45 25 625
2 AD 75 55 20 400
3 NS 65 45 20 400
4 SI 70 50 20 400
5 NMHH 65 45 20 400
6 AS 80 65 15 225
7 MM 70 50 20 400
8 NHA 65 40 25 625
9 NAY 75 65 10 100
10 VL 75 60 15 225
11 ANK 70 50 20 400
12 IFA 75 60 15 225
13 NI 70 50 20 400
14 DS 75 55 20 400
15 YRA 70 45 20 400
16 MRI 75 55 25 625
17 MF 70 45 20 400
18 ARM 85 70 15 225
19 FS 65 35 30 900
20 NM 70 45 20 400
21 ST 70 45 20 400
22 FA 70 45 20 400
23 DS 75 60 15 225
24 FH 70 50 20 400
25 NI 65 35 30 900
N=25 Σx2= 1785 Σx1= 1265 ΣD=500 ΣD =10,500

From the above data analysis, N=25 is the total of respondent, Σx 2=

1785 is the total results of posttest, Σx 1= 1265 is the total results of pretest,

ΣD= 500 is the result of X2 – X1 and ΣD2 =10,500 is the result of D2.

3. Analyzing Data

The researcher used dependent t-test analysis because the researcher just

took one group in this research, the formula is as follow:

1. Counting the differences between X1 and X2


X 1=

= 50.6

X 2=

= 71.4



= 20

2. Counting standard deviation of the difference

SD =
√ N
- D2

√ 25
- 202

= √ 420−400

= √ 20

= 4.47

3. Standard error of means

√ N −1
√ 25−1
√ 24
= 4.89

= 0.91

4. Counting t-score

t= SXD

= 0.91

= 21.97

5. To find out degree of freedom (df), the researcher uses the following


Df = N – 1

Df = 25 – 1

Df = 24

4. Analysis Of Data Pretest And Posttest

From the data of pretest and posttest by 25 students, it shows that there

is a development in their vocabulary mastery. The data pretest is (ΣX 1 = 1265)

and the data of posttest is (ΣX 2 = 1785). It means that the data of posttest

developed than the pretest. From the result of posttest and pretest is show that

t-count is higher than t-critic at 0.05 level of significant.

The pretest is the test that was given to the students before treatment,

while the posttest is the test that was given to the students after treatment. The

data was obtained from the research conducted by the researcher for one


Most of the respondents got a low score when the researcher gave the

pretest, but after being given treatment by applying word guessing game, in

the posttest all respondents answered the questions well and got good scores.

5. Mean and Standard of Deviation of the Students

The mean score of standard deviation of students’ pretest and posttest

is presented in following:

Table 5
Table of Mean Score, standard Deviation, Standard Error of mean of Pretest and

Test Mean score Standard Standard Error of

Deviation Mean
Pretest (X1) 50.6

4.47 0.91
Posttest (X2) 71.4

The above table shows that the mean score of students’ pretest is 50.6

and the mean score of posttest is 71.4 The standard deviation is 4.47 The

standard error of mean is 0.91

6. T- Statistical

In order to know difference between pretest and posttest is statistically

significant, the t-test statistical analysis. The result of the t-statistical is 21.97.

Table 6
Table of T-statistical and Critical Values

Variable T-statistical T- Critical Value

X/1-IPA 21.97 1,711

From the above table, the researcher concludes that t- statistical value

= 21.97 is higher than critical value = 1,711 at the significant level of 0.05.

The alternative hypothesis (Ha) stating that the use of word guessing game

will improve student’ vocabulary is accepted, the null hypothesis (H0) stated

that the use of word guessing game will not improve student’ vocabulary is

rejected by using level significance 0.05. It means that word guessing game

significant in improving students’ vocabulary. The researcher uses the

following formula:

If t-count> t-critic, so (Ha) is accepted and (H0) is rejected.

If t-count < t-critic, so (Ha) is rejected and (H0) is accepted.

7. Hypothesis testing

The research applied dependent t-test on the hypothesis test at 0.05

level of significance and the formula for degree of freedom (df) is N-1, the

number pairs minus one. To find out degree of freedom (df) the research using

the following formula:

df = N-1

df = 25-1

df = 24

Df = 24 (see table of t-critic at the degree of significance of 0.05) at the

degree of significant 0.05 = 1.711.

t-count = 21.97

t-count > t-critic

the result is 21.97 > 1,711

Based on the result above the researcher conclud that t-count = 21,97

while t-critic = 1,711, t-count was higher than t-critic. it means that the

alternative hypothesis stating that the use of word guessing game will student

in improving vocabulary is accepted and null hypothesis stating that the use of

word guessing game will not student in improving vocabulary is rejected by

using level of significance 0.05.

From the data result above, the researcher conclude that there is

significance between pretest and posttest of the students’ vocabulary before

and after treatment by using word guessing game. It means that word guessing

game significant in improving students’ vocabulary.

B. Discussion

This research found students’ vocabulary understanding before giving

treatment was low. There is no student obtained excellent (85-100), two students

obtained poor (< 40), fourteen students obtained low (40-54), eight students

obtained Sufficient (55-69), and only one student obtained good (70-84), After

treatment, students’ vocabulary got developing.

In the posttest, there are nineteen students obtained good (70-84), one student

obtained Excellent (85-100), and five students obtained Sufficient, there is no

student obtained low and poor.

Based on the data analysis, the t-statistical value 21.97 is higher than critical

value 1,711 at the significant level 0.05 and the degree of freedom 24 with one

tailed test. In other words, word guessing game students in improving vocabulary.

The total score of pretest is 1.265 and the total score of posttest is 1.785. That

result proofs that word guessing game may influence their vocabulary to be

improved. It is also based on the experience when the researcher gave the

treatment where the students’ vocabulary was improved every step of treatment.

This research shows that word guessing games can improve students'

vocabulary mastery. This can be seen from the data obtained from the tests given

and the results of the analysis using the t-count.

The results of this research is in line with the arguments presented by

Priyonggo D.A (2010: 10) that “games are not only fun for children, but also

have enormous benefits for students. One of them is gaining learning experiences.

Playing can develop students' imagination. This will make students' appreciation

when playing become more meaningful. In addition, by playing, children have

developed creativity, children often find new experiences and things which will

then be applied in daily life”.

Based on the above arguments, the researcher concludes that the application

of the game in this research is the word guessing game which has an influence on

students. Students can improve their vocabulary with the experience they have

gained. By applying word guessing games students become more comfortable and

effective in following the learning process.



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis and the discussion in the

previous chapter, it can be concluded that the improvement of the first

students at MAN 2 Tidore in vocabulary through word guessing game is

significantly improved.

This is supported by statistical data which show that the mean score in

the posttest is higher than pretest. Posttest (71.4) is greater than in Pretest

(50.6) and t-test (21.97) exceeds the t-table (1.711). It means that (Ha) was

accepted and (H0) was rejected because there is a significant difference

between students posttest and pretest scores.

B. Limitation of the Research

In this research, the researcher carried out the following limitations:

1. There are two variables in the research title:

a. Independent variable: the Use Of Word Guessing Game To Students

b. Dependent variable : Improving Vocabulary

2. The ample in this research is 25 students in the class X / I IPA of MAN 2


3. This research was conducted at MAN 2 Tidore, Tidore City, Nort Maluku.

4. Researcher use pretest and posttest as instruments to collect the data. The

instrument is about nouns, verbs, and adverbs. This instrument is arranged

with multiple choice.

C. Suggestions

Some suggestions are put forward based on the conclusion above as follow:

1. To the English Teachers

Teachers should apply more effective learning methods. the

learning method that involves students actively in the learning process.

one of them is by applying a game-based method so that students can

participate in the learning process with enjoyment and feel happy without


2. To the Students

students should improve their vocabulary mastery by focusing and

enjoying the learning process. become more active in the class in the

learning process with the methods applied by the teacher.

3. To the further Researcher

Further researchers must focus more on research related to learning

methods so that researchers can also participate in providing input for the

development of future learning methods


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Name :

Class :

1. You do it when you eat and the food is still in your mouth. You do
with your teeth. What is the correct verb for the picture above?
a. Swallow c. bite
b. Chew d. suck

2. It happen when the weather is very hot. Choose the correct word for
this picture!
a. Broken c. wet
b. Destroyed d. dry

3. You do it to make your friend understand what you say. The correct
word for this picture is
a. Explain c. talk
b. Speech d. silent

4. What is the correct noun for the picture above?
a. Milk c. food
b. Bread d. water

5. The correct noun for the picture above is..

a. Play c. many
b. Sport d. basket

6. Many of us like to watch it. Chose the correct word for this picture!
a. Game c. people
b. Song d. movies

7. Some people master of it. They use many colors to do it.
a. Art c. sea
b. Pencil d. cloud

8. It comes out of our body. It is really important for our life.

a. Oil c. blood
b. Meat d. water

9. It is made from flour. We have it for breakfast.

a. Rice c. banana
b. Bread d. potato

10. What is the correct noun for the picture above?
a. Milk c. bread
b. Cake d. butter

11. You do it when you appreciate someone doing something. What is the
correct verb for this picture?
a. Clap c. hit
b. Washing hand d. punch

12. It is good for keeping stuff cleaner. The correct verb for this picture is
a. Clean c. work
b. Clear d. wash

13. We do it when we get in the house and make sure no body will come
in. the correct verb for this picture is
a. Open c. close
b. Push d. sliding

14. When someone happy they will do it. What is the correct word for the
picture above?
a. Cry c. smile
b. Sad d. happy

15. Choose the correct verb for the picture above!
a. Wash c. drink
b. Fill d. take

16. The correct verb for this picture is

a. Run c. walk
b. Dance d. jump

17. The ball is … the box. Choose the correct word to complete this
a. In c. above
b. On d. at

18. I put the apple … the box. The correct word to complete the sentence
a. Above c. on
b. Under d. in

19. My sister hide the doll … the table. What is the correct word to
complete this sentence?
a. Beside c. behind
b. Under d. on

20. What is the correct word for the picture above?

a. Sea c. wind
b. Sunset d. cloud

Key Answer

1. C 11. A 1. Bite 11. Clap

2. D 12. A 2. Dry 12. Clean

3. A 13.C 3. Explain 13. Close

4. C 14.C 4. Food 14. Smile

5. B 15.B 5. Sport 15. Fill

6. D 16.D 6. Movies 16. Jump

7. A 17.A 7. Art 17. In

8. C 18.C 8. Blood 18. On

9. B 19.B 9. bread 19. under

10. D 20.D 10. butter 20. cloud


Name :

Class :

1. You will do it when you have many choice. You chose what you want. The correct
word for the picture above is..
a. Ways c. direction
b. Decide d. chosen

2. The place to get justice. Many things were resolved in this place. Choice the correct
word for this picture!
a. Palace c. office
b. School d. court

3. From the picture above, we know that the young girl expects us to be ...
a. Quiet c. noisy
b. Focus d. enjoy

4. The picture above shows that the man is … to the chair

a. Sleepy c. lean back
b. Tired d. watch

5. It is the part of the house. It is really important and saves you from rain water. What
is the correct noun for the picture above?
a. Wall c. floor
b. Roof d. room

6. The lady in the picture acts like that because the situation around her is…
a. Quiet c. silent
b. Many people d. noisy

7. Two boys in the picture above look same. Chose the right word for the picture above!
a. Smile c. twin
b. Son d. brother

8. The man in the picture above … on the table. What is the correct word to complete
the sentence?
a. Give c. order
b. Puts d. take

9. He runs very …, chose the correct word to complete the sentence!

a. Strong c. long
b. Far d. fast

10. Chose the correct word for the pictures above!

a. Work c. activity
b. Play d. run

11. What is the correct adverb for the picture above!

a. Quiet c. slow
b. Clear d. enjoy

12. You need long time to read this book. The correct word for the picture above is…
a. Big c. blue
b. Thick d. large

13. The picture above shows that the boy is hiding … the tree. The correct word to
complete the sentence is..
a. Under c. in
b. On d. behind

14. Shake hand like the picture above is happened when you agree of anything will be
happen. What is the correct word for the picture above?
a. Deal c. hands
b. Agree d. shake

15. The boy in the picture above is standing … the green chair. The correct word for this
picture is?
a. Behind c. beside
b. In front d. on

16. You cannot dive in because the sea is very …
a. Cold c. extreme
b. Deep d. dangers

17. You find them beside the street. You see them when you go out. What is the correct
word for the picture above?
a. Pole c. direction
b. ways d. signpost

18. The teacher teaches us English. she stands … of us and reads a story. The correct
word to complete the sentence is..
a. Behind c. above
b. In front d. under

19. Some people master of it. They use many colors to do it.
c. Art c. sea
d. Pencil d. cloud

20. Choose the correct verb for the picture above!

c. Wash c. drink
d. Fill d. take

Key Answer

1. B 11. C 1. Decide 11. Slow

2. D 12. B 2. Court 12. Thick

3. A 13. D 3. Quiet 13. Behind

4. C 14. A 4. Lean Back 14. Deal

5. B 15. C 5. Roof 15. Beside

6. D 16. B 6. Noisy 16. Deep

7. C 17. D 7. Twin 17. Signpost

8. B 18. B 8. Puts 18. In Front

9. D 19. A 9. Fast 19. Art

10. C 20. B 10. Activity 20. Fill


Critical Value 1
One Table Directional Test
Df 0,05 0,01 0,001
1 6,314 31.821 318.31
2 2.920 6.955 22.326
3 2.353 4.541 10.213
4 2.132 3.747 7.173
5 2.015 3.365 5.893
6 1.943 3.143 5.208
7 1.895 2.998 4.785
8 1.860 2.896 4.501
9 1.833 2.821 4.297
10 1.812 2.764 4.144
11 1.796 2.718 4.025
12 1.782 2.681 3.930
13 1.771 2.650 3.852
14 1.761 2.624 3.787
15 1.753 2.602 3.733
16 1.746 2.583 3.686
17 1.740 2.657 3.646
18 1.734 2.552 3.610
19 1.729 2.539 3.579
20 1.725 2.528 3.552
21 1.721 2.518 3.527
22 1.717 2.508 3.506
23 1.714 2.500 3.485
24 1.711 2.492 3.467
25 1.708 2.485 3.450
26 1.706 2.479 3.435
27 1.703 2.473 3.421
28 1.701 2.467 3.408
29 1.699 2.462 3.369
30 1.697 2.457 3.385
40 1.684 2.423 3.307
60 1.671 2.390 3.232
120 1.658 2.358 3.160
1.645 2.326 3.090



Process of Pretest:

Process of Treatment:

Process of posttest:


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