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A. Background of The Study

English is one of important language in the world. People use
english to communicate with other, to express their idea and their mind.
There are four skills of language should be mastery in learning english,
they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In Indonesia, english is
one of important subject and also some people taught that english is
difficult especially for students, many students still poor in reading skill.
Reading is one of language skill that sould be learned by student. We can
enrich our vocabulary and also get more new knowledge from reading. It
means that if we are not reading, we never get the information. Based on
Yusuf (2012), “reading is a process of looking at understanding written
languge. English text enrich the readers new vocabulary, structures of
english, sentences and new knowledge.”
Teaching reading comprehension, the students have develop their
ability to read by themselves and how they can absorb the information of
the text. Diaz and Laguado (2013) state “reading comprehension is not just
a receptive process, it implies a complex process in which the readers
identify basic information and are able to predict, to infer, to argue and to
recognize writer’s point of view.” The student have to understand the kind
of text and one of them is narrative text.
Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story in past time. In
narrative text, the students should find the main ideas or contents of
Orientation, Complication, Resolution and Reorientation (Cohen, 2000).
In Orientation the students need to know the scene and the character in the
story. Then, in complication, the students should find the problems of the
story. For the resolution, the students will find how the problems can be
solved. Last, Reorientation part of the conclution of a story.
In the other words, it is not easy for students to comprehend a narrative
text. They have to recognize all the elements of the text such as
Orientation, Complication, Resolution and Reorientation. Beside that the
students sometimes feel bored because the teachers only ask students to
translate whole text, its ineffective method of making students understand
what they read. Absolutely, students can not enjoyed during learning in
class. As stated by Sharon J. Crawley and King Merrit, “Poor
comprehension may also be the result of the students not having the
necessary background or schema for reading a selection. The students may
not know or understand that comprehension is the major purpose for
reading and they read without setting purpose.” Students just read without
knowing the meaning.
Story mapping has been applied in many studies. Bekti (2009)
sugested that story mapping is appropriate to improve students’ reading
comprehension at first grade student of SMAN 1 RAJAGALUH.
As the reason, because nowdays students of senior high school face the
difficulties to understand about contain of the text itself.

B. Scope and Limitation

As limitation, this research focus on using story mapping technique

to improve students’ skill on reading comprehension and to investigate
how students responses toward using story mapping in reading
comprehension at first grade students of SMAN 1 RAJAGALUH.

C. Formulation of The Problem

According to background of the research, there are two research

questions. The research question are:

1. Is story mapping effective in teaching reading comprehension at first

grade student of SMAN 1 RAJAGALUH?
2. How the students response of using story mapping in reading
D. Objective of The Study

The objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To know using story mapping effective or not in teaching reading

comprehension of first grade student of SMAN 1 RAJAGALUH.
2. To find out of the students response in reading comprehension with
using story mapping of first grade student of SMAN 1 RAJAGALUH.
E. Significance of The Study
1. Theoritically : the result of this research to be useful information for
the readers, students, teachers and another writer that will concern
about Story Mapping on students reading comprehension.
2. Practically :
a. For the writer
This research can increase writer’s knowledge about how to be use
story mapping can improve students’ reading comprehension skill.
b. For the students
They can will be motivated and practice more than have learn
before and they encourage themself to interest in their
communication ability by using story mapping on reading
c. For the english teacher
The teacher could the implement the similar technique and they
can develope their knowledge to designing creative learning
methods by using some technique for learning teaching.
F. Definition of Keyterm
1. Reading

Reading is one of the important parts activity for human life,

especially for students, they can get some more information or
knowledge from what they read. Johnson (2008: 3) states that reading
is the practice of using text to create meaning. The two keywords here
are creating and meaning.

2. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of understanding the

meaning of the text. According to Snow (2002: 11) define reading
comprehension as the process of stimultaneously extracting and
constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with
written text.

3. Narrative Text
Meyers (2005: 52) states that narrative is one of the most
powerful ways of communicating with others. Narrative text is a kind
of text to retell the story in past time. The purpose of the text is to
entertain or to amuse the readers about the story.
4. Story Mapping
Story map or mind mapping is a strategy that used to help
students learn the elements of a book or a story. According to Dawi
(2010: 26) “a story map can be used as an outline for creating a story
or summarize the story events. It helps the students visualize the
people, place, and events of the story. Story map also can be used to
generate ideas during braonstorming sessions.”

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