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In times of the darkest hour

There is no place to hide

Seeking for the light that gives delight

The valley that keeps hindering

Results for the fear feeling

But all I know is that I need someone


I need a friend

Yes, I need a friend

Escaping this dimension

He is someone I can count on

I need a friend

We need a friend

A someone to cry on

A shoulder to lean on

Yes I need that friend

He is that friend
The same situation of mourning

A hope that keeps dying

But someone came and rescued me

Giving for unfailing grace

He knows we're in victorious race

Extending his hand, pouring surfeit love

This song I wrote about is whenever I find myself

alone in the midst of a great battle, it reminds me
that I am not alone. It truly gives me comfort
knowing to every battle that I’m facing, I know that
there is someone who doesn’t abandon me no matter
what happens. God is someone who keeps reminding
me to move forward no matter how hard the day is,
no matter what the world throws at us, there will
always a tomorrow to be grateful and conquer it with
hope. This song comforts me whenever I feel down. It
gives me courage to live every day and constantly
reminding me that I am love and worthy of

In life, we’ve encounter a lot of people with different perceptions. Sometimes, we

care and sometime we learn. As we pull ourselves every day, we tend to make a
decision as the time we woke up. Life gives us a lot of choices and it’s on us what we
live forward to. There are so much factors we considered trying to be fit in the world we
are into. But choice is always ours together with consequences we bear.

Since then we got our consciousness, people who born on the early age has its own
different perspective of how to live a life. Some person gives a definition of how to live
a life to the fullest and some people enunciate it with the conditions they proposed.
Until now, we inherit some of their ideas becomes the norms of majority and almost of
these are changed by whom have the power to reign a country. Happiness is indeed
what everybody want to feel, a genuine one. But due to the circumstances that life
throws at us, it is not easily obtained by us. We are inclined for self-centered without
noticing we are disobeying some of the rules imposed by the government. We are
hurting that results hurting also the people who surrounds us. It is easy to say but hard
to achieve, yes. But one thing is for sure, happiness comes from contentment. We are
blinded by things we do not have and crave for it even it is in a bad way. To be grateful
for what we have is one the great factor we can have.

Life has many things to offer either it is good or bad, it gives us a happiness we crave
for. But what we need is that, we should to criticize whether it has a good benefits or
results for a bad consequences. At the end of the day, we are the one who will suffer to
the path we take. We should always remember that we cannot achieve a genuine
happiness if we keep walking on a wrong path. Life can be treasured in a simplest way
in a good form. Always be grateful.

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