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Waves and Optics: Colors and Vision

Name: ___________________________________ Score: _____ / 25

Year and Section: _________________ Date: ________

I. Identify the concept described in each statement below. Write your answer on the space provided.
________________ 1. It is the process of transforming light whose vibrations are in multitude of
planes into a light which can be thought of as vibrating in a single plane.
________________ 2. It is formed when equal intensities of blue, red, and green light are
________________ 3. It is formed when two colours from red, blue, and green are combined.
________________ 4. It is referred to as the colour-sensing cells of the retina.
________________ 5. It is the separation of visible light into different colours representing certain
frequencies and wavelengths.

II. Read each statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the
statement is incorrect.
________________ 6. White light can only be obtained by the combination of ROYGBIV.
________________ 7. Colour of an object does not depend on the light used to illuminate it.
________________ 8. White and black are not colours of light.
________________ 9. ROYGBIV are arranged in decreasing wavelength.
________________10. The complementary colours are those colours which are formed when two
primary are mixed in equal amounts and produced white light.

III. Demonstrate your understanding of colour addition and subtraction by completing the equation in
each item.
11. Blue + Green = ________________
12. Red + Blue = ________________
13. Blue + Yellow = ________________
14. Red + Green = ________________
15. White – Magenta = ________________
16. Yellow + Cyan = ________________
17. White – Magenta = ________________
18. White – Cyan = ________________
19. Yellow + Blue – Cyan = ________________
20. Yellow + Cyan – Blue – Red = ________________

IV. Write the proper concept/colour to the make each statement correct.

21-22. If a white light is used to illuminate an object, which is capable of absorbing OYGIV, then
the object reflects ____________________ and appears _________________.

23-24. A light wave with a frequency of Cyan is illuminated to a transparent object, which is
capable of absorbing OYGBIV. Consequently, the object transmits _____________ and appears
25. A yellow object is illuminated with yellow light and viewed through a green filter. The object will
appear ___________________.

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