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The Sources of Error

a. Interference

According to Ellis (1999:29), interference is the result of what we call

proactive inhibition. This is concerned with the way in which previous learning or

inhibits the learning of new habits. Function of interference use of interferences

structure by bilinguals, as a mechanism for the reinforcement of expression, the

transfer of flourishes were active categories are concerned.

To concluded that interference is a disturbance that occurs because the second

language learning uses the rules of the first language and applies

it to the second

language. it's because of the influence of the first language

b. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization is negative intralingual error dealing with items that are

contrasted in grammar of the languages. The learners create deviant form in the target

language in place of two regular structures. Ellis (1999:59) argued that

overgeneralization is device used when the items do not carry any obvious contrast

for the learners. For instance, the regular verbs, which marked by "ed" often carries

no meaning in context, since the adverb of time "yesterday" appears. Ignorance of

rule restriction occurs when rules are extended to context where in target language

usage the do not apply.

c. Incomplete Application of Rule

This type occurs when a learner fails to apply the rules completely due to the

since they think they can succeed effective communication by using relatively simple

rules (Ellis, 1999: 59). It arises when the learners do not fully develop a certain
structure required to produce acceptable sentence. For example, For example "she a

pretty girl" is not correct as a sentence. The word "pretty" is an adjective. We must

put auxiliary "is" after the subject "she" because it is followed by adjective. So, the

correct sentence should be "she is a pretty girl".

d. False concept Hypothesized

This type is sometimes called semantic error which may be derived from

faulty comprehension of distinction in the target language. These particular errors are

sometimes due to poor graduation of teaching items.

Ellis (1999: 59) stated that False concept hypothesized refers to errors derived

from faulty understanding of target language distinction. For example, the "am,is,are"

maybe treated as a general marker of the present tense as in “she is eats banana".

e. Induced Error

Induced errors occur because the less efficient learning process of the target

language, both regarding the materials or techniques or learning methodology.

According to Ellis (1999:60), induced errors happened in a process of learning in a

target language. Its result more than from the classroom situation than from either

students incomplete sentence in learning English grammar.

In conclusion, there are some sources of errors in learning language process of

gaining the information of rules of a new language. These sources of errors are

interferences, overgeneralization, incomplete application of rules, false concept

hypnotized and the last is induced error,

3. Types of Error

According to Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982: 146) the most useful and

commonly used as bases for the descriptive classification of errors is linguistic

category, surface category, comparative taxonomy, and communicative effect


a. Linguistic Category

Dulay, Burt and Krashen, (1982: 146). Linguistic category taxonomies

classify erors based on the component and also linguistic constituents. Language

components include phonology (pronunciation), syntax and morphology (grammar),

semantics and lexicon (meaning and vocabulary) and discourse while constituents

include the elements that comprise each language component

b. Surface Category

A surface strategy taxonomy highlights the way surface structured are altered:

learners may omit necessary items or add unnecessary ones; they may misform items

or misorder them (Dulay et al 1982: 156).

1. Omission

according to Dulay et al (1982: 154) Omission errors are characterized by the

absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. It means tha

ommision is elimination of the component that should appear in a sentence or phrase

but the learners often do it in their writing or speaking. For example, For example

"they sleeping"(mereka sedang tidur) indicates that one item is omitted, which is are

The word 'are' is a grammatical verb form that plays an important role in

constructing a proper sentence. And the word 'are' in that sentence functions as an

auxiliary. A verb in a proper sentence something that can not be neglected, so on

who omits verb (are) fails in constructing a proper sentence. That type of error

called omission error.

2. Addition

Dulay et al (1982: 156) additions are the opposite of ommision. This

marked by the presence of an item. Which should not appear in a well-formed speec

For example "He does not knows mother". as we all know that in one sentence then

cannot be two verbs so you have to delete one word "'S” in the word that knows

because there is a word "does".

There types of addition errors have been observed in the speech of both L

and L2 learners: double markings, regularization, and simple addition.

3. Misformation

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of th

morpheme or structure. While in omission errors the item is not supplied at all,in misformation errors
the leamer supplies seeding, alde # is income for

example,dog eated the chiken one week ago. Although this sentence happened in the

past time, but the verb 'ested is missformation in this sentence because the basis

form of cated is eat which is included in inregular verb teatate daten). So, it should

be dog ate the chiken yesterday

4. Misordering

Dulay et al (1982-153) said that misordering is a wrong placement of

morpheme or a group of morpheme in an utterance, Missourdering occurs

systematically for both first language and second language in constructions that have

already been acquired. For instance, what dody is doing?'. This phrase should be

'what is dody doing?" (apa yang sedang dody lakukan?) because word doing is as a

modifier and 'dody' is as the head.

4. Another types of errors taxonomies proposed by the Americas

Translators Association (ATA) Version 2017:

1. addition

An addition error occurs when the translator introduces superfluous

information or stylistic. For example she is buatiful" translated "dia perempuan

sangat cuntik". Here, there is an addition error in translating the source language

into target language.(page11)

2. Ambiguity

An ambiguity error occurs when either the source or target text segment

allows for more than one semantic interpretation, where its counterpart in the other

language does not. For example" I will you meet you by the bank". The word "bank"

here has two meanings it could be as an institution and also it could be tributary.

3. Capitalization

A capitalization error occurs when the conventions of the target language

concerning upper and lower case usage are not followed.

4. Cohesion

A cohesion error occurs when a text is hard to follow because of inconsistent

use of terminology, misuse of pronouns, inappropriate conjunctions, or other

structural errors.

5. Diacritical marks / Accents

Error occurs when the target-language conventions of accents and circumflex

marks are not followed. If incorrect or missing diacritical marks unclear meaning

(sense), the error is more serious. For example the abbreviation "do not" in English,

should be written by using apostrophes (don't)


6. Faithfulness

A faithfulness error occurs when the target text change the meaning of the

source language. The target text does not respect the meaning of the source text.

7. Faux ami

A faux ami error is an error caused of similar roots of words and have very
similar or identical forms, but that have different meanings, at least in some

contexts. For example the words bionic and bionics.



Grammar error occurs when a sentence in the translation interrupts the

grammatical rules of the target language.

9. Illegibility

Error occurs when graders cannot read what the candidate has written. It is

the candidate's duty to guarantee that the graders can clearly distinguish what is


10. Indecision

An indecision error occurs when the candidate gives more than one option fo

the translation unit. This error caused because indecision in choosing the word.


11. Literalnes

A literalness error veeurs when a translation that follows the source text word

but the results becomes dimeult, unidiomatie, or incorrect renditions,

12. Misunderstanding

A misunderstanding error occurs when the grader can see that the error arises

from misreading a word, or misinterpreting the syntax of a sentence,

13. Omission

An omission error occurs when an component of information in the source

text is omitted of the target text

14. Punctuation
Error occurs when the conventions of the target language conceming

punctuation are not followed. The punctuation including quotation marks, commas,

semicolons, and colons. Incorrect or unclear paragraphing is also counted as a

punctuation error. For example My favorite foods are pieza apaghell and steak. There

is no comma betwoon words "piesa and spagheter"

15. Spelling

A spelling/character error vucurs when a word or character in the translation is

spelled/used incorrectly in the terms of target language.


16. Syntax

A syntax error occurs when the procedure of words or other elements of a

sentence does not adapt to the syntactic rules of the target language. Errors in this

category include improper modification, lack of parallelism, unnatural word order,

and run-on structure.

17. Terminology

A terminology error occurs when a term appropriate to a specific subject field

is not used when the corresponding term is used in the source text.For example the

use of some English words for specific purposes.

18. Text Type

A text type error occurs when some component of the translation fails to meet

specifications listed or implied in the Translation Instructions. This translation is

inappropriate for publication or professional use as specified by Translation

Instructions (TIS). For example This MP3 player is a delicate electronic device. This

sentence Failure of the MT system to accurately deal with multiple-meaning words

and metaphorical expressions.

19. Unfinished

A substantially unfinished passage is not graded. Missing titles, headings, or

sentences within a passage may be marked as one or more crrors of omission, it

depends on how much is omitted.

20. Usage

A usage erro

occurs when conventions of wording in the target language are

not followed. This category includes the use of prepositions, and collocations (c.g.,

"married with" instead of "to"), collocations ("performed a crime" instead of

"committed"), and definite/indefinite articles.

21. Verb Tense

A verb tense error occurs when the translation includes a verb in the incorrect

grammatically form that conveys a different meaning from the source text. Examples:

"I lived there for 20 years" instead of "I have lived there for 20 years.

22. Word form / Part of speech

A word form error occurs when the root of the word is correct, but the form of

the word is incorrect or nonexistent in the target language example: "conspiration"

instead of "conspiracy").

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