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Hello everyone, I am going to talk about a leader (ˈlēdər) who created a charities that has

helped to have a better world.

To start, I want to give a small bibliography of who was Paul Harris. So, Paul Harris was
born on 19 April 1868 in Wisconsin, USA. At age 3, he moved to Vermont, where he had
grown up in the care of his paternal ( pəˈtərnl) grandparents. He attended the University of
Vermont and Princeton University and received his law degree in 1891.
Moreover in 1896, Harris settled in Chicago and had opened a law practice. Five years
later, since 1901 until 1905, Harris eventually had persuaded several business associates to
discuss the idea of forming an organization, but this organization he had thought, was for
local professionals to change ideas and strengthen bonds of friendship; nevertheless, over
time, Rotary's vision gradually extended to humanitarian service. On 23 February 1905,
Paul Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram Shorey gathered at Loehr’s
office in downtown Chicago for what would become known as the first Rotary club
Not only Paul Harris has founded Rotary International, also, he had worked to expand
Rotary beyond the city, and by 1910, Rotary had expanded to several other major U.S.
cities, and Aalso around the world. For mid-1920s, Harris had served as the public face of
the organization. To promote membership and service, he attended conventions and visited
clubs in the world (the custom continues, the elected president goes to almost all the
conventions in the countries, and it is a day to celebrate, it’s a reealy important event). In
adittion Paul Harris died on 27 January 1947 in Chicago at age 78. Thus, after his died,
Rotary leaders had created the Paul Harris Memorial Fund as a way to solicit donations,
which would be used for purposes dear to Harris’ heart. These continuo to, when someone
give a specific donation rotary international give you like a medal, well the name of this
gift is paul harris, is comic when talk other rotarias, some peopleask you how many paul
harris do you have, if you have, that give you a status inside the organization.
In this way, for more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion,
energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to
water and health, always working to better our world. So, to finish I want share you some
paul harris said when he funded rotary.

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