You are on page 1of 14

I have no

Definitely yes Rather yes opinion Rather not Definitely not

4 24 19 37 56
11 37 7 36 49
5 23 28 27 57
13 15 10 34 68
5 8 19 29 79
28 49 19 12 32

Breaking a mirror can bring bad luck

I notice when the black cat crosses my way

Horseshoe brings good luck

Thirteen is an unlucky number

Standing up with your left foot brings you a bad mood

Certain objects, behaviors, and situations can influence happiness

Chart Title

Certain objects, behaviors, and situations can

influence happiness

Standing up with your left foot brings you a

bad mood

Thirteen is an unlucky number

Horseshoe brings good luck

I notice when the black cat crosses my way

Breaking a mirror can bring bad luck

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Definitely yes Rather yes I have no opinion Rather not Definitely not

The graph shows the results of a survey conducted on

the subject of prejudices
V24_alienIndex Frequency Relative Frequency
Cumulative Frequency
0 3 2%
1 0 0%
2 4 3%
3 1 1%
4 8 6%
5 4 3%
6 5 4%
7 4 3%
8 8 6%
9 3 2%
10 5 4%
11 7 5%
12 18 13%
13 10 7%
14 6 4%
15 9 7%
16 8 6%
17 9 7%
18 5 4%
19 3 2%
20 6 4%
21 5 4%
22 2 1%
23 2 1%
24 2 1%
Chart Title
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Frequency Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency

Frequency table Graph with multiple variables

Mean 7,948148148
Standard Error 0,493105424
Median 8
Mode 0
Standard Deviation 5,729367289
Sample Variance 32,82564953
Kurtosis -1,20546995
Skewness 0,099292975
Range 19
Minimum 0
Maximum 19
Sum 1073
Count 135
Level(95.0%) 0,97527661

Calculation and interpretation of basic

descriptive statistics
Actual Frequency
Count of v46 Column label Grand Total
Row Grand
Labels No Yes Total
Row labels No Yes
Man 32 16 48
Man 38 10 48
Woman 58 29 87
Women 52 35 87
Total 90 45 135
Grand Total 90 45 135
(A-E)^/E No Yes

Man 32 16

Woman 58 29

х² (chi square) 3,49138

nr. of rows (r): 2

nr.of columns (c): 2

q (minimum of r and c) 2

V1: Gender            
V2: Yes or no            
Which is the dependent variable and which is the independent

if P-value <0.5 Reject my hypothesis

if P-value > 0.5 Accept my hypothesis

P-value 0,06168917
Step 1 - hypotheses            
H0: No dependence between the variables        
H1: There is a relationship between the variables      
Step 2 - verification            
Is the p-value less than-equal to
0.05? p-value 0,06169        
We can accept H0 hypothesis, there is no significant correlation between gender and
Level of being superstitious
Step 3 - interpretation            
It can be concluded that being superstitious does not depend on person's sex
Cramer's v 0.1608168802

R= -0,087294231
R= 0,087294231
R² = 0,007620283
v43_socialMediaMin V41_ecologyIndex
v43_socialMediaMin 1
V41_ecologyIndex -0,087294231 1

Y= 11,558





10 f(x) = 0.102211796246649 x + 11.5579758713137

R² = 0.0104977409184893

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Calculation and interpretation of

correlation and regression analysis

Mean 7,948148148
Standard Error 0,493105424
Median 8
Mode 0
Standard Deviation 5,729367289
Sample Variance 32,82564953
Kurtosis -1,20546995
Skewness 0,099292975
Range 19
Minimum 0
Maximum 19
Sum 1073
Count 135
Level(95.0%) 0,97527661

Upper CI (95%) 8,923424758

Lower CI (95%) 6,972871538
Calculation and interpretation of the
confidence interval for the mean

  Women Men
Średnia 9 9,875
8,88291 8,70744
Wariancja 9 7
Obserwacje 87 48
Różnica średnich wg
hipotezy 0
df 98
t Stat -1,19
P(T<=t) jednostronny 1
Test T jednostronny 1
P(T<=t) dwustronny 1
Test t dwustronny 7  

T-test results including men and women on


I notice when the

Breaking a mirror black cat crosses Horseshoe brings Thirteen is an
can bring bad luck my way good luck unlucky number
Definitely not Definitely not Rather not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not I have no opinion Rather not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Rather yes
Definitely yes Definitely yes Rather not Definitely yes
Rather not Definitely not Definitely not Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather not Rather yes I have no opinion
Rather yes Rather yes Rather yes Rather yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather yes Rather yes Rather not
Definitely not Rather yes Definitely not Rather not
Rather yes I have no opinion Rather yes I have no opinion
Rather not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely yes Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather not I have no opinion Rather yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Rather not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Definitely not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Rather not
I have no opinion Definitely yes Rather not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather not Rather yes Definitely yes
Rather not Definitely yes Definitely yes Rather not
I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion
Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely not
Rather yes Definitely yes Definitely yes Rather not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Rather not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather yes Rather not Rather yes
Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not I have no opinion Definitely not
Definitely not Rather not Rather not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Definitely not Rather not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not I have no opinion Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather yes Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Definitely not Rather not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Rather yes Rather not
Definitely not Definitely yes Rather yes Definitely yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion
Rather yes Definitely not Rather yes Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather yes Rather yes Definitely not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Rather not
I have no opinion Rather yes Rather yes Rather not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Rather not
Definitely not Rather not Rather not I have no opinion
Rather not Definitely yes I have no opinion Rather not
Rather yes Rather not Rather yes Rather not
I have no opinion Definitely yes I have no opinion Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather not
Rather not Rather yes Definitely yes Rather yes
I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion I have no opinion
Rather yes Rather not Rather yes Definitely yes
Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion Rather yes
Rather not Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely yes
Rather not Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely yes
Rather yes Definitely yes I have no opinion Definitely yes
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Rather not
I have no opinion Rather yes I have no opinion Rather yes
Rather not I have no opinion Definitely not Rather not
I have no opinion Definitely not Rather not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather yes Definitely yes
Definitely not Rather yes Definitely not Rather yes
Rather not Rather yes Rather yes Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Rather not
Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather not I have no opinion Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Rather not Rather not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather not Definitely yes Definitely not
Rather not Rather not Rather yes Rather not
Rather yes Rather not Rather yes Rather yes
Definitely not Rather not I have no opinion I have no opinion
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Rather not Definitely not
Rather yes Rather yes Definitely yes Definitely yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather yes Definitely yes Rather yes Rather not
Definitely not I have no opinion Rather not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather yes Rather yes I have no opinion
Rather yes Rather yes Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Rather not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Rather yes I have no opinion Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Rather yes Rather yes Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes I have no opinion Rather not
I have no opinion Definitely not I have no opinion I have no opinion
Rather yes Rather not Rather not Rather yes
Rather not Definitely not Definitely not Rather yes
Rather not Definitely not I have no opinion Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather yes Definitely not Rather yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Rather not Rather not
Rather yes Rather not Rather yes Rather not
Rather yes Rather yes Rather yes Rather not
Rather not Rather not I have no opinion Definitely not
I have no opinion Rather not I have no opinion Rather not
I have no opinion Rather yes I have no opinion Rather yes
I have no opinion Rather yes Definitely not I have no opinion
Definitely not Definitely yes Rather not Rather yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Definitely yes Rather not I have no opinion Definitely yes
Rather not Definitely not Rather not Definitely not
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
I have no opinion Definitely yes Rather yes Definitely yes
Rather yes Definitely not Rather not Definitely yes
Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not Definitely not
Rather not Rather yes Definitely not Rather not
Certain objects,
Standing up with behaviors, and
your left foot situations can
brings you a bad influence
mood happiness

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather yes Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Definitely yes

Definitely not I have no opinion

Rather not Rather not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely yes Definitely yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Definitely not

I have no opinion Rather yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely yes I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely not

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Rather not Rather not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

I have no opinion Definitely yes

I have no opinion I have no opinion

Definitely not I have no opinion

I have no opinion Definitely yes

Rather not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather not

Rather yes I have no opinion

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather not

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Rather not

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather not

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather yes

Rather yes I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely not

I have no opinion I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not I have no opinion

Rather not Rather yes

Rather not I have no opinion

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Rather yes Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Rather not Rather yes

I have no opinion I have no opinion

Rather not Rather yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely yes Definitely yes

Rather yes Definitely yes

Rather not Definitely yes

Definitely not Rather yes

I have no opinion Definitely yes

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely yes Definitely yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Rather not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely yes I have no opinion

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely not Rather not

Definitely not I have no opinion

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather yes

Rather yes Rather not

Definitely not Definitely not

I have no opinion Rather yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Rather not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

Rather yes Definitely yes

Rather not Rather yes

Definitely not I have no opinion

Rather not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Rather not

Rather yes Rather yes

Rather not Rather yes

I have no opinion Rather not

Rather not Rather yes

I have no opinion Definitely yes

I have no opinion Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Definitely yes

Definitely not Rather yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Definitely not Definitely yes

Rather not Definitely yes

Definitely not Definitely not

Rather not Rather yes

English DATA

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