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25 Question
Sample Quiz


A 52‐year‐old female assembly worker is referred to a private
physiotherapy clinic for assessment and treatment of right arm and
neck pain. The patient reports a gradual onset of paresthesia in the
right arm. The physiotherapists suspects thoracic outlet syndrome.

01 Which of the following classifications of thoracic outlet syndrome is

related to a tight pectoralis minor?
a) Scalenus Anterior Syndrome
b) Costoclavicular Syndrome
c) Hyperabduction Syndrome
d) Coracoid Syndrome

02 Which of the following is not a special test for thoracic outlet

a) Halstead Maneuver
b) Adson Maneuver
c) Epley’s Maneuver
d) Allen Test

03 One test the physiotherapist could use to evaluate for thoracic outlet
syndrome is to passively elevate the patient’s shoulder girdle up
and forward (elevation) and hold the patient in this position for 30
seconds or more. Which of the following indicates a positive test?
a) Report of dizziness
b) Decrease in numbness, tingling, or pain in upper extremity
c) Decrease in the radial pulse
d) Increase cyanosis


04 Which of the following is not a common cause of thoracic outlet

a) Poor posture
b) Excessive overhead activities
c) Muscle atrophy of scalene muscles, subclavius, or pectoralis
d) Cervical rib


A 74-year old woman is three days post-operative left total hip
arthroscopy using a postero-lateral approach. The client complains of
left calf pain

05 Which of the following is the most likely cause of pain?

a) Femoroacetabular referral pain
b) Vascular claudication
c) Neurogenic claudication
d) Deep vein thrombosis

06 What should be the physiotherapists next course of action?

a) Tell the client to discontinue her bed exercises and inform the
⠀⠀nursing staff and surgeon
b) Tell the client to continue her bed exercises and inform the
⠀⠀nursing staff and surgeon
c) Tell the client that pain following surgery is normal and she
⠀⠀should continue her bed exercises
d) Order an x-ray to rule out any sinister pathology



A 71 year old man has suffered a cerebral vascular accident (CVA)
resulting in left hemiparesis 2 weeks ago. The patient lives with his
wife who is 5 years younger than him.

07 The patient is unaware of his deficits and often overestimates his

abilities. He refuses to go for treatment, because he doesn’t believe
there is anything wrong that he would need treatment for. You
realize he lacks insight, and that he is unable to perceive his illness.
This is best described as:
a) Anosognosia
b) Somatoagnosia
c) Ideomotor apraxia
d) Ideational apraxia

08 During examination, you ask the patient to copy a drawing of a

clock. You notice that the patient only copies the right side of the
clock and the left side of his clock drawing is missing. You believe
this patient has:
a) Right unilateral neglect
b) Left unilateral neglect
c) Right homonymous hemianopia
d) Left homonymous hemianopia

09 The patient is now able to weight shift onto both sides and is ready
for ambulation. He enjoys walking on the grass in the park. Which
gait aid prescription is most appropriate?
a) Standard walker
b) Two wheel walker
c) Rollator
d) Walking cane on right side


10 What outcome measure would you use to assess this patient’s gait?
a) 6 minute walk test (6MWT)
b) Timed up and Go test (TUG)
c) Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
d) Functional Independence Measure (FIM)

11 The patient’s two sons explain to you that their uncle, the patient’s
brother, had a CVA 5 years ago. The patient’s sons ask you what
they should do in order to reduce their risk of having a CVA. Which
of the following are risk factors for CVA?
a) Diabetes, Obesity, Low socio-economic status
b) Hypertension, Obesity, high risk behavior
c) Diabetes, Excessive alcohol consumption, Low socio-
⠀⠀economic status
d) Diabetes, Hypertension, heart disease

12 Prior to performing passive hamstring stretches on the patient’s

legs, you decide to place heat packs on the patient’s hamstrings for
15 minutes. What should you test prior to applying this modality?
a) Sharp/dull discrimination and proprioception awareness
b) Temperature awareness and circulation
c) All cortical sensations
d) Light touch and deep sensations


A 46‐year‐old woman who has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is referred to
out‐patient physiotherapy at a rehabilitation centre by her
rheumatologist. She is currently experiencing an acute exacerbation
of her symptoms.


13 Which of the following is false in regards to RA?

a) Morning stiffness lasts at least 1 hour
b) RA presents with symmetrical arthritis
c) RA typically affects the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand
d) RA patients have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality

14 Which of the following is not indicative of an active joint in the

Standardized Assessment of Joint Inflammation?
a) Effusion
b) Crepitus
c) Stress pain
d) Joint line tenderness

15 Which of the following would indicate that the clients’ RA is in

a) < 1 hour of morning stiffness and no joint tenderness or effusion
⠀⠀for at least 1 year
b) < 1hour of morning stiffness and no joint tenderness or effusion
⠀⠀for at least 1 month
c) < 30 minutes of morning stiffness and no joint tenderness or
⠀⠀effusion for at least 6 months
d) < 15 minutes of morning stiffness and no joint tenderness or
⠀⠀effusion for at least 3 months

16 The therapists performs the Bunnel-Littler test in order to test for

intrinsic muscle tightness of the digits. Which of the following would
indicate intrinsic muscle tightness in the clients’ digits?
a) The proximal-interphalangeal joint is limited in flexion when the
⠀⠀metacarpal-phalangeal joint is held in extension, but not when
the metacarpal-phalangeal joint is held in flexion
b) The proximal-interphalangeal joint is limited in flexion when the
⠀⠀metacarpal-phalangeal joint is held in flexion or extension


c) The proximal-interphalangeal joint is limited in extension when

⠀⠀the metacarpal-phalangeal joint is held in flexion, but not in
d) The proximal-interphalangeal joint is limited in extension when
⠀⠀the metacarpal-phalangeal joint is held in flexion or extension

17 The client presents with a Swan neck deformity on the index finger
of her right hand. Which of the following is true in regard to swan
neck deformity?
a) Swan neck deformity presents with distal-interphalangeal
⠀⠀joint flexion, proximal interphalangeal hyperextension, and
⠀⠀MCP flexion, and can be due to tension in the flexor
⠀⠀digitorum profundus
b) Swan neck deformity presents with distal-interphalangeal
⠀⠀joint flexion, proximal interphalangeal hyperextension, and
⠀⠀MCP flexion, and can be due to tension in the flexor
⠀⠀digitorum superficialis
c) Swan neck deformity presents with distal-interphalangeal
⠀⠀joint extension, proximal interphalangeal flexion, and MCP
⠀⠀extension, and can be due to a central slip injury
d) Swan neck deformity presents with distal-interphalangeal
⠀⠀joint extension, proximal interphalangeal flexion, and MCP
⠀⠀extension, and can be due to a flexor digitorum superficialis
⠀⠀tendon rupture
Which of the following treatments is contraindicated in patients
18 with RA?
a) Heat
b) Joint mobilizations
c) Stretching
d) Laser light therapy


19 Which of the following treatments should be used for a patient with

active RA?
a) Rest
b) Ice
c) Heat
d) Active Range of Motion

20 The client complains of numbness in her right foot. After performing

a thorough examination the physiotherapist diagnoses the client
with Morton’s neuroma. Which of the following is the most common
site for a Morton’s neuroma to develop?
a) Between the first and second metatarsals
b) Between the second and third metatarsals
c) Between the third and fourth metatarsals
d) Between the fourth and fifth metatarsals

21 The client reports that they have been experiencing numbness and
tingling down both of their arms. What should be the next course of

a) Ask patient to perform 10 cervical retractions to see if symptoms

⠀⠀will centralize
b) Refer patient immediately to physician
c) Perform cervical traction and see if symptoms resolve
d) Perform upper limb tension tests on both arms to diagnose
⠀⠀which nerves are affected



Stanley Hudson is a 52 year old salesman who spends most of his time
sitting and solving crossword puzzles at work. He reluctantly has
come to the hospital after being pressured by his girlfriend Cynthia.
Stanley has been admitted for further investigation. The emergency
doctor believes that Stanley may have Pulmonary Edema.

22 When you enter the room you notice that Stanley appears to be
short of breath while lying down in the hospital bed. You offer him a
couple of extra pillows under his head to prop him up slightly and he
reports he feel much better after you placed two pillow under his
head. What you have observed is known as…
a) Orthostatic Hypotension
b) Dyspnea on dependency
c) Orthopnea
d) Non-compliant lung

23 Stanley has a productive cough and expels mucus into a tissue.

What would you expect to find on examination of the mucus if
Stanley indeed had Pulmonary Edema?
a) Pink frothy mucus
b) Brown flecks in the mucus
c) Green mucus with foul smell
d) Thick yellow mucus

24 What would you expect to find in an X-ray of a patient with

Pulmonary Edema?
a) Increased rib angle
b) Flattened diaphragms
c) Cardiomegaly
d) No abnormal findings


25 Which of the following would be the most effective treatment for

Pulmonary Edema?
a) Percussions
b) Vibrations
c) Pursed lip breathing
d) Diuretics

Watch the video in the link below for answers and rationale:


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