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Construction Estimating and

Copyright © 2021 by Construction Computer Software (Pty) Ltd (RIB CCS)

This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be

obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage

in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise.

Course Notes Version: 2020.09

Information is correct as per the functionality present in

Candy v 2.01e14.5

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 1. SYSTEM UPDATES ................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Updating Candy ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Candy Help center ............................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 2. CANDY FILING STRUCTURE ................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Data Path Manager ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Company Manager ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Create a New Company .................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Job Manager .................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Create a New Job ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 Recover a CCS Demo Job .............................................................................................................. 12
2.7 System Registration ......................................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 3. CANDY USER INTERFACE ..................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Candy Navigation ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Document Navigation ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Right-click Menu Functions.............................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Customising the System .................................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions ......................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 4. BILL CREATION ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job ............................................................................... 27
4.2 Setting up a new estimate ............................................................................................................... 27
4.3 The Bill Importer Document ............................................................................................................. 28
4.4 Importing a BOQ from an Excel spreadsheet .................................................................................. 29
4.5 The Estimating Document Manager ................................................................................................ 36
4.6 Exercise 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER 5. CANDY PRICING MODES ....................................................................................................... 38
5.1 Plug Rate Pricing ............................................................................................................................. 40
5.2 Split Rate Pricing ............................................................................................................................. 43
CHAPTER 6. PRICING USING WORKSHEETS ............................................................................................ 46
6.1 Price Codes ..................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Trade Code allocation ...................................................................................................................... 47
6.3 Pricing using Worksheets ................................................................................................................ 49
CHAPTER 7. WORKSHEET TOOLS AND SHORTCUTS ............................................................................. 67
7.1 Applied Factor “#” ............................................................................................................................ 67
7.2 Local Variables ................................................................................................................................ 68
7.3 Comments and Headings ................................................................................................................ 69
7.4 Exercise 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 70

CHAPTER 8. SUBCONTRACT ADJUDICATOR ........................................................................................... 73
8.1 Subcontract Adjudication Manager .................................................................................................. 73
8.2 Subcontract Package ....................................................................................................................... 74
8.3 Importing the Bill Items in the Subcontract Package ....................................................................... 75
8.4 Adding subcontractors ..................................................................................................................... 77
8.5 Entering the Subcontractor Rates ................................................................................................... 77
8.6 Export and Import Subcontract Quote ............................................................................................. 78
8.7 Transferring the Subcontractor Rates to the Bill.............................................................................. 82
8.7 Open the Bill to view the priced Metalworks items .......................................................................... 83
8.8 Exercise 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 84
CHAPTER 9. TRADE TOTALS DISPLAY AND RESOURCE ANALYSIS .................................................... 87
9.1 Trade Totals Display ........................................................................................................................ 87
9.2 Resource Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 88
CHAPTER 10. MARKUP................................................................................................................................. 89
10.1 Markup All Trades ............................................................................................................................ 89
10.2 Trade Markup .................................................................................................................................. 91
10.3 Individual Markup ............................................................................................................................. 92
10.4 Trade Totals Display ........................................................................................................................ 93
10.5 Exercise 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 94
CHAPTER 11. REPORT MANAGER .............................................................................................................. 95
CHAPTER 12. PRACTICAL DAY 1 .............................................................................................................. 100
CHAPTER 13. MASTERS ............................................................................................................................. 103
13.1 Master selection ............................................................................................................................. 103
13.2 Definitions Menu ............................................................................................................................ 105
13.3 Copying bill items from a Master ................................................................................................... 106
13.4 Adding an Addendum. ................................................................................................................... 112
13.5 Using the Master to Price Imported Items ..................................................................................... 114
13.6 Exercise 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 119
CHAPTER 14. POST TENDER CONTROL .................................................................................................. 120
14.1 Selling Rate.................................................................................................................................... 120
CHAPTER 15. VALUE ENGINEERING OR REMODELLING ...................................................................... 122
15.1 Tender Value ................................................................................................................................. 122
15.2 Remodeling .................................................................................................................................... 123
15.3 Bill of Quantities ............................................................................................................................. 125
15.4 Exercise 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 126
CHAPTER 16. COST AND GROUP CODES ............................................................................................... 128
16.1 Defining the Cost and Group codes .............................................................................................. 128
16.2 Resource list .................................................................................................................................. 129
16.3 Allocating the Cost and Group Codes to Resources ..................................................................... 130
16.4 Resource Analysis Reports ........................................................................................................... 133

CHAPTER 17. CONTROL LABOUR AND PLANT USING TASK CODES ................................................. 136
17.1 Defining the Task Codes ............................................................................................................... 136
17.2 Task Code Allocation ..................................................................................................................... 137
17.3 Task Code Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 141
17.4 Task Code Reports ........................................................................................................................ 143
CHAPTER 18. VALUATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 146
18.1 Valuation Setup ............................................................................................................................. 146
18.2 Primary Valuations Quantities ....................................................................................................... 149
18.3 Copy the Final Quantity from the Bill Quantity ............................................................................... 150
18.4 Remeasure the Final Quantities .................................................................................................... 151
18.5 Enter the Valuation Quantities ....................................................................................................... 151
18.6 Valuation Report Manager ............................................................................................................. 153
18.7 Valuation Trade Total Display........................................................................................................ 157
CHAPTER 19. NEXT VALUATION SETUP .................................................................................................. 158
19.1 Next Valuation Setup ..................................................................................................................... 158
CHAPTER 20. PRACTICAL DAY 2 .............................................................................................................. 161
ANNEXURE A. FORECASTING THE BOQ USING CANDY PLANNING ................................................... 163
Candy Planning Program Manager ............................................................................................................ 164
Create Program Activities using the Bill of Quantities ............................................................................... 165
BOQ with Budget Forecast ........................................................................................................................ 169
Resource Usage Forecast ......................................................................................................................... 170
Cost Code Budget ...................................................................................................................................... 171
Resource Histogram .................................................................................................................................. 171
ANNEXURE B. PRICING THE REMAINING guard HOUSE ITEM ............................................................. 175
ANNEXURE C. PROJECT CONTROL USING CANDY AND BUILDSMART ............................................. 179
ANNEXURE D. YOUR TRAINING ROADMAP ............................................................................................ 180


1.1 Updating Candy

The Candy software can be updated from within the system, or alternatively from our website.

Do Do the following steps:

Access the Candy software from your desktop by double-clicking on the Candy icon .
Click on Support > Update Candy.

Select Download and install the latest version and click on .

Select the applicable Server (closest to you) to download from and click on .

6 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – System updates

Click on .

Click on to install version 2.01xxx.

RIB CCS does not send out any update notifications. It is your responsibility to always make sure
that you have the latest version of Candy. We recommend that you run an update once a month.

7 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – System updates

1.2 Candy Help center

The help centre has a database of help articles and videos to help you with any queries relating to Candy.
Use the search function on the help centre to find help articles regarding your query. Alternatively, the Help
Centre may also be used to log support queries.

To access the help centre click on Support > Help Centre.

8 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – System updates


2.1 Data Path Manager

Do Do the following steps:

Access the Candy software from your desktop by double-clicking on the Candy icon .
Complete the User details: Name & surname, Person ID (Initials) and Company name.

This is the top-level menu in the system where unlimited Data Paths can be added (limited to disk space).

2.2 Company Manager

This is the second level menu in the system where a maximum of 24 companies can be created, accessed,
renamed and deleted by the user. For example, if you are tendering in a joint venture with another firm, you
can create a brand-new company for that bid.

The Company Manager generates a New Header and a New Company automatically.

9 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

2.3 Create a New Company

Do Do the following steps:

Right-click in an empty line and select Add a new company.

Change the Company Name to RIB CCS Training Company and click on .

You can define a Company Code, set a Password, add a Logo and make some Notes for this new
The RIB CCS Training Company will now display in your list of companies. Click on .

10 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

2.4 Job Manager

To access the different jobs in this company, click on the specific job and click on .

The Job Manager generates a New Header and a New Job automatically. You may create up to
99 jobs within a company. These jobs can be copied, renamed, deleted and backed-up using the
Job menu or using the Right-click menu within this window.

2.5 Create a New Job

Do Do the following steps:

Right-click in an empty line.

Select New job.

Change the Job name to Waste Water Treatment Works and click on .

11 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

For each job you can add additional information e.g. Job logo, Client details, Notes, etc.

To open the job, double-click on the specific job or click on .

2.6 Recover a CCS Demo Job

Do Do the following steps:

Right-click in an empty line.

Select Recover job(s) > from Folder.

12 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

Recover the Candy Demonstration Job using the following directory:
Candy Demo.

Click on .

Click on .

Click on .

To access the Ventshaft_&_Substation_Contract_-_TENDER click on or double-click on the job.

13 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

2.7 System Registration

To use Candy, the system must be registered with RIB CCS. If your system has not been registered, the
system registration dialogue box will be displayed as a broken key.

The registration process is completed telephonically using a set of unlocking codes. If the system has been
registered, the job selector will be displayed. RIB CCS will allow prospective clients a free trial license to
access the software.

Once every 3 months you will be asked to validate your license. Click on the Validate online button to
complete the transaction.

Please visit our website:

Alternatively, contact your nearest RIB CCS office.

14 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure


The Candy User Interface consists of four main sections namely: Title bar, Application Tabs, Application
Menus & Toolbars.

Candy Button Candy Version

Title Bar Application Tab General Menu

Application Application Master Valuation Title General Toolbar

Toolbar Menu

3.1 Candy Navigation

Candy Button Click to access the Job Manager or right-click to access the recent Job list,
Job, Company and Data Manager, system settings and to exit the software.

Title Bar Displays the Company and Job you are currently accessing.

Candy Version Displays the software version installed on the computer and click on displays
the system information.

Application Tabs To select the various applications in Candy.

Application Menu Displays the menus of the applications selected.

General Menu Menu for Utilities & Support, license registration, support information, RIB CCS
contact details, a website link to update the Candy version and Help files.

General Toolbar Displays general tool buttons for use on all applications to access system
settings and close all documents .

Application Toolbar Displays shortcuts specific to the application selected to access the Document
Manager , Valuation bill , Resource List , Setup next Valuation
etc. This tool bar changes when a different application tab is selected.

Valuation Title Displays the Valuation number, name and date.

Customise Toolbar To select the toolbar buttons displayed on the different toolbars.

Master This drop-down will indicate your currently selected Master and list your recent

15 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

3.2 Document Navigation

Do Do the following steps:

To add the Standard Bill of Quantities Document to the Document Manager click to access the document

Then click on and select 1. Bill Pricing > 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities.

The 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities will now be added. To move the document to be in the correct sequence
you can press Ctrl and up or down arrow on the keyboard to move the selected document up or down.

16 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

Click on to open document 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities.

Document Title Document Menu Split Screen Buttons

Document Toolbar

Escape Column

Select all


Page Navigation Function Buttons


Document Title The name of the document.

Split Screen Buttons Resizes the document to the top or bottom half of the screen.

Escape Go back to the previous menu.

Document Menu The menus available for this document.

Document Toolbar Tool buttons for larger or smaller screen fonts, line deletion, find and
replace, export to Excel and print screen.

Function Buttons These buttons relate to the function keys on the keyboard: Calculate
(F12), Worksheet (F11) and Go to Page (F10). NB: If the rates and
heading totals require re-calculation, click the red calculate button.

Page Navigation Buttons Enable the user to scroll between different pages: first page, previous
page, next page and last page of the bill.

3.3 Right-click Menu Functions

The menu functions in Candy are context sensitive; therefore, specific tasks can be performed directly on the
documents cell, record, or column by right-clicking for additional options.

17 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

In a cell:

In a record/row selector:

18 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

In a selected column:

3.4 Customising the System

To customize the system, click the Configure system preferences , or right-click on the Candy desktop.

19 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure


Change the desktop background image or colour, add a calendar, and allow multiple monitors.


Change the font style and size for various areas of the system. You may find that the display of a document,
for example the Bill of Quantities, is limited and might require some font adjustments.

20 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure


The appearance of the Candy interface can be changed, e.g. Theme and Tab colours.


Different colours can be selected for cursors, input fields on documents and level headings.

21 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

Folders and paths

This sheet holds various folder paths used by Candy. You can manually enter the path or map the path by
using the browse button.

22 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

Tool buttons

Frequently used shortcut keys can be added to or removed from the Utilities Toolbar.

Do Do the following steps:

Select the Tool Buttons tick boxes to activate or deactivate the required tool buttons on screen.

23 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

3.5 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions

Mouse Functions

This table assumes that the mouse buttons are configured for a right-handed user.

Mouse action Function

Left-click On an Active Document - moves the cursor line to and positions the editing cursor at
the mouse pointer.
On an Inactive Document - Turns the document Active and acts as above.

Right-click On an Active Document calls up the context menu.

Double-click Fetch another document, i.e. Double-click on a Net Rate calls up the Worksheet.

Row Record + Select a line of data for Dragging and Dropping.


Row Record Shift Marks the Start and End of a range of records for Dragging and Dropping.
+ Left-click

Alt + Left-click Set an Alternate document.


This is a list of the Editing and Cursor Movement Keystrokes, with a brief explanation of the function, and the
equivalent icon if available.

Normal Windows shortcut keys can be used e.g. Ctrl C – Copy, Ctrl V – Paste etc.

Keystrokes Function

Shift + Esc(ape) Returns to the job selector.

Esc(ape) Returns to the previous menu.

Ctrl + Tab Moves the document currently on top to behind all

other documents.

Ctrl + Insert Inserts a new line at the cursor position.

Ctrl + Del Deletes the current line at the cursor.

Tab Moves the cursor forward to the next Field. Shift +

Tab moves the cursor backwards.

Home Moves the cursor to beginning of the field.

24 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure

End Moves the cursor to the end of the field.

Ctrl + > Move to the next page.

Ctrl + < Move to the previous page.

Ctrl + Page Up Takes you to the first line of the first page of a document.

Ctrl + Page Down Takes you to the first line of the last page of a document.

Ctrl + Enter Split the line at the cursor position.

Backspace Deletes one character at a time.

Ctrl + Backspace Deletes one word at a time.

Ctrl + Left-arrow Bubble Up - move the current line upwards.

Ctrl + Right-arrow Bubble Down - move the current line downwards.

Ctrl + Up-arrow Collapse level headings (to hide all text under headings).

Ctrl + Down-arrow Expand level headings (to show all text under headings).

Shift + Ctrl + Down-arrow Opens all subheadings within the cursor position heading.

Shift + Ctrl + Up-arrow Closes all subheadings within the cursor position heading.

Ctrl + Space Bar Open all headings completely.

Shift + Ctrl + Space Bar Close all headings completely.

Ctrl + R Pick Up the current Line.

Shift + Ctrl + R (Ctrl + D) Drop (insert) Lines picked up using Ctrl+R at the current line.

Ctrl + U Turn current line to UPPERCASE letters.

Ctrl + L Turn current line to lowercase letters.

Ctrl + T Turn current word to Sentence case.

Ctrl + K Copy the Field above.

Ctrl + J Copy the Field above and moves cursor down one line.

Alt + Del Close the active document.

Shift + Alt + Del Close All documents.

Ctrl + Z Undo.
Note: As soon as the cursor is moved off the line, the line is
stored, and the Undo button will not function.

25 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Candy Filing Structure


A Standard Bill of Quantities can be created by:

• Typing it manually.
• Copying items from a previous Bill of Quantities, which is called a “Master”.
• Importing an entire bill from an external file, e.g. Excel, or WinQS, provided by the client or QS.

We are going to create the Standard Bill of Quantities below by importing these Bill pages from Microsoft

26 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

4.1 Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job

Do Do the following steps:

Click on to return to the Job Manager.

Double-click on Waste Water Treatment Works to access the job.

4.2 Setting up a new estimate

Do Do the following steps:

Click on Bill Prep.

The New Estimate setup dialog appears when accessing the job for the first time and is used to select a
Master and entering the tender details.

In this instance, there is no previously priced job that can be used as a Master for pricing the Waste Water
Treatment Works job.

A Master is simply a library; another previous job from which bill items, resources, definitions and
other information may be copied into the current job. Any job may be used as the Master for the
current job. Typically, an estimator will create a special Master, which will be the source of
standard information that can be used in other jobs. Proper use of a Master will have a major
impact on the speed of creating and pricing an estimate.

27 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

Since there are no previous jobs and no Master, ensure that the Master selection checkbox is not ticked.
Click on .

Click on Bill Prep, Bill Importing.

4.3 The Bill Importer Document

A Bill Importer document exists in Candy for importing Bills. The Bill Importer document contains all the tools
required to import and format the Bill. There are no bill items at present.

28 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

4.4 Importing a BOQ from an Excel spreadsheet

Copying all the Bill data in the Excel spreadsheet to the clipboard

Do Do the following steps:

Access the C201 - Candy Estimating & Valuations folder on the Candy flash drive. Open the Waste Water
Treatment works Excel file and select all the data excluding the headings.

Right-click on the selected range and Copy (or Ctrl + C) to copy the Excel data to the clipboard.

29 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

Pasting the bill from the clipboard

Do Do the following steps:

Return to Candy. On the Bill importing document, right-click and paste (or Ctrl + V).

The Column Identifier dialog box appears.

30 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

In the Available Columns section, select Item number, Description, Unit and Bill quantity. Select the
item in the list that identifies the column . Then click on the to allocate the heading.

Once all the columns have been identified click on .

Ensure that all punctuation settings are set up correctly.

The Bill Import Status indicates that 19 items were imported.

The Bill quantity hash total should be the same as the sum in the bottom right of your Excel
document. If that is not the case, all items might not have been imported; or your punctuation
settings were set up incorrectly.

31 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

The Bill importing document shows the imported items.

Changing comments to section headings

Section headings
In a Candy Bill a hierarchy of headings can be created to simplify navigation of the Bill, by opening
and closing sections and generating summary pages in reports. Level 1-9 heading levels are
available were 1 is your highest and 9 is your lowest; a c for Comments is also available. All non-
Bill items (i.e. items without item number, unit and bill quantity) imported from an external file will
be marked as Comments. Many of these can be converted to meaningful headings to improve the
readability of the Bill.

D Do the following steps:

In the Bill importing document change the WASTE WATER TREATMENT WORKS comment to a Level 1
heading by overwriting the c with the number 1 in the Level column “L” (the first column). As the level
changes, the line colour will change to the colour for that specific level.
In the Bill importing document change the EXCAVATION comment to a Level 2 heading by overwriting
the c with the number 2 in the Level column “L” (the first column). Do the same for H.D BOLTS AND

32 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

Paginating the bill

The original Bill contained two pages; our imported bill consists of one long bill page. Page break marks
need to be set in the Paginate column for all the items starting on a new Bill page.

Do Do the following steps:

To set a page break on H.D. BOLTS AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK simply type the number 2 in
the New Page No column.

33 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

To paginate/repaginate the bill, right-click on the New Page No column header and select Paginate the Bill.

You can insert page breaks after a certain number of bill items, at a certain level heading or after
a specific filtered word. This will speed up the pagination process, especially for larger bills.

34 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

Click on to confirm the repagination.

Click on to confirm the acceptance of the pagination process.

The bill has now been imported and the corresponding/required page breaks are set.

35 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

4.5 The Estimating Document Manager

The Bill of Quantities can be viewed, edited and priced using various layouts in the Estimating Document

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Estimating Document Manager by clicking on the icon.

The Document Manager contains a standard set of data and column layouts that may be copied,
customised, or renamed. The layouts in the Document Manager are universal to all jobs in Candy.

Any changes made to a document layout will reflect in all jobs.

Do Do the following steps:

Select document 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities.

36 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation

To arrange the documents in numerical sequence, ensure that the document that needs to move is
highlighted, in this instance document No 1.1. Hold down your Ctrl key on your keyboard and strike the left
arrow key to move the document upwards. Ctrl right arrow will move the document downwards.

The bill can now be viewed in Page mode or Normal mode.

4.6 Exercise 1

1. Create a new job in Candy with the name Guard House.

2. On the Candy flash in the C201 Estimation and Valuations Folder open the Practical folder.
3. Open the Guard house Excel file and import all the Guard house items into your new Candy Job.
4. Change the comments to section level headings.
5. Paginate the bill with a page break for every level heading 2.


Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job after completing this exercise.

37 | Construction Estimating and Valuations – Bill Creation


The Bill items can be priced using Plug rates, Split rates, or Worksheets. This chapter will cover pricing
where Plug and Split rates are used. The type of pricing used will show in the Attributes column. This
column should be added to the Bill document.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Estimating Document Manager and right click on 1.1 Standard Bill of Quantities and select
Duplicate Document.

Right click on the duplicated document and select Rename Document.

Rename to 1.1a Standard Bill of Quantities with att

38 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

Click on to change the column layout.

The Document Manager contains different layouts of one specific Bill of Quantities, and not
different Bill of Quantities.

The Column Selection dialog box appears.

Columns can be added from the Available Columns list to the Selected Columns list.

The Available Columns are grouped into headings. Double-click on a heading to expand it.

Open section 2 Bill Items. Select column 2.8 Attributes and use the button to move the column to the
Selected Columns list.

39 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

The column order can be changed with the and arrows.

Move the Attributes column to display underneath the Unit column and click on to store the new
column layout.

5.1 Plug Rate Pricing

Plug rate pricing is done by simply plugging in a rate in the Net Rate column for each item.
In the Estimating Document manager, open 1.1a Standard Bill of Quantities with att.

The U in the new Attributes column shows that all the bill items are Unpriced.

40 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

Do Do the following steps:

Price Item 1/A by entering 16.00 in the Net Rate column.

41 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

Every bill item will require a Trade code when pricing.

Click on .

No Trade codes currently exist in this job. Candy will allow the defining of codes at this stage.

Click on to define a trade.

In the New Trade dialog, enter an E for the code and the description as Earthworks and click on to
add the trade Earthworks.

Allocate the new Earthworks trade to the Clear site bill item by selecting Earthworks and .

The PT in the Attributes column indicates that the item has a Plug rate and a Trade markup.

42 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

The Trade codes can be defined in the Definitions menu.

Do Do the following steps:

Access the Definitions menu by clicking on Definitions & Settings in the Candy Toolbar.
Select 1.1 Trades. Take note that the Earthworks trade was added when pricing Item 1/A.
Define the rest of the Trade codes by entering an alphabetic letter as a Trade code and then a Trade
description. A maximum of 52 trades may be defined. (26 upper and 26 lower case).
Click on .

5.2 Split Rate Pricing

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Estimating Document Manager and Right-click on 1. Bill Pricing and select New > 1.5 Split Rate

43 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

If the document is not displayed it can be found under .

Rename to 1.5a Split Rate Pricing with att.

Customize document 1.6 Split Rate Pricing by adding in the Attributes column as before. Then click on
This warning will appear:

Click on .

The Split Bill of Quantities document cannot display the Net split rates because Resource types have not
been defined yet. Resource types need to be defined. All definitions and settings for Estimating are to be
found in the Definitions and Settings dialog.
The Resource Types can be defined in the Definitions menu.

Do Do the following steps:

Access the Definitions menu by clicking on Definitions & Settings in the Candy Toolbar.
Select 1.2 Resource Types.

44 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating

The document can now display the newly defined Net split rate columns.

Price Item 1/B using split rates.

Remember to first allocate the Trade code by typing in the trade code “E” in the Trade code column.

Now enter 6.00 in the Labour split rate column, 8.00 in the Plant split rate column and 4.00 in the Material
split rate column.

The ST in the Attributes column indicates that the item has a Split rate and a Trade markup.

45 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Candy Estimating


We do not recommend using Plug rate and Split rate pricing, because it only generates financial
information for the job. Pricing using Worksheets is the ideal method, because it is priced from
first principles using resources. Candy can be used to its full potential to generate both financial
and engineering information.

Price Codes
The Price Code’s function is to deal with the unit price of a bill item. To rate a bill item, a Price Code is
entered against it and the bill item adopts the rate from the Price Code regardless of whether it was
generated by plug rate, split rates or worksheet.
The Price Code can be up to 8 alpha-numeric characters in length. The first character of the Price Code
must start with a Trade Code letter and the rest of the code is entirely up to you.
Note that the Price Code has its own Description. The description of the bill item is totally independent of
the Price Code description. Therefore, two items in the bill with different descriptions can be priced using the
same Price Code. Conversely, two items in the Bill with the same description can be priced using different
Price Codes and therefore have different rates.

6.1 Price Codes

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Document Manager and Rename 1.2 Pricing Bill to 1.2a Pricing Bill with att. Customize document
1.2a Pricing Bill with att by adding in the Attributes column as before, but at the end of the layout.
Then open the document.

This layout contains columns relating to the Price Code.

Candy automatically created the Price Code for the first priced items.

46 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Item 1/A on Bill page 1 has a Price Code E00023 with a rate of 16.00. By allocating the same
Price Code to any other bill item, Candy will price it using this specific Price Code rate and
effectively speeding up the pricing process. Pricing using Worksheets is a lot easier if Trade codes
are initially allocated to the relevant bill items.

6.2 Trade Code allocation

Allocate trade codes to individual bill items

Do Do the following steps:

In Item 1/C’s Trade code field, right-click and select Allocate Trade Codes.

Select Earthworks and click on .

Allocate trade code to a range of bill items

Do Do the following steps:

Click on Item 1/D in the Trade code column and shift-click item H in the Trade code column. This highlights
the records in the selected range. Right-click on the selected range in the Trade code column and select
Allocate Trade codes from the menu.

47 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Select Earthworks and click on .

Click on to accept the allocation of the Trade Codes.

The Earthworks Trade code has been allocated to all items on Bill page 1.

Using the same method, allocate Trade code M to the Metalwork bill items on Bill page 2.

48 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

6.3 Pricing using Worksheets

Having allocated Trade codes, pricing items are easier using Worksheets. The worksheet allows for
resource-based pricing. The worksheet may contain up to 200 calculations.

Simple Resources

For Worksheet pricing, we need to create some resources. The Resource Types have already been defined,
which categorize Simple Resources. For example, Labour resources fall under the L resource type and
Material resources, such as stone, fall under the M resource type.

Do Do the following steps:

Place the bar cursor on Item 1/C and click on .

The worksheet will then be displayed, where a resource can be created.

49 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Do Do the following steps:

To create a resource, right-click on a blank line in the worksheet and select Edit/New resource from the

Enter the details for the new resource in the Resource input dialog as shown below.

Click on .

50 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

The resource description and rate are now displayed on the worksheet. The resource is priced at 15.75/hr
and the bill item is per m3.

Enter the calculation *9hrs/day/1.5m3/day.

51 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

The calculation is entered on the worksheet as it would be written on paper (free format).

Store Worksheet Modes

The worksheet must be stored to reflect the Net rate in the Bill.
To display the different options, click on the or hold down the shift key and click on the

The Store modes available are:

• Store & next worksheet – Stores the current worksheets and displays the next bill
items worksheet.
• Store & return to document – Stores the current worksheet and returns to the bill.
• Store & next unpriced worksheet – Stores the current worksheet and displays the next
unpriced bill items worksheet.

Click on and select the option to Store & return to document.

Store the worksheet by clicking on .

The WT in the Attributes column indicates that the item has a Worksheet and a Trade markup.

Create a resource directly on the Resource List

Do Do the following steps:

Click on the Resource List icon to display the Resource List. Resource Code 200 Unskilled Labour (All
in) was added when pricing Item 1/C.

52 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Go to a blank line and enter a new resource called Charge Hand at 22.5/hr. Then close the resource list.

Price Item 1/D using a worksheet

Right-click in the Rate column of Item 1/D and select the Display worksheet option.

Insert an existing resource in the Resource list using the right-click menu

Do Do the following steps:

53 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

To open the Resource List in a worksheet, right-click on a blank line in the worksheet and select Resource

Select resource 200 Unskilled Labour (All in) and .

Add resource 210 Charge Hand using the same method and close the resource list. The worksheet now
contains the resources, but no calculation for the rate.

54 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Enter the following calculations against each resource in the worksheet.

The worksheet contains two calculations. To display the total of both calculations, place an equal sign = on
a new line against the left margin and press enter. Notice the total for these calculations at the end of the

Click on .

Item 1/D is now priced as WT using a Worksheet and Trade markup.

Complex Resources

It is tedious to select Unskilled Labour and Charge Hand and combine them every time you price an
excavation item in the Bill of Quantities. Similarly, when pricing concrete, it would be tedious to combine the
sand, stone and cement in the correct portions for each bill item.
Candy allows you to combine these Simple Resources to create a Complex Resource. When an
excavation item needs to be priced, the Excavation team complex should be added to the worksheet;
similarly, when a concrete item needs to be priced, the Concrete complex resource should be added to the
worksheet for the bill item.

55 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Higher-level complex resources can be created including other complex and simple resources. Level 9 is a
very basic complex resource, which can include only Simple resources. A Level 8 resource can include Level
9 and Simple resources. A Level 7 resource can include Level 8, Level 9 and Simple resources in a
hierarchy of Complex Resources.

The diagram below explains the principle of the hierarchy of Complex Resources:

Complex resources must be priced using a worksheet.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Resource List . Enter the new complex resource 220 Hand Excavation Team (1C + 2L) in
the resource list.

With the cursor on the 220 Hand Excavation Team (1C + 2L), click on .

56 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Insert a resource into a worksheet by typing in the resource code.

Do Do the following steps:

Type in the resource code 200 against the left margin of the worksheet and press enter. Do the same to
insert resource code 210. Enter the following calculations to calculate the daily cost of the Hand Excavation
Team (1C + 2L).

Remember to change the store mode to Store & back to document.

Click on .

Now the Resource List shows two Simple Resources and one Level 9 Complex Resource.

57 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Insert a resource into a worksheet using the Drag & Drop method

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Worksheet for the Item 1/E - Excavate for Pit or Sump by clicking on .

To make it easier to perform these operations, move the Bill, Worksheet and Resource List into the positions
as displayed below.

Now click on the pin in the Worksheet title bar to make the worksheet always appear in the same

58 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Click and hold down the mouse button on the record selector for the Hand Excavation Team (1C + 2L), in
the Resource List and drag and drop the resource onto the worksheet.

Enter the following calculation to calculate the rate per m3.

Click on .

59 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Copying Worksheets using the drag & drop method

The next Item 1/F has the same rate as Item 1/E. The worksheet can be copied from Item 1/E into Item 1/F
using the drag and drop method.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Worksheet for the Item 1/F - Excavate for retaining wall footings.

From the bill document click on the record selector bar for bill Item 1/E and drag it into the worksheet for 1/F.

60 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

The worksheet calculations for Bill Item 1/E is copied into Item 1/F worksheet.

Click on .

Pricing Items 1/G and 1/H

The last 2 items on page 1 are deep excavations and will therefore require an Excavator.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the Resource List and create Simple Resources for the Excavator and Diesel. Remember the
Simple Resources must be categorized into the correct Resource Type, i.e. Excavator into Plant (P) and
Diesel into Material (M).

61 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Now create the Complex Resource for CAT 215 Excavator (wet). Remember that the Complex Resource
must have a Level number from 1 to 9.

Price the Complex Resource CAT 215 Excavator (wet) by clicking on and use the following
resources and calculations.

Use any one of the methods above to insert resources into the complex worksheet:

Click on .

The resources are organized acording to the resource code and therefore the CAT 215 Excavator (Wet) is
no longer at the bottom of the list.

62 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Adding Resource Headings to the Resource List

Resource Headings can be added to your Resource List to organize your resources.

Do Do the following steps:

Create the following Resource Headings.

After closing and opening the Resource List, Candy will automatically organize the Resource List according
to the Resource Codes.

Price Item 1/G using a worksheet

Now Item 1/G can be priced from first principles using the complex resource CAT 215 Excavator (wet) and
Unskilled Labour.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the worksheet for Item 1/G.

63 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Use the following resources and calculations to price the item.

Click on .

64 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Copy worksheets using the Insert a w/s button
Item 1/H is similar to Item 1/G. The only difference is the excavation depth. To save time, copy the
worksheet information from Item 1/G into Item 1/H.

Do Do the following steps:

Open the worksheet for Item 1/H.

Click .

Use the “spinner” up and down arrows to scroll through the available Price Codes. When Price Code
E00029 appears, click on to copy the worksheet information.

65 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets

Adjust the production from 450m3/day to 400m3/day to compensate for the deeper excavation.

Click on .

Click on to calculate the Heading Totals.

All the items on page 1 should now be priced and the page total should be 178,780.06.

66 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Pricing using Worksheets


Various tools and shortcuts in the worksheets have been developed to speed up the pricing process.

7.1 Applied Factor “#”

Do Do the following steps:

With the cursor on Item 1/H, click on .

Note that many lines of the worksheet share a common production of /400m3/day. Instead of entering the
production on each calculation line, we can introduce an applied factor.

Remove the /400m3/day from the worksheet.

Place the cursor on the top line of the worksheet and insert a line by pressing Ctrl-Insert.
Now type a # sign on the first line. Type =/400m3/day on the last line and press Enter.

67 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts

The words APPLIED FACTOR appear. The result remains the same at 21.99.

7.2 Local Variables

Local variables are defined and used on a worksheet using square brackets.

Do Do the following steps:

Use Ctrl-Insert to insert a few blank lines at the top of the worksheet for Excavation for foundations 6-8 m

Enter the following variables:

The Calculated value will appear.

68 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts

Click on .

To display the calculated value of production on the worksheet type ?[P] and press Enter.
Now delete the 400m3 production on the applied factor line.

Replace it with [P].

7.3 Comments and Headings

Worksheets can be documented by leaving one blank space on the left of the worksheet followed by
the relevant comment.

Headings 1 – 9 can also be added, for example entering a 1) for a level heading 1.

69 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts

Do Do the following steps:

Add a Heading for the Local Variables.

Add +15% to the applied factor line.
Type the following comment: 15% for overbreak.

Click on .

There should always be a space on the left before entering any heading and/or comment.

Total for page one should now be 181,131.57.

7.4 Exercise 2

1. Access the Guard House job.

2. Create the Trades as before under the with an additional trade for Brickwork and Plaster.

70 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts

3. Create the Resource types as before under the .

4. Create resources as below.

5. Price Item 1/A as follow:

6. Price Item 1/B as below.

71 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts

7. Price Item 1/C as below.

The Total for the Guard House job should be 2,435.52.

Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job after completing this exercise.

72 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Worksheet Tools and Shortcuts


The Metalwork items on page 2 will be subcontracted. The Subcontract Adjudicator will be used to adjudicate
and select the most competitive subcontractor.

8.1 Subcontract Adjudication Manager

The Subcontract Adjudication Manager is used to create, delete, copy, rename and backup the
subcontract packages.

Do Do the following steps:

Click on Subcontract Adjudicator to access the Subcontract Packages.

Click on to create a new package for Metalwork.

Subcontract Package codes are allocated to BOQ items to create Subcontract Package bills, e.g. EXCAV -
Excavation subcontract package E Earthworks; CONC - Concrete package C Concrete, etc.

Trade codes can be allocated to Packages in the Package definition. If the BOQ item does not have a Price
code or Trade code, the Package Trade will be used to make the Price code to price the item when
transferring rates to the BOQ.

73 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

The Master

Standard Subcontract packages should be established in the master. These are inherited by any job created
from that master. New packages can be added into the job Package list at any time.

Click on .

8.2 Subcontract Package

D Do the following steps:

Select the Metalwork Subcontract Package. Click on .

74 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Subcontract Columns
Bill Columns

Subcontract Package
The rates of up to twelve subcontractors can be allocated to a range of bill items representing a package of
work. The quotes can be compared and adjudicated. The cost (net) or selling rates of the selected
subcontractor can then be exported to the bill.

The Bill columns

The first columns on this document identify the items from the bill - Page, Item, Description, Unit, and Bill
Quantity. N in the next column indicates if an item has a note recorded against it. The Pricing code and Net
rate, if applicable, from the bill are shown in the last two columns.

The Subcontract columns

The remaining columns provide for twelve sets of quotations from subcontractors. Each set is given a
Subcontractor name, a Factor (discount, etc.), and a Currency code (if applicable). The subcontractor's rates
are entered in the Rate or Amount column. If a subcontractor has included the cost of a certain item in other
rates, a rate of zero should be entered. If he has declined to price an item, the rate column should be left

Linking to the Bill

Items may be imported directly from the bill or typed in manually. For the description to be displayed and to
permit rates to be transferred back to the bill, it is necessary for the items to be linked. This occurs
automatically when items are imported but must be done individually for items entered manually. The link is
created by looking up the page/item combination in the bill. Once a link is established, changes made to the
Pricing code and Item number on the bill is reflected in the package. Deleting the item on the bill breaks the
link but does not delete the item in the package. Unlinked items are marked with a U in the Item column. A
calculated amount equal to Rate x Factor x Currency factor x Quantity is displayed against each rate.

8.3 Importing the Bill Items in the Subcontract Package

Bill items from a section in the Bill may be imported into the Subcontract Package.

D Do the following steps:

Click on Tools > Import > Import bill items by page & trade.

75 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Importing may be done using a Page range or Trade.
In Chapter 6 the trade code “M” was allocated to all the Metalwork items. Therefore, check the option
Select Trades to import by trade.

Click on .

The Multiple trade selector appears.

Select Metalwork Trade and .

A message appears confirming the number of items imported.

Click on .

76 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

All the Metalwork items have been imported into the Metalwork package.

8.4 Adding subcontractors

To add subcontractors, click on Tools > Add/Edit Subcontractors

Add the following subcontractors:

Click on .

8.5 Entering the Subcontractor Rates

D Do the following steps:

The subcontractors will now be listed.

77 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Enter the Subcontractor rates as below. AR Metalfix has not priced Item 2/E, so leave the rate as blank. A
zero rate would indicate the item has been included.

8.6 Export and Import Subcontract Quote

D Do the following steps:

Click Tools > Export > Export blank bill to Excel.

78 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

There is an option to export as unprotected which will allow the Subcontractor to change the

Do not select any Additional options. Click on .

Type the Quote below into the exported Excel sheet:

Save the Excel file on your desktop as Smith Metalworks.

Right-click in the Subcontractor Rate Column and select Import rates from Excel.

The following message will appear:

Click on .

79 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

The File Import dialog will appear.

Click on to Browse to the Smith Metalworks quote on your Desktop. Click .

Click on .

Smith Metalworks gives a 5% discount therefore, a factor of 0.95 should be entered in the factor field below
the subcontractor’s name. The rates are not discounted, only the amounts.

D Do the following steps:

Click on Tools > Add/Edit subcontractors.

In the factor Formula Column type 0.95

Click on .

80 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

An symbol next to Smith Metalworks, indicates that a factor is applied.

An i next to the rate, indicates that the rates was imported from a external file.

D Do the following steps:

To adjudicate the subcontractors, click on .

The Subcontract Adjudication will then be displayed.

The Common Total is the total for the subcontractors for those items that have all been priced.
There will be a balance if any of the subcontractors have not priced an item.

The Maximum Make-up is calculated using the maximum rates from the other subcontractors
who have priced that item.

The Minimum Make-up is calculated using the minimum rates from the other subcontractors who
have priced that item.

AR Metalfix has an un-priced item; therefore, the Common Total is not a fair comparison.
The adjudication can now be used to make a fair comparison between AR Metalfix’s quote and the other 2
subcontractors quotes using the Maximum totals (worst case scenario) and Minimum totals (best case

Click on once your preferred subcontractor is selected.

81 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

8.7 Transferring the Subcontractor Rates to the Bill

The rates from Smith Metalworks will be used to price the Metalwork bill items on page 2.

D Do the following steps:

Open the resource list and create the resource below:

Right-Click on the Smith Metalworks Rate Column header and Select Rates to Bill and Send S/C rates to
BOQ Net worksheets to transfer Smith Metalworks Rates to the main bill.

To transfer the rates from the subcontractor adjudicator to the bill item worksheets a simple resource is
Resource code 900 will be populated; press Enter.
Candy will automatically populate the description with Metalwork. Add the Unit as sum and change the
Type to S.

82 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Click on .

Click on .

The selected subcontractor will display in Yellow.

8.7 Open the Bill to view the priced Metalworks items

D Do the following steps:

Open document 1.2a Pricing Bill with att.

Note all the items on page 2 have been priced using Smith Metalworks’ discounted rates.
The total for the job should now be 449,373.32.

83 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Access the worksheet for Item 2/A and note that Resource Code 900 is displayed with the relevant
Subcontract rate from Smith Metalworks.

8.8 Exercise 3

1. Access the Guard House job.

2. Allocate B for Brickwork and P for Plastering to all the Masonry Items (Page 3 & 4).
3. Create a Subcontractor Package for the Masonry Items and import the Brickwork and Plastering items.
4. Export the items to Excel. Create a quote for Subby 1 and 2 using the information in the C201 - Candy
Estimating & Valuations/Practical folder on the Candy flash and store the quotes on your desktop.

84 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

5. Import the Subby 1 and 2 quotes to your Candy Subcontract Adjudicator.
6. Compare the quotes and transfer the best quote to your main bill.

85 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator

Total should be 47,576.02.

Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job after completing this exercise.

86 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Subcontract Adjudicator


Now we can reap the rewards of your hard work. On screen a Trade summary and a Resource analysis
can now be viewed by the click of a button.

9.1 Trade Totals Display

D Do the following steps:

To view a Trade Summary, click the Trade Totals Display icon.

Select the Bill Quantity and Net rates.
The Trade Total Display is shown.

The subcontractor Net Amount of 270,593.25 is the same total as calculated in the Subcontract Adjudicator
for Metalwork when we displayed the Subcontract Adjudicator results.

87 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Trade Totals Display & Resource Analysis
9.2 Resource Analysis

Resource analysis can be displayed on screen using one of the resource documents that displays the Bill
Quantity Usage & Bill Quantity Usage value columns.

D Do the following steps:

Open Resources document 1.4 Utilisation and value – bill quantity from the Resources Document

Click on to calculate the Usage.

The Bill Usage columns are relative to the Unit of the resource, i.e. 4,588.97 hours of Unskilled Labour at
15.75/hr or a Total allowable amount of 72,276.26 to spend on this resource; similarly, there are 444.84 liters
of Diesel allowed on the job.

Changing the rates in the resource list will update all related worksheets as well as the Net rate
for each bill item.

88 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Trade Totals Display & Resource Analysis

Up to now, the Net Rate for each bill item has been calculated. Markup can now be added to our job to
calculate the Gross Rate.

Gross Rate = Net Rate + Applied Markup

Markup can be added in various ways:

• Markup ALL Trades
• Trade Markup
• Individual Markup

10.1 Markup All Trades

Markup the whole job by 10% using the Markup ALL Trades facility.

D Do the following steps:

Open Bill document 1.6 Markup Bill.

89 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup

Right-click in the Markup % column header and select General markup utilities > Markup ALL Trades.

Enter a 10% Trade markup for all Trades and click on . Then Confrim .

Click on .

90 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup

10.2 Trade Markup

Markup can be applied to Trades using the Trade markup facility. Apply 5% markup to the Metalwork

D Do the following steps:

Right-click in the Markup % column header and select General markup utilities > Trade markup.

Adjust the Metalwork Markup to 5%.

View the 10% and 5% markup now applied in the Markup Bill.

91 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup

10.3 Individual Markup

D Do the following steps:

Return to the Bill and adjust the markup for Item 1/A to 20% Markup.

Click on .

92 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup

The Markup Type column now indicates what type of markup has been applied.

10.4 Trade Totals Display

D Do the following steps:

Click on Trade Totals Display .

Create a Trade Summary based on the Gross Rates.

The Gross amount is displayed with the Net split amounts for Labour, Plant, etc. The last column represents
Total Markup amount.

These values can also be viewed as percentages and the data can be displayed in a bar graph.

93 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup

10.5 Exercise 4

1. Access the Guard House job.

2. Apply a Markup to all trades of 15 %.
3. Change the Trade markup for Brickwork and Plaster to 10%.

Profit should be 4,879.28.

Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job after completing this exercise.

94 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Markup


All reporting in Candy is done through the Report Manager. A selection of pre-defined reports is available
which can be customized to suit your specific requirements.
The Report Manager consists of two tabs:
• Job Reports - These reports are only available to the current Job and will be included when making a
Job backup.
• Global Reports - These reports are available to all the jobs on your computer and will not be included in
the Job backup.

D Do the following steps:

Click on the Report Manager to open the Report Manager and access the Job reports.

Click on Tools > Backup/Recover > Recover and overwrite this Estimating Report Manager > from file.

95 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Report Manager

From the C201 - Candy Estimating & Valuations folder on the flash recover the Course Estimating
Template reports file.

Click on .

Click on .

The required reports will now be recovered:

96 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Report Manager

BOQ Continuous Listing Net

This report will print without any page breaks.

BOQ - Continuous Listing - Gross

97 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Report Manager

BOQ - Listing with Worksheets - Net

Resource List

98 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Report Manager

Resource analysis by Trades and Types

Value Analysis 80/20

Pricing Check (55)

99 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Report Manager


1. In your Waste Water Treatment Works job import the Concrete addendum excel file from the C201
Estimating and Valuations folder into the Pricing Bill.
2. Change the comments to heading levels where needed.
3. Create the resources below:

4. Price the complex resource 230 Concrete Gang (1C + 6L)

100 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Practical Day 1

5. Price Item 4/A 20 MPa Concrete in foundation.

6. Price Item 4/B - 25 MPa Concrete in walls.

7. Price Item 4/C - 25 MPa Concrete in surface beds.


101 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Practical Day 1

Items should now be priced, and the Job totals should be 801,689.83.

Candy recognizes the syntax %waste on a worksheet only if there are no spaces between the
+5%waste. The system will generate a wastage report.

102 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Practical Day 1


Any previous job in Candy can be used as a Master from which Bill items, Worksheets and Resources can
be copied. Typically, an Estimator will create a job library. The effective use of masters can have a major
impact on the speed of both input and pricing of an estimate.

In this Chapter, we will create a new job called New City Industrial Development and then use Waste
Water Treatment works as a Master from where we will copy information into New City Industrial

Rules of a Master
• Only one master can be used at a time.
• You cannot edit the Master from the Job.
• Info flows from the Master to the Job.
• The job’s information will always be preferred.

13.1 Master selection

D Do the following steps:

Click on the button to return to the Company & Job Manager.

Create a new job called New City Industrial Development.

Double click on New City Industrial Development and open the Bill of Quantities by clicking on the icon
in Estimating.

103 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

The New Estimate setup dialog will appear.

Click on to browse for available masters.

Click on to browse for Jobs in the Company & Job Manager.

Double-click on Waste Water Treatment Works.

104 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Click on .

Ensure that Master selection is ticked and click on .

Note that the selected Master is now displayed in the toolbar.

13.2 Definitions Menu

If a Master is selected when creating a job, certain standard information is automatically copied from the
Master. The Trades and Resource Types were defined in the Master and have been copied to the new
job’s Definitions.

D Do the following steps:

Open the Definitions & Settings container with the in the toolbar.

105 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Select 1.1 Trades and 1.2 Resource Types and note that all the defined codes and descriptions were
copied from the Master.

13.3 Copying bill items from a Master

Drag and drop

D Do the following steps:

Create Level 1 Heading New City Industrial Development and Level 2 Heading EXCAVATIONS.

Hold the Shift key down and click the to display the Master Pricing Bill. Note that Master documents will
always display in blue.

Arrange the two documents by using the Size to top half and Size to bottom half buttons .
Then drag & drop Item 1/A - Clear site record selector from the Master into the Bill.

106 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

A new Bill item has been generated including its Quantity and Rate.

107 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Drag & drop many Bill items simultaneously

D Do the following steps:

Ctrl-click in the record button for Item 1/B and 1/D in the Master.
Now click on the blue selected area and drag the items into the bill, as before.

Item 1/B and 1/D have now both been added and display as Item 1/B and 1/C.

108 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Copy & Paste (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V)

D Do the following steps:

Right-click on the record button of Item 1/E in the Master document and select Copy.

Then, on a new blank line in the Bill, right-click and select Paste.

Item 1/E has now been added and will display as Item 1/D.

109 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Copy multiple bill items

Multiple bill items can be copied from the Master by selecting a range of items using Shift-click.

D Do the following steps:

Open the Master Bill and use Shift-click on Items 1/F to 1/H to select the range.
Right-click and select Copy.

Open the bill, right-click and select Paste.

All 3 items have been added and will display as Item E, F and G.

110 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Resource list

All the resources that had been copied from the Master will display.

Bill options

D Do the following steps:

Click on Tools > Bill Options on your Pricing Bill.

Here you can change the settings for Data dropping, Heading totals, Pricing, Item numbering styles and
Lock All bill items.

111 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Click on .

13.4 Adding an Addendum.

D Do the following steps:

On the Candy Flash in the C201 folder open the New City Industrial Development Concrete addendum
Excel file.
Copy the selected items below.

112 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

In Candy click on and double click on New Page.

Right-click on page 2 and select Paste.

Identify the columns as before and click on .

Click on .

Close the Import status document.

Change the Comment to a Heading Level 2. The Concrete items will now be imported.

113 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

13.5 Using the Master to Price Imported Items

In most instances, the Bill of quantities will be received in an electronic format that can be imported into
Candy. Once imported into Candy, the bill items can be priced from a Master using the following methods.

D Do the following steps:

Type the price code manually

In the Pricing Code column next to Item 2/A type C00023 to price 20MPa Concrete in Strip footing.

114 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Insert a w/s (worksheet)

Open the worksheet for Item 2/B and allocate Trade C for Concrete.

Click on .

Click on .

Select Master as the source, scroll through the Code and select C00024 – 25 MPa Concrete in walls.

115 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Click on and change the productions to 10m3/day and the waste to 10% to accommodate for
columns instead of walls.

Click on .

The next to is used to insert last stored worksheet.

Item 2/B will now be priced.

Right-click menu in the pricing code column

Right-click in the Pricing Code column for Item 2/C an select Allocate Price codes.

116 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

From the Master Price Codes select the code for C00024 25 MPa Concrete in walls and click on .

Item 2/C will now be priced.

Double-click in the pricing code column

The same list of Master Price Codes can be accessed when you double click in the Pricing Code column.
Double-click in the Pricing Code column for Item 2/D.

117 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

Select price code C00025 – 25MPA Concrete in surface beds.

Click on .

All the Concrete items should now be priced.

The Total for New City should be 391,546.02.


Shift - Opens the Master Price Code List.

Shift - Opens the Master Bill.

Shift - Opens the Master Resource List.

The drop-down arrow on the toolbar will list all recent masters:

A Master can be changed by using the Change master Job button .

118 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters

13.6 Exercise 5

1. Access your Guard House job.

2. Using the Change Master Job icon, select Ventshaft & Substation Contract – TENDER as your

3. Copy the Trades, Resource Types and Global Variables from the Definitions & Settings .

4. Price Item 2/A – 2/E using your master.

Result: The total for the Guard House job should now be 66 378,25.

Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job.

119 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Masters


It has been established that Gross Rate = Net Rate + Applied Markup. There is a third rate available in
Candy called Selling Rate. This is an independent rate and any changes made to the Net Rate or Applied
Markup Rate will not affect the Selling Rate.

14.1 Selling Rate

D Do the following steps:

Click on and select document 1.7 Selling bill of quantities.

The Selling Rate column is on the right side of the document. Having priced a job and applied
markup, selling rates can be established by copying the gross rate.

Right-click in the Selling Rate column and select Copy selling rate from gross.

120 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Post Tender Control

Select the option to Lock selling rates after copy.

Click on .

Click on .

The selling rates will now be transferred.

121 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Post Tender Control


The site team can now re-visit each of the worksheets and adjust the productions to what they believe will be
achieved on site. Alternatively, they may not even use the resources the estimator originally envisaged using
and should therefore adjust the worksheets to reflect how they intend completing the job. They may obtain
cheaper resource and subcontract rates. Let us assume the site team will purchase diesel for 13.50/ litre
instead of 16.00/ litre.

15.1 Tender Value

D Do the following steps:

Click on Document Manager , access Resourses and open 1.4 Utilisation and value - bill quantity.

Click on and view curent utilisation. Note: Diesel amount of 7,117.50.

122 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling

Click on Trade Totals Display to do a Trade total display.
Earthworks amount of 181,131.57.

15.2 Remodeling

D Do the following steps:

Click on Document Manager , access Resourses and open 1.4 Utilisation and value - bill quantity.

123 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling

Change the Diesel rate to 13.50. Click on .

The Diesel allowable decreases from 7117.50 to 6005.39 representing a buying saving of 1 112.11.

Click on Trade Totals Display .

The Earthworks allowable decreases from 181,131.57 to 180,019.46 representing a buying saving of 1

124 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling

15.3 Bill of Quantities

D Do the following steps:

Click on Document Manager and select document 1.7 Selling bill of quantities.

The Net and Gross Rates for Items G and H have been reduced as these items use the cheaper diesel in
their worksheets. The Selling Rates remained fixed and the calculated markup has increased in relation to
the Selling Rate.

125 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling

15.4 Exercise 6

1. Access your Guard House job.

2. Refer to Chapter 14 to Transfer and Lock your Selling rates.

3. Refer to Chapter 15 and change the following Resource rates.

4. View the effect on the Utilisation.


126 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling


Selling vs. Gross

Access the Waste Water Treatment Works job after completing this exercise.

127 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Value Engineering or Remodeling


The Quantity Surveyor will require the total amount of money spent against each accounting cost code to
reconcile against the budget to-date generated in Candy. The Candy Cost Code must therefore be the
same as the Accounting/ledger code.

Similarly, the estimator would require the total amount of money to be spent on a particular supplier to
negotiate the best possible bulk discount. The resources can be allocated to specific suppliers using the
Candy Group Code to summarize the value to be spent against each supplier.

16.1 Defining the Cost and Group codes

D Do the following steps:

Click on Estimating Definitions & Settings to access the definitions and enter the following Cost and
Group codes.
Select 4.1 Cost codes (Ledger code) and define the Cost codes below:

Select 4.2 Group codes and define the Group codes below:

128 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Click on .

16.2 Resource list

The Resource Group and Cost code columns should be displayed to allocate the codes to the resources.

D Do the following steps:

Click on Document Manager , access Resources and select 1.7 Resource Group and Cost code

129 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Resource Group and Cost code allocation:

16.3 Allocating the Cost and Group Codes to Resources

Allocate the Cost and Group codes to the various resources. Cost and Group codes should only be applied
to Simple resources (resources defined with a letter in the Resource Type column i.e. M for Material, P for

Applying a Cost code to a Complex resource such as 310, Cat 215 Excavator (Wet) would be incorrect as
the cost would be captured against Cost codes 360 and 401 representing the Cost codes for Plant and Fuel

D Do the following steps:

Filter simple resources

To make it easier to allocate Cost and Group codes to Simple resources, use the Filter facility.
Click View > Filter > Resources that are simples.

130 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
The filter will show only the simple resources.

Allocate codes using the Right-click menu

Use Ctrl + click to highlight both Resource codes 200 and 210.
Right-click in the Cost code column and select Allocate Cost codes.

Select 250 Labour and click on .

131 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Allocate the remaining Cost codes.

Allocate codes using Double-click

Double-click in the Group code column for Resource code 510 - 20/19 MPA RMC.

Select ABC Concrete Suppliers and click on .

Do the same for Resource code 520 - 25/19 MPA RMC

132 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Abandon the Filter by clicking on .

16.4 Resource Analysis Reports

D Do the following steps:

Click on Report Manager .

Resource List Cost Code Summary

133 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Resource List Group Code Summary

Analysis by Group/Cost (15)

Tracer report (62)

The Tracer report will list all the bill items that contribute to a particular code.

D Do the following steps:

Preview the Tracer report and select Cost codes in the Tracer Selector and confirm .

134 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Select Bill Quantity and confirm .

Type in the Cost code 401 and click on .

135 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes

The Cost code provides resource-based control for managing fixed resources such as Materials. The Cost
code will provide limited control to productive resources such as Plant and Labour. The engineering site staff
will require the Labour and Plant allowable in more detail, typically the allowable per task on site.

Candy provides a simple method of summarizing the Bill items into Tasks. The allowable for each bill item is
broken down into the various Resource Types, so we immediately have the Labour and Plant allowable for
each Task; the exact information required to control the productive resources.

The Task code is used to implement functional control on the Job and summarizes bill items into categories
of Function or Activity. The key is to summarize items with similar production, e.g. bulk earthworks items
would be summarized separately to hand excavation. We would use machines for bulk earthworks and
labour for hand excavation. By summarizing items with similar production, we are summarizing items with
similar resources and therefore similar cost sensitivity. If our machine is not being used effectively, it is
costing a lot more than if our labour is not being productive. We would have different controls on our plant
versus our labour.

17.1 Defining the Task Codes

The Task codes must be defined before allocating them to the Bill items.

D Do the following steps:

Access the Definitions & Settings and define the following Task codes under 2.1 Task codes
(Activity code).

136 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Task codes may be summarized into Task code headings. The level column represents the heading level
from Level 1 to Level 9. Therefore, the Earthworks tasks (Clear site, Hand Excavation and Bulk Excavation)
may be summarized into the Level 1 heading Earthworks. The Task code accumulates the amount of
money and quantity; therefore, each Task code must have a unit.

The m2 quantity of Clear site must be factorized by 0.10 to convert the task m2 to the heading m3

17.2 Task Code Allocation

D Do the following steps:

Click on Document Manager and access Estimating Bills. Right-click on 1.8 Bill with Codes and
Factors and select Duplicate Documet.

137 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Right-click on the copy and rename it to 1.8a Bill with Task Codes and Factors.

Click on .
Adjust the columns as below.

138 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Click on .

Open document 1.8a Bill with Task Codes and Factors and allocate the following task codes to the bill

139 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

• Task code - accumulates the amount of Money and Quantity,

• Task Factor column - used to determine the quantity that will be added together for each Task

If the unit of the Bill item is the same as the Task code, then a factor of one is used. There may be instances
where the unit of measure of the bill item may be different to the unit of measure of the Task code.

For example, we may have a Bill item measured in linear metres of formwork, yet the bill item has a Task
code with a unit of measurement of m2, so we apply a Task factor to factorize the Lm to m2.

By using a Task factor of 0 the money will be included but not the quantity, for example we may wish to add
the cost of Wood Float Finish to Task code Concrete in Ground Slabs, but we only require the quantity of the
Concrete in Ground Slabs and not the quantity of the Wood Float Finish.

140 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
17.3 Task Code Analysis

Price Plug rate to at least a Split rate

D Do the following steps:

To calculate the Task code summary no Plug rate items may exist in the job. Item 1/A Clear site was priced
as a Plug rate, so we must convert the Plug rate to at least a Split rate.
Open document 1.5a Split Rate Pricing with att. Enter 6 in the Labour resource type column and 10 in the
Plant resource type column for Item 1/A to convert the pricing of this item from a Plug rate to a Split rate.

Click on to change it from plug rate to split rate.

On-screen Task code analysis

D Do the following steps:

To do an On-screen Task analysis, click on Finalisation > Job analysis II.

The Job Analysis Document Manager will open.

Select document 1.1 Split amounts summary.

141 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
The Total Quantity, Amount and Average rate is calculated for each Task code. When finalising a
tender and the Average rate is much lower or higher compared to previous tenders, the relevant
items can be investigated for possible errors in the pricing worksheets.

The Total allowable for Labour is calculated for each Task code, i.e. the Labour allowable for placing
concrete in Foundations is 8,424. Once progress quantities have been entered for each bill item, the total
Labour allowable amount for each Task code is calculated and should be reconciled back to the total Labour
cost for each Task code.

Now let us look at the Split rates against these Task codes.
To view the split rate summary right-click on Labour and select Show split rates.

Split amounts summary:

142 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
The Labour rate (to place 1m3 of concrete in Foundations) is 42.12 per m3; if the Concrete team on site has
poured 10m3 then you should not have spent more than 421.20 (10 x 42.12 = 421.20 ) on the Labour team.

The site clerk will allocate the Labour team’s cost to the relevant Task codes which should be reconciled to
the Labour allowable based on the work that has been completed on site.
A similar approach should be followed to control Plant.

Totals for Task code headings may be displayed by placing the cursor on the heading and pressing
Ctrl-Up and Down Arrow.

17.4 Task Code Reports

D Do the following steps:

Click on Report Manager .

Project Codes Report

Page 1 & 2 - List the bill items in Task code order:

143 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Page 3 - Shows the Task code summary:

Project Codes Quantity Summary

144 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes
Resource analysis by Project codes

145 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Control Labour and Plant using Task codes

The Candy Valuations is used for the post tender stage of a project. The Bill of Quantities created in Candy
Estimating is available in the Candy Valuations application tab. The difference between Estimating and
Valuations is the extra Valuation quantity columns, Valuation layouts and the Valuation reports.

18.1 Valuation Setup

The initial Valuation and every Valuation thereafter should be based on the Valuation Setup process listed
• Step 1: Duplicate and Rename the Job
• Step 2: Valuation Setup

Step 1: Duplicate and Rename the job.

It is good practice to copy the job before entering the new monthly valuation quantities. Eventually the Q.S
will have an electronic copy for each Valuation in Candy, and if required, can refer to previous valuations.

D Do the following steps:

Click on , right-click on Waste Water Treatment Works and select Duplicate job.

Right-click on the duplicated job and rename it to Waste Water Treatment Works – Valuation No.1.

146 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Step 2: Valuation Setup

D Do the following steps:

Access Waste Water Treatment Works – Valuation No.1.

Select Valuations and click on the Main menu option. The Initial Valuation setup window will appear.
Change the Current quantity date and the Valuation Title as below.

Click on .

Valuation Document

D Do the following steps:

Access the Document Manager .

Right-click on document 2.2 Primary Valuation Entry and select Duplicate Document.

147 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Rename 2.2 Primary Valuation Entry (Copy) to 2.2a Standard Primary Valuation Entry.

Click on and change the columns as indicated below using either Double-click or to add and
to remove (drag and drop can also be used).

148 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Click on .

Select 2.2a Standard Primary Valuation Entry.

18.2 Primary Valuations Quantities

This document contains the three primary progress quantities available in the system:
• Current Actual Quantity - This quantity is used to record how much work had actually been done
against the Bill items. Think of it as an Internal quantity.
• Current Claimed Quantity - This quantity is used to record how much you are claiming in an
application for payment. Think of it as an External quantity.
• Current Paid Quantity- This quantity is used to record how much the client has paid you.

149 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

18.3 Copy the Final Quantity from the Bill Quantity

The Bill quantity will normally be used for the first Final Value projection and as a starting point can be copied
to the Final quantity column. This should be done before entering any valuation quantities.

D Do the following steps:

Right-click on the Final Quantity column header and select Copy from selected quantity.

Select the Bill Quantity as the source quantity. Click .

Click on .

Click on .

150 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

18.4 Remeasure the Final Quantities

The Final quantity can be adjusted to suit the new final without affecting the Billed quantity.

D Do the following steps:

Increase the final quantity for Item A to E on Page 1.

18.5 Enter the Valuation Quantities

D Do the following steps:

Page 1

Entering the Actual Quantity automatically updates the Claimed and Paid Quantity columns.
The Claimed Quantity can be updated to reflect over claims.

Candy uses your Actual for Claimed and Paid by default (yellow highlighted quantity values). The
percentages are updated as the quantities are entered.

151 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Page 2

Progress all Metalwork items on page 2 as 20% complete using the Actual % Final column.

The Quantities populate using the % progressed.

Page 2

Adjust the claimed quantities by typing in the quantities in the Claimed Quantity column.

Paid Quantity now reflects Claimed Quantity, as highlighted in yellow.

Page 3

Progress the concrete items.

152 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

18.6 Valuation Report Manager

D Do the following steps:

Click on Report Manager to access the Valuations Job Manager.

Click on Tools Backup/Recover > Recover and overwrite this Valuation Report Manager > from file.

153 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

From the C201 - Estimation and Valuations folder on the flash recover the Course Valuation Template
Reports. Click on .

Click on .

The required reports will now be recovered.

154 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Continuous Valuation Bill – Selling

Trade Totals – Net

Trade Totals – Selling

155 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

Value Analysis (68) - 80/20 on bill items

Resource Percentage (74) - Identify Key resources

Resource List

156 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations

18.7 Valuation Trade Total Display

Trade summary can be based on any Valuation Quantity and Rate.

D Do the following steps:

Click on Trade Totals Display . Select Actual Quantity and select Net rate.

157 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Valuations


In Valuations we can track Previous, Months and To-Date Quantities. Next Valuation Setup will copy all the
to-date quantities into the previous quantities. Therefore, Next Valuation Setup is required before entering
any new valuation quantities.

19.1 Next Valuation Setup

D Do the following steps:

Step 1 - Backup or Copy the job

It is good practice to backup each valuation job before entering the next monthly valuation quantities.
Eventually the Q.S will have an electronic copy for each Valuation in Candy and if required can refer to
previous valuations. We are going to copy and rename the job.

Click on .
Right-click on Waste Water Treatment Works Valuation No.1 and select Duplicate job.

Right-click on the duplicated job and rename it to Waste Water Treatment Works – Valuation No.2.

158 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Next Valuation Setup

Step 2 – Setup next valuation

Select Main > Valuation setup manager.

Click on .

Click on .

Enter the Current quantity date and change the Valuation Title.

Click on .

159 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Next Valuation Setup

Valuation No. 2 has now been set up:

The Bill is now ready for Valuation 2.

160 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Next Valuation Setup


1. Duplicate your Guard House job and rename it to Guard House Valuation No. 1.
2. Copy your Bill quantities to Final quantities.
3. Progress Page 1 as indicated below:

4. Progress Page 2 as indicated below:

5. Progress Page 3 as indicated below:

161 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Practical Day 2

6. Progress Page 4 as indicated below:

7. Use the Valuations Report Manager to print your Resource list.

a) What is the Actual Quantity usage for Unskilled Labour? _________________

8. Print the Continuous Valuation Bill – Selling.

a) What is the total for Claim 1? ________________

162 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Practical Day 2


Bill items in the Bill of Quantities can be linked to the activities in a program. Once the link is established, a
time-based forecast of cost, value, resources, or quantities from the Candy Estimating application can be
analyzed using the facilities in the Candy Planning application.

The Bill of Quantities can be linked to the program using the following methods:
• Creating a program from the estimate. This is not the best but quick and fairly accurate forecast as a
Bill of Quantities is not an indication of work that should be done (automatic linking).
• Creating an independent Bill of Quantities and program and then linking the two. This is the most
time-consuming method but most accurate (manual linking required).
• Pricing your program where you create price codes for activities (automatic linking).

The simplest approach to link the bill to the program is to use the Bill of Quantities when creating the
program. The Bill section headings are imported as activities into the Candy Planning application and the Bill
items in the section are linked to these activities.

A well-structured Bill of Quantities provides a good platform to create the program. After the creation stage, it
is a normal program, and it can be adjusted as required.

163 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Candy Planning Program Manager

Many programs can exist in one Candy job. The Program Manager is used to easily structure and manage
your programs. The Program Manager makes it easy to create new programs and is the entry point for
existing programs. Programs can also be copied, customized, backed up or recovered.

Click on and go back to the Job Manager.

Open Waste Water Treatment Works and change the application tab to Planning.

Click on Main in the Application Menu and select Program Manager.

Create New Program

Click on and enter the following information.

Click on .

164 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Select the Tender program and click .

Create Program Activities using the Bill of Quantities

Click on Document Manager and open 1.1 Standard Barchart.

This layout shows the Activity number, Activity description, Duration and the Barchart.

165 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Click on Estimate > Import estimate bill.

We will create activities using section headings as in the Bill of Quantities. A typical bill has too much detail
for each bill item to be an activity so rather import the headings above bill items.

Click on .

Click on .

A program is created with the headings and default duration of 5 days.

166 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

To re-arrange the activities and create the logic, click on Activity A020 CONCRETE, move it above Activity
A010 H.D BOLTS AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK by holding down Ctrl + Left-arrow once.

Draw your Program

Change the durations as below.

Now move the bars to achieve the following:

• Activity A020 CONCRETE must have a start lead of 32 days on Activity A000 Excavation
• Activity A010 H.D BOLTS AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK must have a start lead of 12
days on Activity A020 CONCRETE

167 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Adjust the % Offsets

Change the application tab to Link & Forecast:

Click on Document Manager to open the Forecasting Document Manager. Open document 3.2
Activities with BOQ Allocations. Each activity is displayed with the Bill of Quantities item that has been
allocated to the activity. The yellow bar within the red bar demonstrates the spread of the Bill items (financial
and usage information) over the activity.

Offset the spread of the Bill items on Page 1 over activity A000 Excavation by changing the end and start
offset as below.

168 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

BOQ with Budget Forecast

Click on Document Manager to open the Forecasting Document Manager and select document 4.1
BOQ with Budget Forecast. The Forecast Net Amounts are displayed across the program time.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

169 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Resource Usage Forecast

The Resource Usage Forecast document is available as a template document.

Click on Document Manager to open the Forecasting Document Manager and select document 4.3
BOQ Resource Usage Forecast.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

The resource forecast per bill item is shown is this document. Item 1/A and 1/B have been priced using split
rates and therefore do not have any resource usage forecast information.

170 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Cost Code Budget

A Budget forecast can be analyzed against Cost codes. The Cost Code Budget document is available as a
template document.

Click on Document Manager to open the Forecasting Document Manager and select document 5.2
Cost Code Budget.

Click on to view the totals.

Click on .

Forecast on Cost codes can now be viewed.

Resource Histogram

Click on Document Manager to open the Forecasting Document Manager and select document 2.1
Standard Barchart.

Click on Histogram > Estimate resources.

171 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Open the Labour heading. Select 200 Unskilled Labour (All in) using the .

Click on .

The Unskilled Labour histogram is displayed.

Move Activity A020 CONCRETE to have an end to start relationship with Activity A000 Excavation and
calculate the program. Then redo the Unskilled Labour histogram.

172 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Note: The result is a level resourse usage. The histogram type can be changed to show daily or cumulative

Select Histogram > Histogram options from the document menu.

Select Plot cumulative values and confirm. Click .

The Cumulative histogram is displayed.

173 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A

Place your cursor at the end of the curve and the total usage of 5,848.97 Hours for the Unskilled Labour is
shown on the bottom left of the document.

In Valuations, customize document 1.4 Utilisation and value - bill quantity under Resources to show final
quantities and compare with the histogram above.

Unskilled Labour usage 5,848.97 hours.

174 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure A


1. Create an additional Resource type for Profit and Attendance.

2. Create an additional Trade for Tiling.

175 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure B

3. Create the following Resources:

4. Price Item 5/A.

5. Price Item 6/A.

176 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure B

6. Type 5% in Profit and attendance using 0.05 as Quantity for All PC Sum Items.

7. Price Item 7/A.

8. Price Item 7/B.

177 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure B

9. Price Item 7/C.

10. Price the remaining PC sums.

The Total Net Amount for Guard House should now be 259,570.83.

178 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure B


The flow diagram below demonstrates how you can manage and control projects using the Complete
Solution which includes the Candy and BuildSmart software.

179 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure C


At RIB CCS we design our training courses with the end-user in mind to create a great learning experience.
The Training Roadmap below will guide you to determine where you are and what is next to come in your
training journey. Refer to all training courses and other resources available to uplift and empower yourself
and make optimal use of the Candy software.

‘’Learn continually - there’s always “one more thing” to learn’’ - Steve Jobs

180 | Construction Estimating and Valuations - Annexure D

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