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Cognitive Psychology

What is Cognitive Psychology?

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Cognitive psychology involves the study of
internal mental processes—all of the things
that go on inside your brain, including
perception, thinking, memory, attention,
language, problem-solving, and learning

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What is Framework or Schema?

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Mental set of conditions and assumptions that
restrict or facilitate comprehension

In other words a schema is a cognitive framework

or concept that helps organize and interpret

Schemas can be useful because they allow us to

take shortcuts in interpreting the vast amount of
information that is available in our environment.

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Example of a dog
Puppy dog:

Enormous scary dog:

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For example, a child may have a schema about
a type of animal, such as a dog. If the child’s
sole experience has been with small dogs, a
child might believe that all dogs are small,
furry, and have four legs. Suppose then that
the child encounters an enormous scary dog.
The child will take in this new information,
modifying the previously existing schema to
include these new observations.

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The mental framework is basically a container in
which you deposit new information to match
existing framework (schema) or to grow your
mental framework (schema) and have a better

So the container that you keep at the back of

your mind is called a schema (mental

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Schema is like coloured glasses through
which you see the world.

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It allows one colour but rejects all other
colours on the light spectrum. If we wear red
glasses then we see the world as being red
without even realizing that there are other
colours that exist.

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Perception through Red glasses

You may never know true reality

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A schema is like internal glasses
that’s at the back of your mind that
filters all the information you see.

It helps classify and provide quick

access to information based on your
existing level of understanding.

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For instance
A shadow in the woods

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if you are alone in the middle of the
forest and you think you see a shadow,
your mental framework kicks in and tells
you to run because your framework tells
you that you are in danger but if you live
in the forest you may understand
through experience that the shadow is
coming from something totally
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Two more examples:

Relating to Communication

Describing Dragon fruit The masked man

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Example of dragon fruit

Dragon fruit Kiwi Strawberry

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If I want to describe the taste of dragon fruit to
someone then I may say something like it’s a cross
between Kiwi and strawberry. It tastes somewhere in
between. The other person might say: I don’t know kiwi
and strawberry assuming he never tasted kiwi and
We have a problem because I don’t have a way to relate
the taste of the dragon fruit to that person unless I
figure out a metal framework (schema) that will suit my
language or locution therefore the language I speak has
to match their mental framework so that they can

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Example of the masked Man

When I tell you: There’s a man wearing a mask

and a glove and there’s another man running

What is the first thing that comes to

your mind?

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Was it something like this?

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That first thing that comes to mind will
be fashioned by your mental framework.
If you tell me something like there’s a
robbery happening. That’s your mental
framework (schema) imposing specific
details on top of what I said.

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All I said was: There’s a man wearing a
mask and a glove and there is another
man running home. You filled in your
own additional information based on
your best schema that allows you to
make sense of what I am saying. (like
the child and the dog)

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If you are part of the American or Japanese society
or any society that is familiar with baseball lingo or
locution or slang then immediately you will
understand because In the baseball language
(locution) you have the catcher who wears a
facemask and glove, and you have a runner who
runs very fast towards home plate and while
running towards home plate that runner wants to
get there without being touched.

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As you can see, the mental framework is very
important to help us filter everything we receive
but it can also restrict us in what we understand.
This is how frameworks work.
It is important for us to realize that schemas
(mental frameworks) affect everything we

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It’s the exact same story: “There’s a man
wearing a mask and a glove and there is
another man running home.” It is
translated or interpreted into two different
understandings based on your own schema

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The above examples are examples of
single schemas or mental frameworks

It is estimated that a person has between

10 000 and 100 000 schemas.

Anything from values to financial concepts to

how you deal with people are all from our
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The collection of all a persons
schemas/mental frameworks is called
• Worldview
• Mental constitution
• Weltanschauung

In the Quran it is called:

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Al-Ɛarsh: Weltanschauung

It is a collection of all cognitive frameworks and

schemas that silently animate your perception,
understanding, judgments, decisions, and actions

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Al-Ɛarsh (Weltanschauung)

Can be at the individual level or at the collective

society level or orginizational level.

In management sciences, this is called

“Orginizational culture,” or simply culture.

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For instance some companies don’t mind if you
come a bit late and some companies are very strict
– different cultures. Some companies are stern on
women and men being assigned similar positions
and some companies are not too worried about it,
but are strict about other things.
Different companies, societies or groups have a
different collection of schemas and collectively
that becomes the group weltanschauung.

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Another example would be that in Muslim
cultures, the women like to cover their
hair. This is part of their weltanschauung.
If you go to china, covering the hair is not
important for women but covering the feet
is absolutely important and this forms part
of their weltanschauung. So women don’t
show their feet in China but they don’t
mind showing their hair.

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Some notes on Schemas
Schemas are hidden in your subconscious.

They allow us to take short-cuts in interpreting

vast amounts of information

They operate on you without your knowledge

and they infect your decisions.

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Remember the masked man

Your Schemas misinterpreted the

information you were receiving
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The example of the masked man is an example
of how a schema can infect your decisions and
lead in down the wrong path

Schemas can:

• Help you understand or,

• They can obstruct you from understanding

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If you have the wrong schema it will obstruct
from seeing truth

And this is how you will go through life

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We are all responsible for fixing our own
erroneous Schemas
We do not want to see through coloured glasses

We want to see the truth

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Another example of how schemas
negatively affect us

when the elephant is a baby, the elephant

trainer puts a cuff around the baby elephants
leg and chains him to a heavy object.
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The baby pulls and pulls on that chain. The chain bites into his
leg and causes pain as it starts to bleed and hurt. It takes less
than 2 months for the elephant to believe, that as long as that
chain is on his leg, he cannot break free and can go nowhere.

So, when the baby elephant grows and is not a baby anymore;
he is a Huge powerhouse, to stop him from running away, all
they have to do is put a cuff around his leg, get a little wooden
peg and knock it into the ground and chain him to it. Although
the elephant can easily break that peg, he doesn’t even attempt
it because his mind is now wired to believe (through previous
childhood experience) that he doesn’t have that ability to do so.

It is commonly known as the elephant chain syndrome.

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How to fix our Schemas
Think as yourself as a farmer

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A farmer who has shrubs. Allahh sends the rain to let
the shrubs grow but you have to keep trimming the
shrubs and make sure there are no bugs and insects
on them. If there are some extra branches you have
to remove them so you can focus the energy on the
right branches so that the shrub can grow properly
and reach for the sky

Remember: This is a life long occupation.

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