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Code: 8904 Day of PE: MONDAY
Activity Name: BOTTOM LINE

1. “No Pain, No Gain” is half true and half false.

There may be a clear differentiation among pain due to muscle work and pain
caused by injury. Intense exercise would therefore induce muscle burn which
may not be oddly liberating throughout and quickly after exercise, but it might
sooner or later result in greater strength. Therefore in this case, pain equals gain.
Nevertheless, if you notice that a specific area of your body is predictably
excruciating during or after certain movements or activities, this is NOT gain. Any
such pain seems to be your body’s way of telling you that you’re harming it and
that you should halt the exacerbating exercise.

2. Physical fitness is 30% exercise and 70% diet.

It is said that weight loss is 70% due to the foods you eat and 30% due to
exercise. As a result, even with a magical cure in place, it is not scientifically
possible to eat whatever you want and lose weight. Lose weight the honest way
with a sensible diet and exercise plan. Losing weight as a lifestyle, rather than a
destination, entails learning how to treat your body with kindness and respect, as
well as losing inches and lbs.
3. “Strength does not come from the physical capacity. It comes from an
indomitable will.” – Ghandi

Ghandi has always been looking to convey the message to the people to
confront with truth and peace. He figured prominently in the dispute against the
colonial power, whereby the British had no way of suppressing. He is always
trying to persuade people to brawl Britishers with tenacity.
4. “Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus
tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Exercising is a great way to relieve stress the very day while also establishing a
healthy lifestyle. Training is not just about looking good; it's also good for your
health. Arnold regarded that exercise relieved stress and managed to keep his
mind active. Because although you don't want to bulk up, there are still plenty of
reasons to stay fit and healthy.

5. “Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”

Starting a workout routine can be extremely difficult. It can be difficult to stick to a

workout routine. Returning to work after a period of time off can be difficult.
Whilst also you understand all the benefits of working out in your head, and it is
in your head that you tell yourself it’s alright to miss a session today.
Alternatively, ditching tomorrow’s probably won’t affect at all. And the day after
that. That you’ll simply pick it all up once more on like in Monday.

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