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Being a girl is not easy


Why am I a girl!!!!!

Haaaaa (shocked)

Hey dear what is happening?

Why are you screaming

I hate being a GIRLLLLLLL

Haaaa (again)

But why?!?1

It’s not easy being a teenage girl you know…..

Huhuhu…. Yes we know.

Being a teenage girl is not easy

There are so many problems we need to faced

People might think our life is a breeze

In reality…. We are always in a haze

We are in a phase of confusion

Because there are so many changes

Physically we are no longer a girl

And yet emotionally we are no woman

Changes in our body makes us mad

With the pimples going like crazy

And our clothes are no longer loose

Why are we becoming CURVY

Body hairs are also a nightmare

And don’t forget the period pain

Why doesn’t it just come once

Why do the cycle come again.

And the emotional part is also stressing

Why are we become so sensitive?

Things that seems small before

Have now become a big issue

I never had a big fight with my bestie

and now we always do.

And home is no longer a paradise

We feel so cramp and choke

There are so many things we like to do

And yet our parent will always say no

We wanted to be carefree

but at the same time we are broke

So still we end up at home

and lock ourself in our room.

We started to have this weird feeling

That we don’t feel before

Why do we get this funny feeling

When we saw the boys walking by

It’s like we really-really like them

To the point we even get carried away

This feeling is just so crazy

Because before this they are yucky human being

And don’t started with school

Oh My God, why is it so hard!

So many new complicated subject.


And don’t forget the Co-curicular activity

It seems like never end

Each week a different thing

With the sports, club and society

And sometimes we feel so tired

because our life is always pack

we don’t even have time to relax

and just have some fun

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