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Student: Grade: 2°
Area: Social Studies Date: / / 22
Subject: Social Studies Worksheet Type: Practice
Teachers: Yaneth Acosta Lafont Solving Time: 1 hour

Remedial Practice Worksheet


1. Recognizes the physical space that surrounds them and the

territorial organization of the municipality, taking into account
its social, economic and cultural transformations.

Introduction: Taking into account that you presented some difficulties to achieve standard
1 in the first term, now you have another opportunity to do it. This worksheet, is part of
your remedial plan and it will give you a maximum grade of 2.5.

Standard 1.
Activity 1. Look at the map and complete the sentences with
the cardinal directions.
1. The school is South of the church.
2. The Police station is west of the restaurant.
3. The Supermarket is north of the road.
4. The Restaurant is east of the police station.


1. The supermarket is ____________________________of the park.

2. Adriana’s house is ____________________________of the library.
3. David’s house is ____________________________of the library.
4. The school is _______________________________of Ruth’s house.

Activity 2. Read
Some of the touristic places in medellín are: Comuna 13,
Paisa Town, Berrio Park, Cable cars, Explora Park, Botanical Garden, El
Castillo Museum and Arví Park. The weather of Medellín is warm.
Medellín has 16 comunas and 5 villages around it, they are: Santa Elena,
San Antonio de Prado, San Cristobal, Altavista and San Sebastian de

Now answer the following questions.

1. Name at least three touristic places of Medellin:
____________________________, ____________________________ _______________________ .
2. How many Comunas does Medellín have?

3. In which Comuna do you live?


4. Name at least three of the five Villages.

, ,
____________________________ ____________________________ _______________________ .

Activity 3. Rural and Urban Area.

Rural Area:
1. Buildings are short and spread out.
2. There is a lot of open space.
3. Fewer people live in this community.
4. Farmlands are commonly seen.
Urban Area:
1. Many people live close together.
2. There is not very much open space.
3. It is also called city.
4. There is not a lot of natural areas.

Draw a Rural area and a Urban area according to the characteristics

Write the elements you drew in each landscape:




“You never fail until you stop trying.” —Albert Einstein

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