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Always remember to write your FULL NAME on each assignment or practice.

NAME:___DALVIS CEDEÑO______8-978-1746____________

I.From the reading N° 1, identify the highlighted words, make a list
and find its meaning in English, also write in parentheses what
part of speech is.

(….identifique las palabras resaltadas….busque su significado en …, escriba qué

parte del habla es)
Example: numbers

1. Numbers: an arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure,

representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making
calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification. (NOUN)

II. Elaborate a second list of words from your own, words that you
may need to find in a dictionary, or words that are new from you or
difficult to understand. Don´t look their meanings, only make the
list. (at least 8 words. No more than 14)

(…elabore una ….de palabras suyas,. …aquellas que tuvo que buscar en el…, o
nuevas…difíciles. No escriba su significado, sólo haga la lista, mínimo 8, no más de

1. Highlight: a special pen containing bright ink, used to mark words in a book,
magazine, etc.

2. Importance: something that is important is very significant, is highly valued, or

is necessary.

3. Imagine: To imagine something is to picture it in your head. When we imagine

things, we're using our imagination. The word image is a good clue to the
meaning of imagine, a word for picturing or envisioning things.

4. Safe: protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed
or lost.

5. Society: the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered


6. Technological: The definition of technology is science or knowledge put into

practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools.

7. Advances: The verb advance means "move forward purposefully." When you
move forward, you advance. You can advance a chess piece on a board,
advance toward someone across a room, or observe an army as it advances
into a country.

8. Mathematics: the definition of math is the overall group of sciences that study
numbers, shapes and their relationships. An example of math is arithmetic, the
study of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

9. Evidence: evidence, exhibit, testimony, proof refer to information furnished in a

legal investigation to support a contention. Evidence is any information so
given, whether furnished by witnesses or derived from documents or from any
other source.

10. Idea: mental representation of something, whether material or immaterial, real

or imaginary, concrete or abstract, which is reached after the observation of
certain phenomena, the association of various mental representations, the
experience in different cases.

11. Occurred: exist or be found to be present in a place or under a particular set of

12. Baboon: a large Old World ground-dwelling monkey with a long doglike snout,
large teeth, and naked callosities on the buttocks. Baboons are social animals
and live in troops.

13. Development: is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or

the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic

14. Simple: which is made up of a single element, and not made up of several.

15. Calculations: a mathematical determination of the size or number of


16. Civilizations: a civilization is a complex society, and therefore its defining

features are its form of organization, its institutions and its social structure, as
well as its available technology and the form of exploitation of available

II. Part

1. Common.
2. Although.
3. Artifact.
4. Keeping.
5. Southern.
6. Methods.
7. Mesuare.
8. Ancient.
9. Carving
10. Writing.

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