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A year ago, I had to make a decision that helped me a lot in my personal life.

This decision
was to go away from home and do something I had never thought of. Not being able to get
into the university I wanted, I spent almost a year without studying, so I decided to go to
Nuevo León to work.
I had no problems with where to live because my brother had moved away a while ago so I
would live with him and hes wife. He was the one who gave me that option to go and stay
busy with something while I applied to another university.
My trip was by plane, because it was the fastest way to get there. I left Villahermosa on a
Sunday at 9pm and arrived in the city of Monterrey at 1am. My brother picked me up at the
airport. The next day I went to a job interview but they didn't call me, although a week later
i received a call from Wal-Mart and I was working as a quality auditor for 5 months.
On one occasion, my brother, my sister-in-law and I went on a trip to Saltillo, it was the
first time I had visited the city. It was very easy to get to as it is only an hour from
Monterrey. Along the way I saw a landscape full of mountains, and many roads to get to
different places. After arriving, we went to eat at a restaurant and then we went to the desert
museum, which I found very fascinating. then we went out and took a walk in the center of
the city, bought a few things and headed back in the evening.
The weekend after that, we went to rio ramos, it is located in allende. We left very early in
the morning to take the bus that took us. when we arrived there were a lot of people. we
were enjoying the water we also listened to music, then we ate and we take some pictures
of our trip. we returned home almost at night to rest because the next day I had to go to
work. It was a something that i really enjoyed because work sometimes can be stressful.
After that trip and a little before returning to Tabasco, I was able to visit the Lego products
store that is located in a plaza in San Pedro. It is a place that I had wanted to visit for a long
time and that I did not waste the opportunity be there was something impressive and really
great. Being there I bought some sets, I can say that it is an experience that I would not
change for anything.
Next week after that i return from Monterrey, i take the plane at 7pm and arrive to
Villahermosa at 9pm, and i can say that was a very great experince for me.

LI. Fernando Montejo Pérez
Emily Valeria De la cruz Martínez
July 4th 2022
Performance evidence
Paraíso, Tabasco

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