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Oeepa Kumo

Unif-T Sourtes of Saly

S ala
Introduc t1on
0afa Can be detined a s the quant1tative orqualh tative alves0f a ariable Datq
1S ploral oof datum whch liferally means t o Ive or Somefhing_qiveh Dafy /3
thovghf_fo_be_ the /ouwest UDIT 0f_Infor mation from_which ofher megsore men s
and analysiS Can be done ba ta Can be DUmbers /mgqes ords fiquresfacts 0r
1deas Dafo n 1/self Cannot 6e onderstooo and to get+ infofmatron from the
da ta Dne most n erpret /nfo meaningfu nfermaton There are arrous mefhods
of inferprefinq data Data Sources are broadly classifred /nto_primary ad second-
-arq dafa

Importance of Data and Data Collecf1on

Data IS 0De of fhe mast Important nd_vfalaspect _of any feasearch Studies Rea-
Searchers_(oncocfed 10 dfterent fields of Study Can be diflerent n_ mefthodo/oqy
bot erery researeh_1S ased on_data which 15 analy2ed and
nterprefed fo gef
Information Data 1s the basiCu n i n statstical_studres sfats cal In for ma fron
hke ensos populafio raridbles heal th Statstics and rogd accidenfs records qre
dere loped from datg
Data Collecfro n Techn1ques

There qre tw0 Sources of dafg Collecfron techniques primary and secondary daf
There gre_
Collectioh fechD19ues_primary dafq Collectron Use S Sorreys_expernments o r
by Collectin_n torma tion
obser ra tionsSecondary datg Collec fion may be Conducted by
from q derse SOUrce o off documen fs or_electroniCally_Storee intormation ensus
and markef studres gre examples of a Common_ SOvrce of Secondary data ThISA
/S al/so referred to QS d a fq mining

Dafa collectron fechn ques

Seconda ry Da tq
plimary Dafa

primary Dafa

primary data means oriqinal data that has been Collecfed Spectally for he porpose h
mine I means Someoneollecfec the data fromthe orgunal SOurce first hand
Datg Collecfed this y 1S alled primary data primary daty has nof been publIs-
hed yef and 1 more reable avthenfic and objective primary data has not
been Changed or alfered by human ings
beings therefore validity 1S greater than
Secondary daty
methods o f prmaryData Collecfron

Surrey Surrey /S mos f Commonly osed me thods n Socia Sciences manacement

markefinq and psychology to Some exfent Sorvreys Can be Conducfed
In dferentF me th ods

Qvestron narres Ovestionnaries 1s the mosf Commonly vsec in methocd SUtrey

Cuestro nnaries qre q lst of qvestrons ethen an opeh -ended or close
-encdector wh/ch the respondent 91ve anshers ves tron naries on be
Conducted via fefephone mail lve a publhc areg 0r b an
Institofe hrovgh elec fron ic_ mail or hroug h fax and Other
meth ods

Tnter vie Intervie /S face -fo -face Conversa fion

he respondent. It_
1S slo expenS/re qnd they_fake people a woay from_thesr requla
Jobs 6of they qllow in-dep th questioninq and tollow- op- questhons

Obser ratrons; obserrafions Can be done ohile left1ng he observingperSon knoo

that he/she /S beng observed or w thouf /effing bim_know Obser-_
- rations Can a/so be made i n natura/ Settingss as oetl S / n
art tica lly Creafed envron menf
Advanfages ofprimary Data

Data_/nterprefatron 1s betfer
Tarqefec /ssoes are addre ss e

Efficrenf Spendinh9 for_In formation

Decen Cy of Data
Address Specfic Kesearch /SSUes
Crea fer Contro
proprrefary /SSves

DIsadvan tages of prmary ata

Hgh (oSt
Time ConsUm1n9
Inaccurafe feed-backs
more nomber of resouroeS /S regulred

Secondary Datg

Secondany da ta 1s he data that has beeh already collee ted buy and readily
avarlable from 0ther SOvrcesshene vse &tathstreal methoo th_prmary data
from ano ther porpose
porpore for 0ur_porpose we refer fo it a s Secondary_Daka. It means
that One pOrpose mary Dada 8 anotherpurpose'ssecondary Data. go that
Secon dary daBa /8 da fa that _berng reused. Svch da ta qre more 9uIckly Obfain-
-qble than
than the _ph mary datg. These Seco noda ry data may be @btained from
Soorces ncloodno
likera tue,ndvstry sorveys Complimentsfrom Compvferi2ed data-
-6asesQna nformadron ycems and CompufeH2ed or mathematical models of enn
mental proce sses.

mefhods of Secondary Datg Cotlection

publShed prinfed Sources

There qre VaritieS ot_publshed _printed Sources herr Credibilhty depends on many
facforsfor exampe on hhe or1 er pUblshing Companyang tme and date when_
poblished Ne Soorces qre preferred and olc SOUrcesShould be avo idec a
Deo fec hno/o9 and researcheg brrng new facts /nto l1ght

Book3 are araila ble foday On anyfoprc a t yov ant fo research7 vre of
boots Start before ren OU have Selectea he fopicAfer selectioh of toprcs
books provldle nsrghf on ho0 much 0ork has
already been done On h e S me

topicqnd yoU Can_pre pare yoUr I te rature Ceview Boo are Secondary SOUrce
but mOSt avthentic one ( h Seconday_ SourceJ

Jovrng/s and_per1odicals are becominq more /mportant as tar ar data Cotlectob
1S Con Cethed 7he reason /S hat )OUrngls provde upto-dake In For matroh
which a t fhmeg books Can ho and SecondiY J00rnals Cah qIve Intormatroh
on the very Specikrc fop/c On hiCh Yo0 qhe resea rchinq rather falkin9 about
more qene ra fopICS
magge InesNewpapers
Magg2iney re alsoeffecte_bot not very relableNew&paper on he other hanc i3
more relable and /n Some Cases fhe iforma tion_Can only be ob fained from ew-
as in the Case o f Some _poli fi cal Stuolies

publishe d electroni c Sovrces

/Dternet 1S becom ing more advance fast and reacha ble to the mases l has
been Seeh that much Information tha t I3 no aralla b le h_prrnfed form 1s avala be
on Infernet. Ih the_past the_credibrl1ty of 1nterne 9as qvest 1o na ble but fooky It
/S not. The reason /S hat_ /n the_past Journals ahd books were Seldom poblsheq
on Ihterhef buf foday_ almost erery Journoa/ and boo S availa b/e Ohline Some ge
Free qnd for 0thers you hae fo p2y he_price

eJourna/s qhe moreCommOn ly avalla ble fthqn_prin ted Journals latest Journals
are diFficult to retrere thoufSobicripthon but if your UnLverTIy ha q n
e-I brar yov can vewanyJournal prnt 14 angd those hat are not avai la ble
Ljou Can ma be Qn otoler for them

tepera l Nebsites
nenera lty websutes edo nof Contarn rery relha ble n formadtion So therr Con tent should
be Checked for the reltabrlthy before quofrng from hem
webloqs qre also becoming Comm on They gre actud ly diaries or tlen by diffe rent
peoplesThee dane are Qs relia ble fo vse 4J pers onal otutten dia r i e s

Advantaqes of Secondary 0ata

6asily accessi ble

Immediafely ava lable
provide essehtial bacleahoUnd and help fo Clear fy_of refine res earch_problem
-essehhal for likeeraure re en
Secondary data Sovrces A01 prOVIde resea rch method alternative!
o1ll also alert the researcher_fo_any _potential d1 fhcol te

Disadvanfagej of seconodary latfa

Not (mmediafely ararla ble - taloo time to de fine problem, Samplinq rame meh od
qnd analy SiS
Not aS readi ly1 aCceßs ble

ncomplefe Infoma fron

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