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Els 213

*Oral narrative*
1. Oral performance in Africa by Isidore
2. Introduction to African oral literature by FBO Akporobaro
3. African moonlight folktales: A collection of African stories and rhythm by
Osadebeme Onammen.

Oral narratives are artistic creation in performance (oral delivery). In other
words, oral narratives or literature expressed in words or verbal
communication form the artist who perform in the medium of the spoken
word engaged in the same creative process are the modern writer who
creates through the written words. Thus, while engaged in the process of
story telling as in the folktale or legend or in the evocation of imagery when
reciting poetry or creating rhythm and Melody in his lyrical self expression,
the oral artist in his narrative shares with the modern writers the same 
element of creative and language manipulation.
       According to Akporobaro (2012) oral literature or folktale literature refers
to the heritage of imaginative verbal creation stories, folk beliefs and songs
of pre-literate societies which have been evolved and passed on through the
spoken word from one generation to another. Oral tradition forms an integral
part of the culture of any group of people. It reflects their way of life. Before
printing was invented, communities sort to preserve their identity as group by
handing down orally the most important element of their culture ever since
the invention of printing oral literature in Africa has not died out in the first
place most of the material could not be printed again even if some of the
materials were printed, there was still wild spread illiteracy. It was only that
the elders in the community could continue to transmit to the young ones the
customs, beliefs and expectations of the race.
*Features of oral literacy creation* 
Oral literacy form is shaped by a number of factors which includes;
1. *The performance as a basis of communication*:  The most basic
characteristics of oral literature or narrative is that it is a performed
expression. By this, it means that an oral literary expression exist as a
performance as a speech art. Accentual and rendered alive by various
gestures. Social conventions and the unique occasion in which it is
performed. In effect oral literary forms have their existence and qualities in
the act of performance. The emotional tone, pitch changes, dramatic
gestures, facial expression, vocal expressiveness, rhythm of delivery, Melody,
false effect, Which the reciter can bring into play in cause of its performance
are often lost completely in the written version.
2. *Orality* The artist through his narration is able to create aesthetic effect
by his speech completely. Unrehearsed, non-censored  and non- premeditated
nature of the creation. He also, unlike the writer addresses himself not only to
one person but to many. He stimulate the audience's emotion, sustain and
helps to retain the attention.
3. *The personality of the artist* A third and more important feature of oration
is the personality of the raconteur (A story teller) it does not only recreate but
also mediate between the inherited core forms and his lively performance
and audience. Coloring the received version with his personality traits such as
his experiences, religious beliefs, world view and narrative verve. Verbal skills
and the force of his memory and voice.
4. *Audience as a factor*  The audience is very often involved in the
actualization and recreation of any given piece of oral literature. The oral
artist cannot escape from face to face confrontation with his audience. He
can choose to involve his listeners directly as in story telling situation where it
is common for the narrator to open with a formula which explicitly arouses
the audience attention. He also often expects them to participate or
collaborate actively in the narration and in particular to Join in the chorus or
songs which he introduced into the narrative. 
The opening creates an atmosphere expectation and emotional relief. The
formal opening also emphasize the fact that story telling is a common 
activity that brings people together, making them forget their sorrows and
realize their common cultural identity. The audience can be exploited in
similar ways in the performance  of poetry particularly in songs, lyrics where
it is common practice for the poet to act as leader, singing  an improvising the
best line while the audience performs as a chorus, keeping up the burden of
the story, some times to the accomplishment of dancing to instrumental
5. *Law of creativity, free enactment and responsibility* The story teller does
everything such as freshing up to the bone (making it interesting)
embellishing it in his personal stamp of authority. He may choose to create a
new story within to enrich it. The narrator is in liberty to choose what part of
drama, what character to immitate in speech or voice approximation,
whatever the outcome of the story telling section, whether success or failure,
he takes responsibility not withstanding the audience collaboration. An
intelligent narrator is careful with the audience and considers quickly all the
interjections and decides whether to encoperate them and note questions to
answer and those to ignore, the audience Even though acted as co-performer
is a detached listener or judge, that is why you hear such comment as; the
Tortise is very greedy, the woman is very wicked, it serves him right. The
audience could as well express emotions as humans and react to situation
such as Joy, tears, happiness. They are all expressed in a storytelling section.
6. *Memory as a factor* The memory of the artist affects the identity of the
story or poem. Additions of narrative items, omission, elaboration as sources
of reshaping of the poem. The mental structure and pool of symbolism,
allusions, historical places, characters and deity becomes for him sources of
narrative moves or functions which he exploits to stimulate, surprise and
enrich the imagination of his audience.
7. *Improvisation* The story teller Expresses his creative originality by
introducing new and exciting words, names of objects, images, motives,
sometimes even contemporary issues and personalities may be introduced to
reflect the everyday reality. The skillful improvision work to heighten the
artistic effectiveness of the artist.
8. *Artistic literary qualities* Most of the qualities which define the literary
value of literature are also the very ones which are present in oral literary
expression or narrative. There is little or no difference in the kind of criteria
used to evaluate the literariness of either types of creation. Whether in the
expression of ideas or permanent human interest in position of stylistic
structure, use of simile, verbal means/mode of expression, use of metaphor,
hyperbole, proverbs, idioms.
*Major genres of oral narratives* 
    Generally, the various forms of Oral literature fall into three basic literary
genres of Western literature;
          *The prose form*
The major category of oral narratives are folktales, epic, myths, legends and
They are orally transmitted traditional stories with basis in real life. They are
imaginative creations meant for entertainment. Folktales are often regarded
as untrue stories although there are times when folktales are believable.
Folktales are predominantly didactic. They also explore themes of jealousy,
love, endurance and moral conflict. They are rich in narrative and linguistic
devices such as fantasy, humor, vividness, subtlety, mimicry, indiophenes,
tonal changes, rhetorical questions, dramatization e.t.c. The Thematic
interest of folktales are of various kinds. Some are about animals, some are
about human beings and are set in the human world. The subject of this story
may be hatred between two men, two brothers or sisters, the tyranny and
wickedness of king or chief. The travails of people, the devil by evil fate or the
trials which a young man undergoes to win a beautiful wife. Other features
are supernatural powers, witchcraft, the going in the world of the dead and
the relationship between the living and the dead. Among the kinds of folktales
(a) *Trickstar tales* e.g A story of Tortise. This begins with some kind of
friendship between two unequal animals. One strong and big and the other
small and bargain is struck, usually the small and weak animal decieve the
big and strong. Often the deceitful animal is caught and punished.
(b) *Dilemma tales* In this kind of tale, a problem develops and the
protagonist is often at pains to resolve the problem due to the need for a
choice of action. Each choice always prove as difficult as the other.
(c) *Rescue tales* Here an animal gets into some difficulties or another, other
animals attempt some kind of rescue. Human characters also abound in
rescue tales.
(d) *Heroic tales* The heroic tales Is mainly of adventure and revenge. They
sometimes have element of history. A major characteristic of this kind of tale
is the mixture of facts and fiction with the fictional element outweighing the
(e) *Aetiological tales* alThis kind of tale explains natural phenomenal and
certain realities in the physical world.
These are long narratives celebrating the heroic deeds of one or more
legendary or historical figures in a good style. The heroes are endowed with
superhuman powers resulting in them performing exploits that are far beyond
human realm. They Excel in battles, voyage, founding and saving Nations or
even a human race. The sources of their unparallel strength include gods who
serve as protectors often the heroes are even offsprings of gods e.g Beowulf,
J.P Clark "Ozigizaga".
They are prose narrative concerning deeper truth. They express collective
attitude of hesitance and are set in the remote past. The main characteristic
of myth include the presence of natural heroes, deities (gods) and animals
whose activities are set in an earlier world when the earth was different from
what it is today. Or in another world such as the sky or underworld. They are
regarded as sacred because they are closely related to religious observances.
The significance of myth consist in the fact they ratify social customs as well
as explain the origin of the human and natural phenomenal of a given cultural
group. E.g creation of heaven and Earth, how earth and sky came to be
separated e.t.c our forefathers used myth to explain what ever they find
difficult to understand e.g since they did not understand the nature of the
stars and moon they made up myths about them.
Legends are stories handed down from one generation to another through
popular oral tradion. They often have exaggerated and rather unreliable
account of some historic persons or event. Legends are sometimes
distinguished from myth in that they concern human beings rather than gods
and sometimes they have some sought of historical basis where as myths do
Proverbs occur almost everywhere in Africa. They are short popular sayings
of unknown authorship expressing some general truth or superstitions. They
are the most powerful and effective instrument for the transmission of
culture, social morality, manners, and ideas of a people from generation to
generation. They are frequently wise sayings based upon the experiences of
people as well as a reflection of the social values and sensibility of the
people. They are used to convey precised moral lessons, warning and advise.
Since they make a great impact in the mind than ordinary words e.g A single
finger cannot pick lice from the hair is a proverb.
A riddle is a question that is deliberately confusing. They are oral puzzles
used for entertainment.
          *Poetry form*
Under poetry we have lyric and song, panegyric, ballad, elegaic poetry, Dirge.
      *Lyrics and songs* These are short personal poems. They are composed
to be sung to the accomplaniment of music instrument such as lyre, gun,
rattle and flute. The language is simple and full of emotion, love, sorrow, joy,
grief, jealousy, fear, complaint e.t.c They may be performed Solo or by a
group. They feature in all aspect of African life especially at occasions. They
are associated with work, rowing, drinking, right of passage circumcision,
hunting e.t.c
*Praise poetry or panegyric poetry* It is designed to eulogize the virtue of
given subjects and therefore stresses accepted values. It is perhaps one of
the most developed and elaborate poetic genre in Africa. It involves the Noble
heroic qualities of his subject using appropriately suggestive metaphors,
symbols and allusion. Sometimes they accept praises. Every celebrated  Man
has his own praise name which is used as a basic for prolong praise by
professional flatterers or grotes. Praise poems also often include derogatory
remarks which may or may not be veiled/embellished. It could give advice
too. The whole praise may at times take place on the drum or horns.
They are orally transmitted poem. They tell in direct and dramatic style. Some
popular stories often resulting from tragic incident in local history or legend.
Tragedy and fatalism lock behind the true story which are sung in the form of
chanted folktales.
       *Elegaic poetry*
It is perform at funeral more often by women. The form becomes specialized
when a specialist like a hunter of repute dies and his peers performs at his
funeral. praise is a most frequent motive  in elegaic poetry. The monarchs
resign themselves to fate and accept the inevitable.
This is a song sung for the dead.
      *Religious poetry*
 Among the great varieties of religious poetry in Africa are hymns, prayers,
praises,  oracular poetry, devotional poetry, chants,  invocation and
incantatory poetry. Authorities are in agreement that poetry can be related in
three ways; 
* The content may be religious
* The poetry may be recited by those who are regarded as religious,
* It may be performed on occasions which are commonly agreed to be
religious ones.
       *Devotional poetry*
They are means by which persons or groups access the wishes of the
spiritual powers. The act of divination involved along with specialised. It is
familiar only to the priest and recited during the divinination exercise.
    *Chants and incantatory poetry*
These are chanted to bring about desires state of affairs. The chanted words
are believed to have magical powers. At other times, the words are recited
along with ritual performance. Also believed to have some magical powers.
The wishes of the chanter may include procuring a cure for an illness
overcoming an enemy achieving success in some endeavors among others.
They are common forms of religious poetry characterized by evocation,
praise and supplication. The singers request from their gods special favors
which might be personal or collective.
      *Dramatic form*
Story telling sections are often highly dramatic. The speeches and gestures
of the various characters in the narration are immitated by the narrator. The
dramatic performance is also heightened by the trequest or occurrence of
music. The artist frequently begins a song in the course  of the narration.
Usually a long song sung by or representing actions of one of the characters.
Sometimes the chorus which is the audience takes up the song antiphonally
and thereby contributing to the dramatic enactment of the story. At certain
points in the narrative, the artist have been known to more among the
audience. According to "J.P Clark 1968" "as long as there is immitation of
some action, the immitation of the poetic images, ritual, song and dance, the
aim of the immitation is to open the ear, and the mind of the spectators in a
cooperate audience and open their eyes to beauty and form, there is a drama
in plenty in Nigeria". This approximate our position in relation to the dramatic
mode in oral performance  in Africa.

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