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Inattentional Blindness: second airplane until it was too late

to avoid a collision.
Looking Without Seeing As it turns out, such events are
not uncommon and even may ac-
Arien Mack1 count for many car accidents re-
Psychology Department, New School University, New York, New York sulting from distraction and inat-
tention. This is why talking on cell
telephones while driving is a dis-
tinctly bad idea. However, the per-
Abstract Keywords vasive assumption that the eye
Surprising as it may seem, re- inattention; perception; aware- functions like a camera and our
search shows that we rarely see ness subjective impression of a coherent
what we are looking at unless and richly detailed world lead
our attention is directed to it. most of us to assume that we see
This phenomenon can have seri- what there is to be seen by merely
ous life-and-death consequences. opening our eyes and looking. Per-
Although the inextricable link Imagine an experienced pilot at- haps this is why we are so aston-
between perceiving and attend- tempting to land an airplane on a ished by events like the airplane
ing was noted long ago by Ar- busy runway. He pays close atten- scenario, although less potentially
istotle, this phenomenon, now tion to his display console, care- damaging instances occur every
called inattentional blindness fully watching the airspeed indica- day, such as when we pass by a
(IB), only recently has been tor on his windshield to make sure friend without seeing her.
named and carefully studied. he does not stall, yet he never sees These scenarios are examples of
Among the many questions that another airplane is blocking what psychologists call inatten-
that have been raised about IB his runway! tional blindness (IB; Mack & Rock,
are questions about the fate of Intuitively, one might think 1998). IB denotes the failure to see
the clearly visible, yet unseen (and hope) that an attentive pilot highly visible objects we may be
stimuli, whether any stimuli would notice the airplane in time. looking at directly when our atten-
reliably capture attention, and, However, in a study by Haines tion is elsewhere. Although IB is a
if so, what they have in com- (1991), a few experienced pilots visual phenomenon, it has audi-
mon. Finally, is IB an instance training in flight simulators pro- tory and tactile counterparts as
of rapid forgetting, or is it a ceeded with their landing when a well; for example, we often do not
failure to perceive? clearly visible airplane was block- hear something said to us if we are
ing the runway, unaware of the “not listening.”

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perceive a clearly visible stimulus ronment, even if not consciously

INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS that was located exactly where perceived, may direct later behav-
they were looking. ior. If stimuli not seen because of IB
The idea that we miss a substan- are in fact processed but encoded
tial amount of the visual world at outside of awareness, then it should
any given time is startling even be possible to demonstrate that
though evidence for such selective they prime subsequent behavior.
seeing was first reported in the AMNESIA? The typical method for docu-
1970s by Neisser (1979). In one of menting implicit perception en-
several experiments, he asked par- tails measuring reaction time over
Not surprisingly, there is a con- multiple trials. Such studies are
ticipants to view a video of two su-
troversy over whether the types of based on the assumption that an
perimposed ball-passing games in
failures documented in such exper- implicitly perceived stimulus will
which one group of players wore
iments are really evidence that the either speed up or retard subse-
white uniforms and another group
observers did not see the stimulus, quent responses to relevant stim-
wore black uniforms. Participants
or whether they in fact saw the uli depending on whether the
counted the number of passes be-
stimulus but then quickly forgot it. priming produces facilitation or in-
tween members of one of the
In other words, is IB more correctly hibition.2 However, because sub-
groups. When the participants
described as inattentional amnesia jects in IB experiments cannot be
were subsequently asked to report
(Wolfe, 1999)? Although this con- made aware of the critical stimu-
what they had seen, only 21% re-
troversy may not lend itself to an lus, unlike in many kinds of prim-
ported the presence of a woman
empirical resolution, many re- ing studies, only one trial with that
who had unexpectedly strolled
searchers find it difficult to believe stimulus is possible. This require-
though the basketball court carry-
that a thumping gorilla appearing ment rules out reaction time proce-
ing an open umbrella, even though
in the midst of a ball game is no- dures, which demand hundreds of
she was clearly in view some of the
ticed and then immediately forgot- trials because reaction time differ-
time. Researchers recently replicated
ten. What makes the argument for ences tend to be small and there-
this finding with a study in which a
inattentional amnesia even more fore require stable response rates
man dressed in a gorilla costume
difficult to sustain is evidence that that can be achieved only with
stopped to thump his chest while
unseen stimuli are capable of prim- many trials. Fortunately, an alter-
walking through the court and re-
ing, that is, of affecting some subse- nate procedure, stem completion,
mained visible for between 5 and 9
quent act. (For example, if a subject can be used when the critical stim-
s (Simons & Chabris, 1999).
is shown some object too quickly to uli are words. In this method, some
Although it is possible that some
identify it and is then shown it observers (experimental group) are
failures to see the gorilla or the um-
again so that it is clearly visible, the exposed to a word in an IB proce-
brella-carrying woman might have
subject is likely to identify it more dure, and other observers (control
resulted from not looking directly
quickly than if it had not been pre- group) are not. Then, the initial few
at them, another body of work sup-
viously flashed. This is evidence of letters of the unseen word are pre-
ports the alternative explanation
priming: The first exposure speeded sented to all the observers, who are
that the observers were so intent on
the response to the second.) Prim- asked to complete the string of let-
counting ball passes that they
ing can occur only if there is some ters with one or two English words.
missed the unexpected object that
memory of the stimulus, even if If the members of the experimental
appeared in plain view. Research I
that memory is inaccessible. group complete the string with the
have conducted with my col-
leagues (Mack & Rock, 1998) con- unseen word more frequently than
clusively demonstrates that, with do the members of the control
rare exceptions, observers generally group, this is taken as evidence that
do not see what they are looking UNCONSCIOUS PERCEPTION the experimental group implicitly
directly at when they are attending perceived and encoded the word.
to something else. In many of these A considerable amount of re- IB experiments using this method
experiments, observers fixated on search has investigated uncon- have demonstrated significant
specified locations while simulta- scious, or implicit, perception and priming (Mack & Rock, 1998), as
neously attending to a demanding those perceptual processes that oc- well as other kinds of evidence that
perceptual task, the object of which cur outside of awareness. This visual information undergoes sub-
might be elsewhere. Under these work has led many researchers to stantial processing prior to the en-
conditions, observers often failed to conclude that events in the envi- gagement of attention. For exam-

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ple, evidence that aspects of visual iconic image of a happy face) of whether all elements in the vi-
processing take place before atten- rather than simple features like sual field are processed and stored
tion is allocated has been provided color or motion. This fact suggests because up to now there has been
by a series of ingenious IB experi- that attention is captured only after scarcely any evidence of priming
ments by Moore and her collabora- the meaning of a stimulus has been by more than one unreportable ele-
tors (e.g., Moore & Egeth, 1997). analyzed. There are psychologists ment in the field. The fact of multi-
This work has shown that under who believe that attention operates element priming begins to suggest
conditions of inattention, basic per- much earlier in the processing of that unattended or unseen ele-
ceptual processes, such as those re- sensory input, before meaning has ments are processed and stored, al-
sponsible for the grouping of ele- been analyzed (e.g., Treisman, though it says nothing about how
ments in the visual field into 1969). These accounts, however, do many elements are processed and
objects, are carried out and influ- not easily explain why modest whether the meaning of all the ele-
ence task responses even though changes, such as inverting a happy ments is analyzed.
observers are unable to report see- face and changing one internal let- One answer to the question of
ing the percepts that result from ter in the observer’s name, which how much of what is not seen is
those processes. For example, in alter the apparent meaning of the encoded into memory comes from
one study using a modification of stimuli but not their overall shape, an account of perceptual process-
the IB procedure, Moore and Egeth cause a very large increase in IB ing based on the assumption that
investigated the Müller-Lyer illu- (Mack & Rock, 1998). perception is a limited-capacity
sion, in which two lines of equal process and that processing is
length look unequal because one Meaning and the Capture mandatory up to the point that this
has outgoing fins, which make it of Attention capacity is exhausted (Lavie, 1995).
look longer, and the other has in- According to this analysis, the ex-
going fins, which make it look If meaning is what captures at- tent to which unattended objects
shorter. In this case, the fins were tention, then it follows axiomati- are processed is a function of the
formed by the grouping of back- cally that meaning must be ana- difficulty of the perceptual task
ground dots: Dots forming the fins lyzed before attention is captured, (i.e., the perceptual load). When
were closer together than the other which is thought to occur at the the perceptual load is high, only at-
dots in the background. Moore and end stage of the processing of sen- tended stimuli are encoded. When
Egeth demonstrated that subjects sory input. This therefore implies it is low, unattended stimuli are
saw the illusion even when, be- that even those stimuli that we are also processed. This account faces
cause of inattention, the fins were not intending to see and that do some difficulty because it is not
not consciously perceived. What- not capture our attention must be clear how perceptual load should
ever processes priming entails, the fully processed by the brain, for be estimated. Beyond this, how-
fact that it occurs is evidence of im- otherwise their meanings would be ever, it is difficult to reconcile this
plicit perception and the encoding lost before they had a chance of account with evidence suggesting
of a stimulus in memory. Thus, the capturing our attention and being that observers are likely to see their
fact that the critical stimulus in the perceived. If this is the case, then own names even when they occur
IB paradigm can prime subse- we are left with some yet-unan- among the stimuli that must be ig-
quent responses is evidence that swered, very difficult questions. nored in order to perform a de-
this stimulus is implicitly per- Are all the innumerable stimuli im- manding perceptual task (Mack,
ceived and encoded. aged on our retinas really pro- Pappas, Silverman, & Gay, 2002). It
cessed for meaning and encoded should be noted, however, that
into memory, and if not, which these latter results are at odds with
When Do Stimuli Capture stimuli are and which are not? a published report (Rees, Russell,
Attention and Why? Although we do not yet have Firth, & Driver, 1999) I describe in
answers to these questions, an un- the next section.
That unconsciously perceived published doctoral dissertation by
stimuli in IB experiments undergo Silverman, at New School Univer-
substantial processing in the brain sity, has demonstrated that there
is also supported by evidence that can be priming by more than one EVIDENCE FROM
the select few stimuli able to cap- element in a multielement display, NEURAL IMAGING
ture attention when attention is even when these elements cannot
elsewhere are complex and mean- be reported by the subject. This Researchers have used mag-
ingful (e.g., the observer’s name, an finding is relevant to the question netic imaging techniques to try to

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determine what happens in the tended to and seen, the neural pro- processing (Rafal, 1998). Visual ne-
brain when observers fail to detect cessing of meaningful and mean- glect therefore seems to share im-
a visual stimulus because their at- ingless stimuli did differ. These portant similarities with IB. Both
tention is elsewhere. Neural re- results suggest that unattended phenomena are attributed to inat-
cording techniques may be able to stimuli are not processed for mean- tention, and there is evidence that
show whether visual stimuli that ing. However, in another study in both visual neglect (Rafal, 1998)
are unconsciously perceived arouse that repeated the procedure used and IB, unseen stimuli are capable
the same areas of the brain to the by Rees et al. (without fMRI re- of priming. In IB and visual ne-
same extent as visual stimuli that cordings) but included the sub- glect, the failure to see objects shares
are seen. This is an important ques- ject’s own name among the ig- a common cause, namely inattention,
tion because it bears directly on the nored stimuli, many subjects saw even though in one case the inat-
nature of the processing that oc- their names, suggesting that mean- tention is produced by brain dam-
curs outside of awareness prior to ing was in fact analyzed (Mack et age, and in the other the inatten-
the engagement of attention and on al., 2002). Thus, one study shows tion is produced by the task. Thus,
the difference between the process- that ignored stimuli are not seman- evidence of priming by neglected
ing of attended and unattended tically processed, and the other stimuli appears to be additional ev-
stimuli. suggests that they are. This conflict idence of the processing and en-
In one study, Scholte, Spekreijse, remains unresolved. Are unat- coding of unattended stimuli.
and Lamme (2001) found similar tended, unseen words deeply pro-
neural activity related to the segre- cessed outside of awareness, de-
gation of unattended target stimuli spite these fMRI results, which
from their backgrounds (i.e., the show no evidence of semantic neu-
grouping of the unattended stimuli ral activation by ignored words? ATTENTION AND
so they stood out from the back- How can one reconcile behavioral PERCEPTION
ground on which they appeared), evidence of priming by lexical
an operation that is thought to oc- stimuli under conditions of inat- IB highlights the intimate link
cur early in the processing of visual tention (Mack & Rock, 1998) with between perception and attention,
input. This activation was found evidence that these stimuli are not which is further underscored by re-
regardless of whether the stimuli semantically processed? cent evidence showing that unat-
were attended and seen or unat- tended stimuli that share features
tended and not seen, although with task-relevant stimuli are less
there was increased activation for likely to suffer IB than those that
targets that were attended and do not (Most et al., 2001). This new
seen. This finding is consistent NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER evidence illustrates the power of
with the behavioral findings of RELATED TO our intentions in determining what
Moore and Egeth (1997), cited ear- INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS we see and what we do not.
lier, showing that unattended, un-
seen stimuli undergo lower-level People who have experienced
processing such as grouping, al- brain injuries that cause lesions in
though the additional neural activ- the parietal cortex (an area of the
ity associated with awareness sug- brain associated with attention) of- CONCLUDING REMARKS
gests that there may be important ten exhibit what is called unilateral
differences in processing of at- visual neglect, meaning that they Although the phenomenon of IB
tended versus unattended stimuli. fail to see objects located in the vi- is now well established, it remains
In another study, Rees and his sual field opposite the site of the le- surrounded by many unanswered
colleagues (Rees et al., 1999) used sion. That is, for example, if the le- questions. In addition to the almost
functional magnetic resonance im- sion is on the right, they fail to eat completely unexplored question
aging (fMRI) to picture brain activ- food on the left side of their plates concerning whether all unat-
ity while observers were engaged or to shave the left half of their tended, unseen stimuli in a com-
in a perceptual task. They found no faces. Because these lesions do not plex scene are fully processed out-
evidence of any difference between cause any sensory deficits, the ap- side of awareness (and if not,
the neural processing of meaning- parent blindness cannot be attrib- which are and which are not), there
ful and meaningless lexical stimuli uted to sensory causes and has is the question of whether the ob-
when they were ignored, although been explained in terms of the role server can locate where in the vi-
when the same stimuli were at- of the parietal cortex in attentional sual field the information extracted

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from a single unseen stimulus References

Recommended Reading
came from, despite the fact that the
Haines, R.F. (1991). A breakdown in simultaneous
observer has failed to perceive it. Mack, A., & Rock, I. (1998). (See Ref- information processing. In G. Obrecht & L.W.
This possibility is suggested by the erences) Stark (Eds.), Presbyopia research (pp. 171–175).
Rensink, R. (2002). Change blindness. New York: Plenum Press.
proposal that there are two sepa- Lavie, N. (1995). Perceptual load as a necessary
Annual Review of Psychology, 53 ,
rate visual systems, one dedicated 245–277. condition for selective attention. Journal of Ex-
perimental Psychology: Human Perception and
to action, which does not entail Simons, D. (2000). Current ap- Performance, 21, 451–468.
consciousness, and the other dedi- proaches to change blindness. Vi- Mack, A., Pappas, Z., Silverman, M., & Gay, R.
cated to perception, which does en- sual Cognition, 7, 1–15. (2002). What we see: Inattention and the cap-
Wilkens, P. (Ed.). (2000). Symposium ture of attention by meaning. Consciousness and
tail consciousness (Milner & Goodale, Cognition, 11, 488–506.
on Mack and Rock’s Inattentional
1995). That is, the action stream may Blindness. Psyche, 6 and 7. Re- Mack, A., & Rock, I. (1998). Inattentional blindness.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
process an unseen stimulus, includ- trieved from http://psyche.cs. Milner, D., & Goodale, M.A. (1995). The visual brain
ing its location information, although in action. Oxford, England: Oxford University
the perception stream does not. An v7.html#ib Press.
answer to this question would be in- Moore, C.M., & Egeth, H. (1997). Perception with-
out attention: Evidence of grouping under
formative about the fate of the un- conditions of inattention. Journal of Experimen-
seen stimuli. tal Psychology: Human Perception and Perfor-
mance, 23, 339–352.
The pervasiveness of IB raises Acknowledgments—I am grateful for the
comments and suggestions of Bill Prinz- Most, S.B., Simons, D.J., Scholl, B.J., Jimenez, R.,
another unresolved question. metal and Michael Silverman. Clifford, E., & Chabris, C.F. (2001). How not to
be seen: The contribution of similarity and se-
Given that people see much less lective ignoring to sustained inattentional
than they think they do, is the vi- blindness. Psychological Science, 12, 9–17.
sual world a mere illusion? Ac- Neisser, U. (1979). The control of information
pickup in selective looking. In A.D. Pick (Ed.),
cording to one provocative answer Perception and its development: A tribute to
Notes Eleanor Gibson (pp. 201–219). Hillsdale, NJ:
to this question, most recently de- Erlbaum.
fended by O’Regan and Noe (2001), 1. Address correspondence to Arien O’Regan, K., & Noe, A. (2001). A sensorimotor ac-
the outcome of perceptual process- Mack, Psychology Department, New count of vision and visual consciousness. Be-
School University, 65 Fifth Ave., New havioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 5.
ing is not the construction of some
York, NY 10003. Rafal, R. (1998). Neglect. In R. Parasuraman (Ed.),
internal representation; rather, see- The attentive brain (pp. 489–526). Cambridge,
2. An example of a speeded-up re- MA: MIT Press.
ing is a way of exploring the envi- sponse (facilitation, or positive prim- Rees, G., Russell, C., Firth, C., & Driver, J. (1999).
ronment, and the outside world ing) has already been given. Negative, Inattentional blindness versus inattentional
serves as its own external represen- or inhibition, priming occurs when a amnesia. Science, 286, 849–860.
tation, eliminating the need for in- stimulus that has been actively ignored Scholte, H.S., Spekreijse, H., & Lamme, V.A.
is subsequently presented. For exam- (2001). Neural correlates of global scene seg-
ternal representations. Whether or mentation are present during inattentional
ple, if a series of superimposed red and blindness [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 1(3), Ar-
not this account turns out to be via- green shapes is rapidly presented and ticle 346. Retrieved from http://journalofvision.
ble, the phenomenon of IB has subjects are asked to report a feature of org/1/3/346
raised a host of questions, the an- the red shapes, later on it is likely to Simons, D.J., & Chabris, C.F. (1999). Gorillas in our
take them longer to identify the green midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for
swers to which promise to change dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059–1074.
scientists’ understanding of the na- shapes than a shape that has not previ-
Treisman, A. (1969). Strategies and models of selec-
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gers of inattention. thing like an “ignore me” tag. bridge, MA: MIT Press.

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