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One day, two monks set out for a temple in a valley beyond the woods. While cutting a pathway
through the woods, they came across a choppy stream they needed to cross. There, stood by the
bank of the stream, was a beautiful young maiden dressed in silk. She was clearly at a loss as to
how to cross without getting muddy and wet.

So, without thinking twice, the elder monk gestured to pick her up. Shocked, she obliged. He put
her over his shoulder and waded across to the other side. The younger monk, dismayed and uneasy
at what he had witnessed, followed in tow.

Upon reaching the other side of the bank, the elder monk put the maiden down gently. The maiden
paid her respects and walked on. The monks then continued on their way to the temple.

As they navigated through the forest, the younger monk, still troubled by what he’d seen,
asked, “How could you do that? We aren’t even supposed to make eye contact with women, let
alone pick them up and carry them!”

Without a thought, the elder monk turned to the younger monk and said, “Oh, are you still carrying
her?  I put her down when I reached the other side of the stream”.

As the young monk, the things we hold sometimes can be related to anger, hurt, guilty about
What do you need to let go? Is there any benefit by holding on?
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Just for a minute, imagine letting go everything on this list…How does it feel?
If you are struggling with identifying a benefit (there must be something or you wouldn´t be holding
on to it), ask yourself: What do I gain by keeping hold of this? Perhaps by holding resentments,
anger, hurt, you don’t need to accept your part on the situation, or perhaps it stops you from feeling
how hurt you really were.
What do you need to do that will allow you to let it go? ___________________________________

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