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Some people believe that studying how things were done in the past is useless in

nowadays life. However, I totally disagree with this point of view because in my
opinion the future life to become better so dependent on a huge part of the past.
To begin with, today's world is maintained peacefulness thereby studying from all
of the historic events. Firstly, history is one of the necessary subjects that we
were taught when we were a child so this means that it is extremely important.
Secondly, there is a great deal of lessons which people could learn the experience
from learning from one war. Especially, it helps us have lots of skills to hold up the
national peace and understand the severe cruelties of a conflict as well. For
instance, the sight of bombing match in Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrated
the outcome of other wars in the future.
Likewise, by way of learning the past event that assists for researches of the
human evolution process and solutions against the diseases as well as epidemic.
Specifically, by learning about the lifestyle of our ancestors such as how they
hunt, plant, and ate, the scientist could predict some genetic diseases that
modern people are facing. Moreover, some diseases might be genetically carried
from the blood of our ancestors due to their lifestyles in herd, and people could
carry out some research on how to cure these diseases.
In conclusion, it is true that several people think that studying the past has no
beneficial outcome for modern people. In my view, I find learning about anything
in the past is advantageous for increasingly developing our planet.
The table illustrates the statistic of a research which surveyed a cross-section of
100,000 tourists asking if they travel overseas and why they traveled for a four-
year period from 1994 to 1998, while the bar chart compares the tourism
destinations over the same period.
Overall, almost the traveling preferences increase over the years, with the major
reason of visiting abroad is holiday. Also, it is noticeable that Western Europe had
a more popular tourist attraction than the other areas in the 1990s.
Initially, around 15,246 cases of traveling because of holiday, and after that it
dropped slightly at 14,898. However, the figure for this reason rose continually
until 1998, at about 20,700. Likewise, there was a gradual growth in business,
from 3,155 to 3,957. In addition, travel to friends & relatives category as well as
other reasons also went up negligibly.
On the other hand, Western Europe had almost 25,000 tourists in 1998, while
approximately 2400 people in North America in the same year. Similarly, the
figure for other areas was higher, some 2500 individuals.

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