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English 1: Vocabulary Log U2: Jobs

Nombre: Andy Pin Campaña

Class: SOF-S-VE-1-4 VAN 20
Word Translation Part of Sentence (Simple Present)
1 mechanic mecánico NOUN The mechanic is replacing the muffler on my
2 nurse enfermero NOUN The nurse checked the patient's blood
3 singer cantante NOUN The Mexican singer, Alejandro Fernandez,
will sing at the concert this weekend.
4 taxi driver conductor de taxi NOUN Samuel told the taxi driver to keep the
5 teacher profesor NOUN I'll teach you English if you teach me
6 tour guide guía turístico NOUN Our tour guide in Hollywood was really
7 waiter / waitress camarera NOUN Order whatever you like from the waitress.
It's on me.
8 accountant contador NOUN Victor is a respected accountant at an
important firm in Seville.
9 construction Trabajador de la NOUN The construction workers were all really
worker construcción tired after working outside on such a hot
10 businessperson Empresaria NOUN Rosie is a businessperson. She owns a
small exports company.
11 chef cocinero NOUN We are going to eat at chef Jamie Oliver's
12 dentist dentista NOUN After examining my teeth, the dentist told
me I had two cavities that needed to be
13 doctor médico NOUN Ricky's girlfriend is a Doctor of Economics.
14 police officer Oficial de policía NOUN My neighbor is a police officer, and his
patrol car is always parked in front of his
15 receptionist recepcionista NOUN He has worked as a receptionist in several
16 salesclerk Vendedor NOUN The salesclerk told him the hat would make
him irresistible to the ladies.
17 electrician electricista NOUN I'm going to hire an electrician to replace the
wiring in this building.
18 flight attendant auxiliar de vuelo NOUN The flight attendant asked us to fasten our
seat belts.
19 hairdresser peluquero NOUN My hairdresser is the only one who can cut
and dye my hair the way I want it.
20 lawyer abogado NOUN The lawyer hired by his family also defended
his innocence.

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