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2022학년도 영어회화 발표과제 계획서

반 : 7 학번 : 21045 이름 : 박인혁
1. 선택한 이야기 번호 및 제목 : 1 / A Robbery Case in Australia

PPT 2.그림 내용
3.발표 스크립트(영어로 작성)
# (한글로 작성)

I am the chief investigator. I will give you a short briefing

1 경찰 about the recent drug case and the robbery case from eight
years ago.

It was all thanks to a single leech. Even though most people

think of leeches as disgusting insects they could actually be
2 거머리
helpful. First of all lets look at a robbery case that occurred
back in 2001.

Eight years ago, two men robbed a 71-year-old senior in her

home in Tasmania, stealing a few hundred bucks. The motive
3 총 for the crime wasn't complicated. They just needed a place to
spend the night, but the old lady tried to kill them first. So,
they ran away with some valuables.

The detectives were able to discover a leech filled with blood

at the crime scene. They believed the leech might have
4 숲
attached itself to the robber in the woods, sucked his blood
and fell back.

The detectives took out some DNA from the blood in the leech
5 데이터베이스 and stored it in their database. But back then, we didn’t know
it would be the key to solve the case eight years later.

Lets look at another case that occurred recently in 2009. The

police arrested a suspect for a drug case, which seems to have
6 마약
nothing in common with the previous case. But here comes the
big reveal.

During his examination, we analyzed his DNA. Surprisingly, it

was identical to the DNA taken from the leech. This showed
7 코난
that the suspect of the drug case was at the scene of the
robbery case as well.

Finally, the suspect admitted the robbery case back in 2001.

8 환호 As shown, we believe modern technology can be used to solve
cases both from the present and from the past.

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