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Activity for NMT Chapter 2

I. Explain the meaning of the following lines based on how they are used in the novel.

1. “They may have called me a poet but they sha’n’t call me a fool.”
Ibarra sought the truth and then wrote poems and other literature to enlighten the
people about the reality he had found. Which this action would lead him to death. Also, it
would be such a waste to seek the truth and know the truth yet write the inverse of it in the
end just to keep being a poet and keep his life at the same time. Therefore, the meaning of the
phrase is that he would rather stop writing and keep his life and dignity than continue writing
yet write things that are against his belief just to keep his life. To go against your own truth is to
be foolish. The poet did not want that.

2. “The lion’s son is also a lion. He came very near to being exiled for it.”
If the first mentioned writer was almost imprisoned for pointing out the truth, then
most probably, a writer who does the same would end up in the same fate.

II. Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. Why did Ibarra think that his father is a close friend of Padre Damaso?
When Ibarra was a child until he left for Europe, Padre Damaso would often join the
Ibarras for lunch and dinner. Ibarra often heard his father, Don Rafael, conversing amiably with
Padre Damaso.

2. Why did Padre Damaso deny that Don Rafael is his friend?
He was the one who caused the old Ibarra’s exhume.

3. Why did Capitan Tiago present/introduce Crisostomo Ibarra in the gathering with great
Ibarra was the son of his late friend and this is also his soon to be son in law.

4. What’s the reason behind of Capitan Tinong in inviting Crisostomo Ibarra to visit and dine
with him?
Capitan Tinong was a friend of Capitan Tiago and he knew young Ibarra’s father. He
wanted to become his friend maybe for connection.

5. Why were the Filipinas in the last part of the Chapter described to have great hesitation
when dinner is served? What does it mean?
Because the 19th century society were in great inequality. The women should not make
any small mistake especially if they are not from any really wealthy and respected family. They
had little to no say in this world of theirs, they should not make anything that the men might
consider as trouble.

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