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To detect the change in heart rate and blood oxygen after running a 100m.

People have higher heart rates could be cost by the distance and the speed they run;
the recovery time they need to take will increase.

Background Information
I like sports since I was young, whether it is basketball, soccer, running, jumping rope, etc.
When I was in junior high school, I represented GSN school in the Jiang Bei District Sports
Meet in one of the schools in Ningbo, and the sports I participated in at that time were 400m
and 200m. Therefore, I was interested in the breathing unit that I studied in 10th grade. So,
our group started a series of studies on aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

From that unit, I could learn that respiration gives us energy. What I want to show is whether
we can increase our speed by increasing our heart rate.
Respiration is divided into anaerobic and aerobic respiration.

A search through shows that anaerobic respiration is characterized by the

dehydrogenation of substrates by the conventional route, followed by partial transmission of
the respiratory chain, culminating in the acceptance of hydrogen by inorganic or organic
matter in the oxidized state and the completion of the oxidative phosphorylation energy-
producing reaction. Anaerobic respiration is less efficient in terms of energy production
compared to aerobic respiration but is much greater than fermentation alone. The vast
majority of microorganisms that perform anaerobic respiration are bacteria.

When you inhale oxygen, in aerobic respiration it is drawn into the alveoli through the trachea
and then the oxygen is sent by diffusion to the blood vessels, where it is then pumped through
the heart to the rest of the body. This is aerobic respiration, and it is one of the main ways to
get oxygen.

Independent Variables: The speed of the runner and the runner status, if

he is continuing to run after a few laps or this is the first lap that he runs.

Dependent Variables: The heart rate and the blood oxygen

Controlled Variables: The distance of the running track (100m)



Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor

Test site

Aim: To detect the change in heart rate and blood oxygen after running a 100m.
Step 1: Prepare the materials and set a person to collect the data
Step 2: Start running, test 5 times in total, take sufficient rest between each run and
ensure sufficient physical strength for the next 100m run
Step 3: Measure heart rate and oxygen saturation immediately after running
Step 4: Watch the heart rate change between runs, see the average and peak values
Step 5: Repeat the test until everyone has 5 different sets of data
Step 6: Compare and analysis
Risk Assessment
The data collection contains physical movement, students are running on the track for
recording data, so they might be hurt from falling while they are running.

Before we start running, we all signed a consent form for personal health, which show
we are all health and well-being. We need to make sure the athletes are healthy. The
field is a safety place, it is not slippery and a dangerous place.

In the process of recording running, we need to make a series of manual records, so
we may have a series of errors in time. It is an accidental error. It should be that when
people press the stopwatch, it can't match the time when people run across the line,
so it will exist in a series of small errors, which may exist in about ± 1 second.

(The data I used is jack. Chen’s data because I was injured in the ankle I sent to participate
in this experiment)
Data Collection

(In the line graph shows, there was a time which the heartbeat is under 50 is because
the Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor was dropped from the laptop, so the data is

As the data shows, it is being separated in to two areas, BMP (Heart Beats per minutes)
and SPO2(oxygen saturation). We will record the data before running, during running,
in those two areas separately. We will also be going to record the recovery time of
heart rate to normal heart rate (before running). We will then collect the time uses
during the running.

We collect the data by a Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, a Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor,
and a Stopwatch. First, we connect the Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor with a laptop,
wait for the first 1 minute to let the Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor be ready
(Otherwise, the data collection might get be not accurate). After 1min, we will collect
the data for before running, we will use the Fingertip Pulse Oximeter to test the SPO2
for the data for before running, also using the Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor to check
the heart rate.

After doing those three steps, we will start running and start the stopwatch (Data for
the time use). When we finish running, we will use the Fingertip Pulse Oximeter to
check the SPO2 (Data during the running). We will then check the heartbeat on the
laptop form a software (Logger pro) which connect with the Hand-Grip Heart Rate
Monitor. Then, we could know the heartbeat during the running and how many
minutes it cost to be normal.


(This graph briefly showed the relationship between the heart beat and time used on
running from using the data which I collected)
(This graph shows the relationship between time spent and recovery time; the shorter the
time spent, the longer the recovery time.)

With these data, we can see that except for the third data which shows a heart rate of 134
beats per minute, all other heart rates are around 86 beats per minute (there will be errors in
the nature of the test)

We can conclude that most of the time, the higher the static heart rate, the faster you run 100
meters, and the lower the static heart rate, the slower you run 100 meters. When the running
time increases, the recovery time also increases. When the running time decreases, the
recovery time also decreases. The reason for this may be the energy loss during running.

In the search it was concluded that when people are doing exercise, the muscles contract and
this process requires energy and the body uses oxygen to break down glucose to give energy
to the muscles. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to the body for respiration and carbon dioxide
to the lungs and exhale. The heart pumps red blood cells from the aorta to the rest of the
body and through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs for gas exchange.

The 100-meter dash is an explosive (anaerobic) exercise, so it has only a little time for the
heart to respond to the action. In other words, the heart is like an engine, you need to give it
time to warm up and put it on standby so that when you need it, you can get up to maximum
speed right away. Another example is that we can't do strenuous exercise right after waking
up. The muscles, joints and other tissues are in a relatively relaxed state after just waking up.
At this time, if we immediately perform strenuous exercise, it will overwhelm our body. Similar
to running, we should warm up to accelerate the contraction and relaxation of active and
antagonistic muscles and reduce the viscous resistance of muscles and joints.

This rule also appears in my records. The third data in the table, with a heart rate of 134, is a
very high static heart rate compared to the other four data. The third data takes much less
time to run 100 meters and much more time to recover than the others. The heart is already
in a highly activated state, so it generates a lot of energy to the muscles, making them contract
in a very fast way, which could be the reason why the running speed is faster than the other


It is necessary to breathe and absorb oxygen in our life because we can get energy through
aerobic breathing. The amount of oxygen in the blood determines the rate at which you get
the oxygen you run. The higher the amount of oxygen in the blood, the better the metabolism
will be. Insufficient blood oxygen will lead to hypoxia, which will lead to functional failure and
even death. Combining the data I have collected shows that the faster your heart beats while
running, the more oxygen will be delivered and more oxygen will be used to produce energy,
so the time spent running will be faster.

This means that if you want to run faster, you need to make sure that you are going to get
more energy through your breathing and your heart rate needs to be high so that you can
have more energy during a run or other type of exercise. If the time you spend running is
short, this means that your recovery time will also be long.

When you run, the level of oxygen in your body will continue to drop because the supply of
oxygen does not match the use of oxygen, which can lead to a lack of oxygen in your body.
As the exercise time increases, you will find that you want to breathe more oxygen through
your mouth. The main reason for this is that your body is not saturated with enough oxygen.
Therefore, the best solution is to do more cardiovascular endurance exercise, or to calm down
for a while. This way, your heartbeat will slowly slow down because you need less energy and
oxygen. Slowly, the oxygen saturation in your body will return to its full state.


I think our testing methodology is very rigorous. After group discussion we chose to test 5
sets of experiments and each time we recorded heartbeat, blood oxygen and other data. Also,
we have made tables and icons at the end. We had a good group atmosphere and everyone
was very active. However, when we needed someone to follow the runner during the data
collection, it was very ineffective. Basically, one person couldn't run anymore after the run, so
the rest had to wait for the other two people to recover their strength before running again.
In addition, the posture of our hands was wrong during the run, which caused our data
collection to fail. In addition, data collection may cause problems with the device, such as
lagging and flashing, which can interrupt data collection.

At the same time, there are many areas where we can improve. First, we can collect data on
sunny days to prevent data collection from being interrupted by inoperability in rainy days.
We can also improve the stability of the equipment and use other portable computers so that
it is easier to record data and to ensure that another person has the stamina to record data
from one person. This will improve our accuracy
Works Cited (2018) what is The difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration
[online] Available at:
[Accessed 01 May. 2022] (2020) Why Does the Body Need More Oxygen When We Exercise? [online]
Available at:
oxygen-when-we-exercise/. [Accessed 01 May. 2022]

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