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Jeah S.

Quilantang BSED 3 Mathematics

Activity 2

Direction: Read and understand the lyrics of the song “Paraiso” by Smokey Mountain.
Make a reflection in 8-10 sentences only.
Return to a land called paraiso a place where a dying river ends.
No birds there fly over paraiso, no space allows them to endure.
The smoke that screens the air, the grass that’s never there.
And if I could see a single bird, what a joy, I try to write some words and create
A simple song to be heard by the rest of the world.
I live in this land called paraiso, in a house made of cardboard floors and walls.
I learned to be free in paraiso, free to claim anything I see.
Matching rags for my clothes, plastic bags for the cold.
And if empty cans were all I have, what a joy, I never fight to take someone
Else’s coins and live with fear like the rest of the boys.
Paraiso, help me make a stand, Paraiso take me by the hand
Paraiso, make the world understand that If I could see a single bird, what a joy.
This tired and hungry land could expect some truth and hope and respect
From the rest of the world.


The song is about the environment that we have now and how nice and peaceful our nature
before. The songs send us the message that we should take care our environment. In the past
nature is like paraiso were people didn’t make hazardous things to the nature, the environment
is clean and healthy while now it is dirty because of the people that didn’t care about our
environment so we should make this our inspiration of our life to start clean and healthy
surroundings. A healthy and safe school environment includes the physical and aesthetic
surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school and students also became
healthy because of fresh air. Let us focus of our life to change and make new world to live in.
Health Education and some fields of education will help us to gain knowledge and information
able to commit what we want for us. Let's us support the program of every organization to
spread and help other people to face and change the life by studying and knowing the health
Education and planting trees or just a simple things like throwing a garbage properly. As a
responsible individual Filipino people we have to protect our land to ensure and
m a i n t a i n t h e b e a u t y o f o u r p a r a d i s e n a t u r e a n d w e m u s t b e a c ti v e o n
p a r ti c i p a ti n g s c h o o l h e a l t h program to ensure that every individual is healthy of their
own. Through these program we can gather a lot of knowledge and we also learn, we have to
apply and share the learning, and we all grow as one for the better world

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