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Taks 9

Date : 28 December 2021

Name : Fiska Nuril Haliyah Al-Zauji
Prodi : Management A1
Semester 1

Tenses : 1. Simple Present Tense.

2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Past Tense.
4. Present Perfect Tense.
5. Past Continuous Tense.

Nouns : Years, student, School, month, City, class.

Verbs : Be, speak, done, came, told, met, wanted, give.
Modal verbs : Will, would, should, going to, could.
Subjects : I, Kania, Nadia, she, All.
Objects : Thursday, School, Agha Book Store, Sunday, Monday.

Kania’s Plan

Today is Thursday, I am at the school when Kania is speaking to her friends. All of the
students here are preparing to have an election for their head of students’ organization.
Last Saturday, I met Kania in Agha Book Store. She told me that she would like to meet
Nadia soon. I said her that she probably could meet Nadia in the school on Monday,
because Nadia will be out of the town on Sunday.
I was preparing my books at the class room when Kania came to meet me. She told
about her plan on the election of the head of the students’ organization. She wanted
Nadia as one of the candidates for the election. The event is going to take place next
Nadia is a smart girl and she has a strong leadership. She has done well for her position
as the organization’s secretary. I agree with Kania’s idea, so I’ll support for her
For this election there are several candidates representing the students from class 1
and class 2. Election is done every two years under the control of school’s vice master
for students activity. Each candidate should give a presentation in front of the sudents
regarding the candidate’s plan for his/her term of duty.
After the election, the elected candidate should also give a speech for his/her winning.
The head of the students’ organization is one of the candidates who has been elected
by the majority of the students.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Who is Kania?
Answer : Kania is a student.
2. Where will Nadia be on Sunday?
Answer : Nadia will be out of the town on Sunday.
3. What is Kania’s plan?
Answer : She told about her pian on the election of the head of the student’s
4. Why did Kania want Nadia to be the candidate for the head of the students’
Answer : Because Nadia is a smart girl and she has a strong leadership.
5. What should the candidate do before the election?
Answer : Each candidate should give a presentation in front of the sudents
regarding the candidate’s plan for his/her term of duty.

B. Translate the text into Bahasa Indonesia.

Rencana Kania.

Hari ini hari Kamis, saya di sekolah ketika Kania sedang berbicara dengan teman-
temannya. Semua siswa di sini sedang mempersiapkan untuk pemilihan ketua
organisasi kemahasiswaan mereka.

Sabtu lalu, saya bertemu Kania di Agha Book Store. Dia mengatakan kepada saya
bahwa dia ingin segera bertemu dengan Nadia. Saya mengatakan kepadanya bahwa
dia mungkin bisa bertemu Nadia di sekolah pada hari Senin, karena Nadia akan keluar
kota pada hari Minggu.

Saya sedang mempersiapkan buku-buku saya di ruang kelas ketika Kania datang
menemui saya. Dia menceritakan rencananya tentang pemilihan ketua organisasi
mahasiswa. Dia menginginkan Nadia sebagai salah satu calon dalam pemilu. Acara ini
akan diadakan bulan depan.

Nadia adalah gadis yang cerdas dan dia memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat. Dia telah
melakukan dengan baik untuk posisinya sebagai sekretaris organisasi. Saya setuju
dengan ide Kania, jadi saya akan mendukung pencalonannya.

Untuk pemilihan kali ini ada beberapa calon yang mewakili siswa dari kelas 1 dan kelas
2. Pemilihan dilakukan setiap dua tahun sekali di bawah kendali wakil kepala sekolah
untuk kegiatan siswa. Setiap calon harus mempresentasikan di depan mahasiswa
tentang rencana calon untuk masa jabatannya.

Setelah pemilihan, calon terpilih juga harus memberikan pidato untuk kemenangannya.
Ketua organisasi mahasiswa merupakan salah satu calon yang dipilih oleh mayoritas
Taks 10

Tenses : 1. Simple Present Tense.

2. Present Continuous Tense.
3. Present Perfect Tense.
4. Past Continuous Tense.

Nouns : School, fun.

Verbs : Vacation, holiday.

Modal verbs : Will.

Subjects : I, All.

Objects : School,week.

Vacation to the beach

this week I went to something fun, but for me it's more fun with my friends** I even think of them
as my true friends, since I've been on vacation together it feels more fun.

of all the things we went through in a place that we thought was like our dream home, it was
unforgettable from everything we went through together to get rid of headaches at school. so
with this holiday we all gather together to live something we will never forget.

I enjoyed it more under a coconut tree, that's where I really wanted to climb it and wanted a
coconut, at that time my friend invited me to make a ladder to take it.

freshrrrr.... it feels like my body is filled which makes me even more excited. amazed by the
beauty of the sea, passing boats, and being swept by the wind and waves that make me want to
continue on vacation here with my friends.

since the time started to end, it didn't feel too bad to enjoy this holiday, my friends and I forgot
that dusk was coming, at that time my friends and I took a bath and played in the twilight water.

After enjoying a vacation on the beach, the twilight began to pass, then that's when my friends
and I ended the vacation and left the place we were waiting for during our vacation.

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