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Ainul Dwi Cahyati_Agribisnis_B

Analysis of The Effectiveness of Lectures in Online Learning

In 2020, it will be a different year from the world of education. If previously
learning was conventionally due to the ongoing disease outbreak, the government
switched offline learning to online. During the pandemic, FLSP learning using online
methods due to the Covid-19 pandemic so that the implementation of PSBB was
implemented, students were prohibited from going to campus. Innovation in the world
of education conducts distance learning to streamline learning, reduce contact and
reduce the crowd. Lecturers' efforts in online learning are made as comfortable as
possible with activities such as holding temporary games among studies, quizzes, and
intelligent discussions. However, continuous online learning makes students easily

Proponents of this idea state that online learning cannot be separated from a
variety of problems. Problems encountered with the application of online learning
include an imbalance of internet networks and access to technology. That is evident
between major cities and remote areas (Bali &Musrifah, 2020). Apart from the
problems of facilities and infrastructure during the application of online learning,
students are also not limited to the time and place of study, but rather given the freedom
to choose the right time in learning based on their interests. They are also expected to
explore ways of thinking further, they are also given the best flexibility to interact with
lecturers and other friends of thinking about the time and place in which they are.
Effective online learning, especially FLSP courses that have been running for two
semesters. The students in this online FLSP class are not just about materials and
practices. They also run various activities such as conducting quizzes using social media
from universities, namely using CANVAS which has been specifically designed for
FLSP studies. When the learning has lasted for 50 minutes with tired and saturated faces
facing the laptop, they also get entertainment by doing the game given by the teacher.
They are also allowed to give jokes with the teacher's approval. That way students can
be entertained, feel more relaxed, and even raise the spirit to carry out learning.

However, it would be a serious mistake if online learning was not taken

seriously. For reasons: First, students don't understand at all the material or theories
regarding vocabulary, grammar, and how to express themselves in English. A study
Ainul Dwi Cahyati_Agribisnis_B

conducted there are about 33.51% of students can understand online learning materials,
30.90% understand the material well, and 5.64% understand the material very well. The
evaluation results also mentioned that as many as 25.34% of students claimed that
lecturers delivered course materials online; 45.56% of lecturers deliver lecture materials
well; and 15.84% of lecturers delivered lecture materials very well (Hamid et al.,
2020). From the evaluation results, it can be concluded that online learning conducted
by lecturers and students runs quite effectively despite relative changes.

Second, long-time online learning continues to be doing. Students will get

used to the ease of not educating and mature. They will become lazy to think and make
this nation no longer face the threat of a shortage of smart people. The internet has
enormous benefits and a wider reach. Some of these benefits students use as a browsing
medium, thus allowing them to abuse being lazy, and some use the internet as a
container of learning space correctly.

Similarly, a survey conducted in 2020 found that at the time of the Covid-19
pandemic teaching and learning activities carried out from home did not always run
with the lancer. Problems of online learning implementation related to student learning
interests, the value of honesty and sense of student responsibility, student discipline, and
limited teacher assessment of student skills. So that during online learning, not all
students can receive materials provided by lecturers are well received. For disciplinary
issues, make rules are related to online learning, the provision of rules that have been set
by the campus.

But apart from that, the solution to all these problems is to re-run the
learning process face-to-face. Online learning cannot replace the effectiveness of
conventional learning.


Bali, M. M. E. I., & Musrifah, M. (2020). The Problems of Application of Online

Learning in the Affective and Psychomotor Domains During the Covid-19
Pandemic. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 17(2), 137–154.
Ainul Dwi Cahyati_Agribisnis_B

Hamid, R., Sentryo, I., & Hasan, S. (2020). Online learning and its problems in the
Covid-19 emergency period. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 8(1), 86–95.

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