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Detailed Lesson Plan in Values

Name: Mealen Espinosa

Sections: BEED-1A


At the end of the lesson, students should be able :

• To teach generosity by giving our time, talent and treasure

• To endeavor the family to be generous of God’s gifts to others

II. Subject Matter and Reference

A. Topic: The Nativity of Jesus

 Value: Generosity

B. Reference (Kids for Christ-CFC)

III. Materials

- PowerPoint

- Printed Pictures/Flash cards

- Materials for a game

IV. Procedure

A. Preparation Students Response

Good morning Class! Good Morning Teacher.

I am your teacher for this morning, and my is

Mealen Espinosa you can call me,
Teacher Mea
Miss/Teacher Mea. Who I am again?I am

Before we start our exciting lesson for today,

We will start with a prayer okay? Who can Yes Teacher Mean
volunteer to lead the prayer?
(Students will pray)

You may have now take your seats.

Thank you teacher.(Taking seats)
Lets have our attendance, raise your hand if
your name is called. (Students will raising their hands)

B. Motivation
 Teaching Dance ssong

Can you sing and dance? No?

Yes you can. Yes.

We will sing and dance with this song.

"Called to Love"

Can I ask you to stand?

(Students will stand up)
You can dance and sing with me

(The students will sing and dance)

Thank you!

You may back your seats.

(Students will take a seat)

 Ask

Do you see some children passing and staying

on the streets? Or street children?
Yes Teacher
What they're doing?

What kind of clothes they wear?

They are wearing slippers or barefoot?

(The students will response)
Later on i will share you a story from the
Vary answers
bible or a gospel. But before that allow
introduce a friend.

 Introducing a friend

I will show you his picture.

Do you know him or familiar?

Yes! Santa Claus!
Whats the Job of Santa Claus?
Sending Gifts
When we saw Santa?
During Christmas
Who wants to be friend of Santa?
Me, me( Students will raise their hands)

He is our friend Santa Claudia or in his real

name Saint Nicholas of Myra
(The students will listen)
• St. Nicholas was born in Patara, Lycia in
Asia Minor to wealthy parents. When they
died, he was taken cared for by his uncle who
was the Bishop of Patara.
He was made bishop when he was 47 years
old during the persecution of Emperor

He was only released when Constantine the

Great became emperor and made
Christianity the official religion of the Roman

• Bishop Nicholas was very well known for his

generosity to the poor, his love for children,
and his concern for sailors. Because of this,
he became the patron saint of children and
• St. Nicholas of Myra is the inspiration for Students will Listen
the modern day Santa Claus. He is related to
the Christmas tradition of secretly giving gifts
to kids because he once helped a father and
his daughters by dropping bags of gold coins
in their chimney.

• The saint was known to wear red robes and

have a long white beard. This image inspired
the large man carrying a big bag of gifts with
a reindeer-drawn sled.
• His German name, “San Nikolaus”, later on
came to be Santa Claus.

(They will raise their hands to answer)

Who is Santa Claus again? Answer

Do you want to receive a gift from Santa? Answer

C. Lesson Proper

Do you love Christmas?

Are you excited for Christmas? (Students will response)

What do you want for Christmas, do you

received gifts in Christmas?

Our topic for today all The Nativity of Jesus

Christ and what truly mean about Christmas.

A long, long time ago, before the very first

Christmas, the Israelites eagerly await the
(Students will listen)
fulfilment of God’s promise – the coming of
the Messiah.

 The Messiah is the One who is to save Israel

from sin and evil. This is fulfilled in the person
of Jesus Christ. Aman named John was
chosen by God to prepare and announce the
coming of Jesus to the Israelites so that all
might believe in Him.
 There were people who did not accept
Jesus, but for those who accepted Him
wholeheartedly, they were blessed to
become children of God.

 This coming Christmas, let us remember

and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Can you still
remember how it all happened? Let us all
watch this short video:
(Students answer may vary)
o The Christmas story – The 3 Wise Men

o The Christmas story – The Birth of Jesus

(Students will watch)

(Students will raise their hands to answer)

Christmas is a well-known story all over the
world. It is the birthday of the One who is
very precious to us. Do you know who He is? Jesus Christ
And when do we celebrate Christmas?
December 25

However, a lot of people look forward

excitingly for Christmas only because of the
gifts and presents that they will be receiving. Yes..
They forget that this is actually the birthday
of Jesus and we should be the ones giving
Him a gift, right?

Actually, the gift that Jesus wants from us is

to be always thankful of our blessings which
(Students will raise their hands)
all come from Him. What are the things that
blessed us? Answersss

Do you want to know what will make Jesus (Student will respond)
even happier?

We will make Jesus happier if we share our

blessings to other people like our parents,
siblings, friends, and most especially, the
poor. By being thankful and generous, we will
be able to prepare ourselves well for the
coming of Jesus this Christmas.These gifts will
be given to our less fortunate brothers and
sisters this Christmas. Every day, let us be
grateful and declare that “I will be generous
to others.

Request you to stand again. (Students will stand up)

Repeat after me okay?

"I WILL BE GENEROUS TO OTHERS" They will repeat the sentence

Very Good Class!

Okay ma'am.
We will be generous and share the blessings
what we have. Okay?

D. Activity

We will have a game called " bring me" if I (Students will participate and play the game)
ask you a thing you should bring it to me.

Are you having fun?

( students will raise their hands to answer)
Next, raise your hand if you will identify the
pictures that i will show you. Answer



Very Good! Answer

Lets have a wonderful clap.

Thank you, you are very active and you listen


E. Generalization

I know that you learned a lot of values from

our lesson today. Anyone who can share (Students will raise their hands to answer)
what values you have learn?

Who birth Christmas day?

Who's the friend we are mentioning and who
send gifts?

That's Great that you have learned about

those things. That was very important for us
to be generous to others, share our blessings
to those who are in needs not just in
Christmas day but always we can share what
we have. Just like Santa Claus, be the
blessings to everyone and again let's claim
that "I will be generous to others".
V. Evaluation

Using a short bondpaper, make slogan that emphasise "Generosity".

IV. Assignment

 Print/cut a pictures that shows generosity and sharing. Be creative.

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