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Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance

Mochamad Iqbal Rizki

S1 Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business

Mercu Buana University

Jakarta, Indonesia



Employee performance is one of the main things that need to be considered in the company.
To get the desired target for the company, of course, it takes good performance from the
employees. one of the factors that influence employee performance is work motivation. The
purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of work motivation on employee performance.
Several previous studies have shown that work motivation has a positive effect on employee

Keywords: work motivation, employee performance


In a company, human resource potential is basically one of the capital and plays the most
important role in achieving organizational goals. Therefore, organizations need to manage
human resources as well as possible, because the key to the success of an organization is not
only the technological superiority of the availability of funds but the human factor is the most
important factor.

According to Sagala (2016) an organization can be considered effective or not, as reflected in

the human resources within the organization. Human resources (HR) are expected to provide
expertise, knowledge and experience to achieve organizational goals with the performance
they provide.

According to Wibowo (2015: 322) motivation is an impetus for a series of human behavior
processes in achieving goals.

According to Afandi (2016) performance is the extent to which a person has played a part in
implementing organizational strategy, both in achieving specific goals related to individual
roles and by showing competencies that are declared relevant to the organization.
Literature Review

Work motivation

Work motivation is a duty for managers to influence other people (employees) in an

organization. When a person is motivated, he will try to repeat the previous action. However,
it is unlikely that a high level of effort will lead to performance and pay off. When these
efforts are channeled in a direction that is beneficial to the organization then the goals of the
organization will be achieved.

Here are some expert opinions regarding work motivation, including those stated by:

According to Hasibuan (2016: 141) motivation is what causes, channels and supports human
behavior, so that they are willing to work hard and enthusiastically to achieve optimal results.

According to Tegar (2019) motivation is a process of explaining the intensity, direction and
persistence of an individual to achieve his goals.

Riyanto et al (2017) Motivation is aimed only at human resource management in general and
subordinates in particular. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that work
motivation encourages employees of an organization to work together and use their abilities
to achieve organizational goals.

Factors affecting Work Motivation According to Wahjosumidijo in (Sunyoto 2015) Factors

that affect motivation:

1) Promotion

Promotion is the progress of an employee on a better task, whether viewed from the point of
view of heavier responsibility, higher dignity or status, better skills and especially additional
payment of wages or salaries.

2) Job Performance

The starting point of a person's career development is his work achievement to do the tasks
entrusted to him now.

3) The work itself

In the end, the responsibility for developing a career lies with each employee, as a
manifestation of the desire to grow and develop.

4) Awards

Giving awards for their achievements, recognition of their expertise will trigger passion for

5) Responsibility

Responsibility for the tasks assigned by the company fulfills the obligations to employees and
employees carry out tasks as expected by the company.

6) Confession

This recognition can encourage employees to have advantages in their fields to do better.

7) Success at work

Success in work can motivate employees to be more enthusiastic in carrying out the tasks
assigned by the company.

Dimensions and Indicators of Work Motivation

According to Maslow's hierarchical theory in Irham Fahmi's (2016) book, the dimensions and
indicators of motivation are:

1) Physiological needs: providing work space and providing work facilities

2) The need for security: guarantees the safety of workers' environment and protection
against work risks

3) The need to be accepted by the group: the relationship between fellow employees and the
relationship between employees and leaders

4) Need for self-esteem: incentives and rewards from leaders

5) Self-actualization needs: getting a position and challenges in carrying out tasks.

Employee performance

Performance is a multi-dimensional concept that includes three aspects, namely attitude,

ability and accomplishment. According to Afandi (2016) performance is the extent to which a
person has understood his part in implementing organizational strategy, both in achieving
specific goals related to individual roles or showing competencies that are declared relevant
to the organization.

According to Yugusna (2016) performance is a translation of performance which means the

work of a worker, a management process or an organization as a whole, where the work
results must be shown concrete evidence and can be measured or compared with
predetermined standards.

Another understanding of performance expressed by Riyanto et al. (2017) state that

performance is the result achieved by a person below the size applicable to the job concerned

Factors - Factors that affect employee performance According to Kasmir (2016) the factors
that affect performance are:

1) Ability and expertise

Ability or skills that a person has in a job

2) Knowledge

Someone who has good job knowledge will give good work results

3) Work Design

The job design will make it easier for employees to achieve their goals

4) Personality

The personality or character of an employee

5) Work Motivation

The urge for someone to do work

6) Leadership
The behavior of a leader in managing, managing and ordering his subordinates to carry out
the assigned tasks and responsibilities

7) Leadership Style

The style or way of a leader in managing his subordinates

8) Organizational Culture

Habits or norms that apply by an organization or company

9) Job Satisfaction

Feelings of satisfaction or feelings of pleasure after doing work

10) Work Environment

Workplace atmosphere or conditions

11) Loyalty

Loyalty to keep working and defend the company where he works

12) Commitment

Employee commitment to carry out company policies or regulations

13) Work Discipline

Carry out work activities according to the punctuality of time

Dimensions and Performance Indicators

The dimensions and performance indicators used in this study adapt the theory expressed by
Deassler (2011) which states that there are six dimensions and indicators in measuring and
assessing employee performance based on their competence:

a. Quality, which is the level where the performance results of employees are performed
perfectly in the sense of accuracy, thoroughness and acceptance of an activity.

b. Productivity, namely the quantity or amount produced efficiently and effectively.

c. Job Knowledge, which is the level of knowledge that employees have or information they
have to complete work.

d. Reability, which is the level at which an employee can be trusted while completing work
and in terms of work follow-up.

e. Avaibility, namely the level of timeliness of an activity completed by the employee and
accuracy in the employee attendance record.

f. Independence, which is the level at which an employee can do work without the assistance
of employee guidance.

Judging from the theoretical theory, experts say that work motivation has a positive effect on
employee performance and some researchers who have conducted this research also state that
work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance.

Afandi, P. (2016). Concept & Indicator of Human Resource Management For Management
Research. Yogyakarta: Deepublish.

Fahmi, I. (2016). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media.

Dessler, G. (2011). A Framework for Human Resource Management. New Jersey;Pearson

Education Inc.

Hasibuan, M. S. (2016). Manajemen : Dasar, Pengertian, dan Masalah, Edisi Revisi. Jakarta:
Bumi Aksara.

Kasmir. (2016). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Teori dan Praktik)-Cetakan Kesatu.
Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Riyanto, S. (2020). The Effect of Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment, and Job
Satisfaction on the contract Employees Performance of Pt Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Branch Office of Jakarta Daan Mogot. International Journal of Innovative Science and
Research Technology.Volume 5, Issue 1, January – 2020.

Sagala, S. (2017). Human Capital Membangun Modal Sumber Daya Manusia Berkarakter
Unggul Melalui Pendidikan Berkualitas (edisi pertaman). Kencana. Depok 16457.

Sunyoto, D. (2015). Penelitian Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakarta: CAPS

Tegar, N. (2019). Manajemen SDM dan Karyawan Strategi Pengelolaan SDM dan Karyawan
dengan pendekatan Teoritis dan Praktis. Yogyakarta: Quadrant.

Wibowo. (2015). Manajemen Kinerja Edisi Kelima. Depok: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Yugusna. (2016). Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dan lingkungan kerja terhadap
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