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Nordic Society Oikos

Oikos, 50 Years of Ecology

Author(s): Jan Lindström, Per Lundberg, Esa Ranta and Veijo Kaitala
Source: Oikos, Vol. 87, No. 3 (Dec., 1999), pp. 462-475
Published by: Wiley on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos
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Accessed: 08-07-2022 10:44 UTC

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OIKOS 87: 462-475. Copenhagen 1999

Oikos, 50 years of ecology

Jan Lindstrom, Per Lundberg, Esa Ranta and Veijo Kaitala

F < . t Lindstrom, J., Lundberg, P., Ranta, E. and Kaitala, V. 1999. Oikos, 50 years of
4" %ecology. - Oikos 87: 462-475.

J. Lindstrom, Dept of Zoology, Univ. of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cam

CB2 3EJ ( - P. Lundberg, Dept of Theoretical Ecology,
Lund Univ., Ecology Building, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden. - E. Ranta and V. Kaitala,
S . Ad Integrative Ecology Unit, Div. of Population Biology, Dept of Ecology and Systematics,
P.O. Box 17, FIN-00014 Univ. of Helsinki, Finland (present address of VK: Dept of
Biological and Environmental Science, Univ. of Jyviskylk, P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351
Jyvdskyld, Finland.)

Scandinavian (or more correctly: Fennoscandian) ecol- For the ecologists, the term ecology still adheres to
ogy has come to age with the Nordic Ecological Society the classical definition of ecology: the interplay of indi-
Oikos reaching its 50-year anniversary this year viduals and their environment. This is a rather broad,
(Maimer and Ranta 1999). From the very beginning, almost meaningless, definition but as Ernst Mayr (1963)
the founding fathers decided to launch an ecological remarked "There is no area of biology in which evolu-
journal, Oikos. The anniversary year of the Society has tion has not served as an ordering principle". In ecol-
been celebrated by inviting a number of specialists to ogy, this is probably now more true than ever as
write overviews on the important developments in their ecology incorporates sub-fields like evolutionary and
own research fields of ecology. This resulted in 20 behavioral ecology. It also appears that contemporary
articles published as Minireviews in Oikos and Ecogra- population (quantitative) genetics has more to do with
phy during 1999. The scope of this essay is to put the ecology than with genetics.
journals and the reviews into the context of the devel-
opment of ecology as a discipline.
The launching of the journal Oikos coincides with
the maturation of ecology to a solid scientific discipline. Oikos 1949-1999
The topics discussed on the pages of this journal,
already from the first volume onwards, had a tight Oikos is a multidisciplinary ecological journal. Even a
connection to the development of ecology in Britain casual comparison of its contents with those of Ecology
and the USA. In the early years, the term ecology was or Journal of Animal Ecology and Journal of Ecology
just a name for a scientific discipline. In the years to proves this. However, we were curious to see what has
come, the land-mark decade being the 1960s, ecology happened to Oikos during its first 50 years (87 vol-
has been variously associated with the increasing envi- umes). We decided to do what ecologists often do: to
ronmental concern in political awareness. Firstly with collect data. We selected three sampling periods, the
the pollution threat and lately with the loss of habitats first 10 years (1949-1958), the middle years (1969-
- especially in temperate areas and in the tropics - and 1978) and the last decade (1989-1998). For each pe-
the associated biological diversity. These days, the term riod, a total of 50 articles were drawn at random from
ecology appears in the names of various commercial the articles published in each period. Of course, the
products from toilet paper to computer displays. sampling coverage of the whole content of the journal
Surely, every educated person has some mental icon for was higher in the early years when articles were fewer
the term ecology. and longer than during the past decade or two, when

This is an invited Minireview on the occasion of the 50th

anniversary of the Nordic Ecological Society Oikos.

Copyright ?) OIKOS 1999

ISSN 0030-1299
Printed in Ireland - all rights reserved

462 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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the number of volumes and printed pages per year in years. The launching of the journal was entirely a
Oikos have kept increasing. We also did a parallel Scandinavian enterprise. However, the ethnical origin
sampling in Ecology, a journal similar in scope to of writers soon started to diverge. In the first five
Oikos. The articles thus collected were scored into eight volumes, Scandinavian authors contributed 46% of all
groups (originally we had more categories, but the published articles, while in volumes 6 to 10 the corre-
picture emerging is more clear with the current group- sponding figure was as low as 12%. Since then, despite
ing) based on their content. the fact that due to its proximity Oikos is a natural
The categorizing is certainly a biased and subjective choice for many Scandinavians, the proportion of non-
procedure and so is the classifying of the individual Scandinavian authors has remained high. Perhaps the
papers. One can nevertheless draw a few conclusions biggest change, in terms of Oikos - and Scandinavian
(Fig. 1). First, there are temporal changes in the journal ecology itself - becoming international began in the
profiles over the decades. For example, the early years late 1970s when several esteemed North American ecol-
were more dominated by articles on ecosystem and ogists started to contribute to this journal. This was due
community ecology than later on. Also, pure theory to active journal policy, the agents being Per Brinck
was scanty in the first volumes, as was also behavioral and Staffan Ulfstrand.
ecology (officially born in late 1970s), but both are To complete the exercise of data collection we also
present in the 1970s and 1990s. The two journals differ scanned the list of references, and scored the occurrence
surprisingly little in their profiles (Fig. 1), with perhaps of citations to Scandinavian ecologists, in ecological
the only exception being that Oikos tends to publish textbooks of the 50-year period. We did this well aware
less ecosystem research than Ecology. Perhaps the that the figures do not exactly tell the contribution of
match in profiles between the two journals is under- Scandinavians to the world's ecological scientific litera-
standable. They are "general" ecology journals, and ture. To us, the emerging figures were rather sobering:
can both be taken as representative samples of what Clarke (1954) 3.6%, Odum (1959) 2.1%, Krebs (1972)
high-quality manuscripts there are available in the en- 1.3%, Pianka (1978) 0.8% and Begon et al. (1996) 2.9%.
tire domain of ecology. We cannot avoid speculating: either Scandinavians do
We were also curious to see what has happened to poor ecology (which we hope is not true) or textbook
the authorship composition of Oikos during all these writing is strongly biased. Actually, a recent Finnish


1949- 1958 1969- 1978 1989- 1998


Autecology \ \ -

Physiol ecol

Behavioral ecology


Plant-animal interaction






Physiol ecol

Behavioral ecology

Plant-animal interaction
Fig. 1. Publication profile C t_ M
(eight categories) of Gikos and Community
Ecology in three different Ecosystems - - ,
10-year periods. The data are
random samples of articles 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40
published in the two journals
during each of the three Frequency, %
1 0-year periods.

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 463

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ecology textbook (Hanski et al. 1998) shows indeed a of a particular species or population will be, however,
similarly strong bias in the selection of examples: 35% contingent on a suite of special circumstances, often
of the references were by Scandinavian ecologists. unique in space and time.
To include the second of the Nordic Society Oikos' Lawton argues that communities are more problem-
journals, Ecography, in this initial comparison of the atic. They are harder to define, it is arguable what
development of the contents between the multidisci- patterns are to be explained and understood by general
plinary journals Oikos and Ecology would not be fair; theories. Communities are so complicated that contin-
first because Ecography has only existed since 1978 gent theory does not seem to work very well, but they
(and thus cannot be included in the first two time are also small enough such that global patterns would
periods in Fig. 1), and second because Ecography has a not appear. That is why macroecology has better
different profile, centering on patterns in ecology more chances to reveal order and generality. It attempts to
than processes (spatial and temporal patterns, natural embrace major, statistical patterns of distributions,
history of species). However, in the second part of our abundances, species richness and alike. It also empha-
review all seven papers published in Ecography are sizes the interplay between local and global scales, a
included. common theme throughout turn-of-the-millennium
ecology (cf. for example, Petersen et al. (1999) and
Huston (1999) below). Macroecology is full of consis-
tent patterns across scales and taxa. Perhaps it is the
The anniversary essays
scale-dependence that is both the beauty and the curse
The essays that have appeared in Oikos and Ecography of ecology. Lawton is a modern ecologist, acknowledg-
during this anniversary year have covered a wide range ing both the complexity and uniqueness of ecological
of topics, emphasizing some, omitting others. We will systems, as well as the scientific endeavor of finding
here rhapsodically summarize them and attempt to put general laws and their mechanisms. It remains to be
them into the historical and prospective context of this seen how bold and daring the ecologists of the next
paper. millennium are going to be in generalizing the living
In their respective reviews, Persson (1999) and Polis
(1999) deal with what Lawton thinks is the most
Are generalizations possible?
difficult scale - general patterns and processes in com-
Most ecologists would probably subscribe to the idea munities. Polis appears to prove Lawton's case. Perhaps
that ecology is rich in theory, but poor in laws. It all, of ecologists have become so engaged with sophisticated
course, depends on how "law" is defined and attempts measuring devices, complicated mathematical models
have also recently been made to find adequate defini- and a wish to find biotic explanations for everything
tions of the concept that are appropriate for ecology that they can not see the wood for the trees. We believe
(e.g. Pickett et al. 1994). Lawton (1999) asks to what that Polis would subscribe to this statement, although
degree generalizations are possible in ecology and he does not explicitly say it in the essay on trophic
whether such generalizations should be called "laws". cascades and the factors controlling primary productiv-
Lawton concludes that the laws in ecology are (and ity. The "Green world, or the HSS" hypothesis sug-
must be) different from the deep universal laws in, for gested by Hairston et al. (1960) 40 years ago sparked a
example, physics. Having said so, Lawton nevertheless never-ending quest for the explanation of the green
identifies a set of fundamentals that underpin all eco- world. The world is green, they argued, because herbi-
logical systems; for example, the first and second laws(!) vores are kept under control by their predators. Should
of thermodynamics, Darwinian natural selection, the predators be absent, the herbivores would over-exploit
physical principles governing diffusion and transporta- the plants and the world would turn yellow or red.
tion of matter and some fundamental mechanics (re- Fretwell (1977), and later Oksanen et al. (1981), sug-
garding, e.g., flight, bone structures, etc.). Hence, some gested that this is exactly what we can see if we follow
things are inevitably in common to all organisms, but is gradients of primary productivity. Along such a gradi-
it possible to go beyond this? ent, the primary productivity would be able to sustain
Lawton seeks an answer by taking a closer look at food chains of different length such that the world
three areas of ecological inquiry for which a substantial would be green in systems with odd-numbered links.
body of theory exists. The areas are population dynam- Polis takes us back to square one and asks whether
ics, community ecology and macroecology. First, Law- the complex interactions in natural communities really
ton admits that all organisms, even all local have the power of producing the observed patterns of
populations, are unique and therefore at one level "greenness" around the world. No, says Polis and seeks
escape generalization. This is rather trivial. On the more parsimonious explanations. The list of such expla-
other hand, there is a limited number of qualitative nations contains sunlight and climate together with
dynamic properties. The exact nature of the dynamics catastrophes and large-scale abiotic disturbances, and

464 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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overall nutrient and water availability. Reviewing ob- common. Trophic level omnivory (vertical heterogene-
servations from both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, ity) will also make the identification of trophic levels,
Polis concludes that herbivores in aquatic systems actu- and therefore trophic cascades, impossible. Even more
ally may have the potential of influencing plant biomass disturbing is life-history omnivory, i.e., that organisms
and functioning significantly, whereas terrestrial herbi- may pass and use several trophic levels throughout
vores rarely can. Polis also lists the reasons why we their lifetime. They grow and use different habitats
indeed would not expect herbivores to have the capac- within the system at different life-stages.
ity of regulating plant biomass. These include plant Persson also stresses the fact that there is more to
defenses and self-regulation. According to Polis, PPPP trophic dynamics than cascades. Adaptive foraging,
(predators, parasitoids, parasites, and pathogens) do nutrient recycling, size-structured dynamics and habitat
not seem able to do the job. With a few exceptions, selection problems all add to indirect effects in both
however. Under some rare circumstances the conditions aquatic and terrestrial systems.
are "right" for community-level cascades, for example
in some aquatic systems with rather simple food webs.
There are a number of reasons why aquatic systems are
expected to be different from terrestrial ones in this
respect. Size-ratios across trophic levels are very differ- Leaving populations and communities behind, Lawton
ent in aquatic and terrestrial communities and this has (1999) puts more hope to what has been called macroe-
consequences for, e.g., consumption rates and life-cycle cology. Several of the anniversary reviews address
relationships. problems within that framework. Compared with, say,
In Polis' mind the world's ecosystems are too hetero- many deterministic physical systems, ecological com-
geneous spatially and temporally to allow for any gen- munities and ecosystems are immensely complex.
eralizations about the impact of herbivores on plant Macroecology takes up this challenge and asks: "Are
biomass. there actually general, simple rules for creating this
Persson (1999) is more optimistic, given that we complexity?". In macroecology, these rules are most
include the relevant biological features of the systems often sought for by documenting broad statistical pat-
under study. Persson, like Polis, is interested in trophic terns in communities and ecosystems.
cascades. Together with the "bottom up-top down"
dichotomy, it is an attempt to put a label on a seem-
ingly widespread phenomenon, particularly in aquatic
"Classic" macroecology
ecosystems. The often used definition of a trophic cas-
cade is the propagation of indirect mutualism between Brown (1999), a co-inventor of the term "macroecol-
non-adjacent levels in a food chain. Although there ogy", is one of the anniversary reviewers of this topic.
seems to be ample support for trophic cascades (Polis He stresses that macroecology is rather a research
would not agree), they appear to be confined to aquatic program and a way of thinking than a subdiscipline of
systems. The reasons for this may be two-fold. First, ecology. According to Brown, the essence of macroecol-
aquatic food chains are often simpler and are defined ogy is two-sided. There is the empirical part, the actual
for a common spatial and temporal scale. Second, documentation of patterns. The second part is more
attempts to find trophic cascades in terrestrial systems theoretical and its task is to formulate hypotheses. On
may be flawed because too much focus has been on the whole, macroecology has been more successful in
plant-insect food chains, omitting mammalian herbi- the first part. Many large-scale patterns have been
vores. But Persson argues that the problems with find- found but finding the mechanisms underlying these
ing trophic cascades may go beyond the measurement patterns has proven to be more difficult. Perhaps this is
problem. The basic idea in trophic cascade theory is not very surprising as there is a great gap between
that the effects occur across trophic levels. In the understanding patterns and understanding processes in
"exploitation ecosystems" (Fretwell 1977, Oksanen et general. A point of comparison could be, for instance,
al. 1981) all species and populations at each trophic population cycles. There the pattern is clear and can be
level can be lumped together. Persson argues that this is adequately described but finding the actual causative
not necessarily the case and lists a number of reasons mechanisms has been a hard challenge in population
for this. One particularly important problem is that ecology [Stenseth (1999) provides an up-to-date view on
productivity (a corner stone in trophic cascade theory) this topic in his anniversary review]. An obvious reason
is not well defined. Lumping species together and creat- for choosing this evidently difficult approach in
ing trophic levels may also be problematic because the macroecology is its large scale: most systems cannot be
pathways of energy and matter through the system are manipulated at the ecosystem level. Yet this is the scale
easily modified by direct or indirect species interaction of climatic change, for instance. The positive message
within levels. This is why Polis thinks that community- from macroecology is that finding organized patterns
wide cascades are rare and species cascades are more gives promises of the general mechanisms to exist as

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 465

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well. In looking forward to the future of macroecologi- fore documentation of patterns before and after some
cal research, Brown emphasizes the need for models to major changes in an ecosystem is a valuable source of
help in developing the theoretical background. information. These changes can be caused by droughts
One of the first large-scale patterns to be discovered and other large-scale disturbances. Microcosms allow a
by early ecologists was that the number of species direct manipulation of a system under study, but the
increases with decreasing latitude. That is, the tropics choice of organisms is more limited. Modeling can help
are much more species rich than areas close to the in clarifying issues concerning the origins of different
poles. The list of possible explanations for this seem- patterns. However, this is a relatively undeveloped field
ingly general pattern is long. The anniversary review within
by macroecology and thus provides much space for
Rohde (1999) is a thorough and critical examination of innovation. A major problem with observational data is
the hypotheses suggested so far. formulating the null hypothesis, which is a clear indica-
Before us, we have a good "macroecological" pattern tion of unripe understanding of the underlying pro-
- the number of species within a given taxon increases cesses. Setting null hypotheses is important since they
as we go from the poles towards the tropics. Or does it help in separating trivial patterns from the ones imply-
really? For a number of taxa (e.g., birds, non-flying ing a real biological process. Gaston and Blackburn
mammals, marine fish) it does. But there are numerous also observe one difficulty in differentiating amongst
examples where this pattern is absent or unclear, e.g., competing hypotheses: some patterns may be genuinely
Old World sawflies and galling insects peak at interme- caused by multiple processes, perhaps operating at dif-
diate latitudes. ferent scales.
According to Rohde, many of the suggested explana-
tions either lack logical consistence or are not complete
enough or are simply refuted by data. A common
Macroecology and scale
problem to many of them is also that they can discover
correlations between, e.g., certain environmental vari- The scale problem is explicitly dealt with by Rosen-
ables and species richness, but they do not "explain" zweig and Ziv (1999). What is the role of scale in
the patterns. Interesting patterns can emerge when par-predicting species diversity? Can we derive any reason-
asites are studied because they cannot be disentangled able predictions about local species diversity on the
from their hosts. If (potential) host species richness basis of information on regional species diversity? One
increases towards the equator (for whatever reason), so way to pose the question is whether local assemblages
should parasite species richness. And it generally does, are random sub-assemblages of regionally available
but host species richness and parasite diversity change species. Rosenzweig and Ziv argue that the theoretical
at different rates, indicating, among other things, that basis for this is to be found in species-area
the patterns we see are not at equilibrium. Rohde relationships.
concludes that assuming "saturated" communities is To answer the question what the scales in species-
flawed. Places on earth where energy input is high area relationships have in common with the relation-
(presumably the tropics in most cases), the speed of ship between regional and local diversity, we need first
evolution is high (promoting speciation). Those places to understand the mechanisms of species-area relation-
have also been there unaffected by major disruptions ships. To provide examples, extinction and speciation
(e.g., glaciation) for a long time. Consequently, the are the mechanisms that govern diversity at the global
pole-near areas should not be saturated and therefore scale, and immigration and extinction determine the
species poor relative to the tropics. Hence, "effective species compositions on archipelago scales, or in meta-
evolutionary time" is, according to Rohde, the most populations. The local scales are determined by local
likely explanation for the observed gradients. population dynamics. After understanding the mecha-
Despite the title of the review by Gaston and Black- nisms of species-area relationships, we hopefully may
burn (1999), they do not actually criticize macroecology link these relationships to other ecological rules.
but rather review the criticism presented. By selecting The question whether ecological rules (cf. Lawton's
the topics which are, in their view, most commonly (1999) "laws") prevail in ecology has been frequently
misunderstood they summarize the defense of macroe-asked in the anniversary reviews. Rosenzweig and Ziv
cological approach against its criticism. Gaston and conclude that the theoretical roots of the interpreta-
Blackburn take the view that more careful and bal- tions are not very substantial.
anced documentation of different patterns, including Huston (1999) addresses similar problems. He main-
negative findings, is needed. They list four approaches tains that local and regional processes are intercon-
to gain progress in macroecology: natural experiments, nected, so that local diversity can often be understood
microcosms, mathematical modeling and use of obser- only when knowing causes of regional diversity and
vational data. that regional diversity can only be understood via
Understandably, experimentation in the scale of in- processes acting on local diversity: "a biodiversity Yin
terest to macroecology is all but impossible and there- and Yang". The challenge for ecologists is to tell apart

466 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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the relative importance of the two scales in affecting for all who want to know where research on cyclic
each others' species richness. rodent dynamics has led us during the 75 years since
Huston's argument is that local processes affecting Charles Elton brought the issue into daylight.
species richness, such as competition, can only be ex- During the recent few years, Stenseth and his co-au-
pected to show their effect under very strict conditions. thors have made a big effort to compile and analyze all
These "equilibrium" conditions are seldom met in na- existing long-term time series on vole dynamics. The
ture. Thus, Huston proposes that data on species num- analysis (using the most up-to-date statistical tools) of
bers are not adequate for testing the relative periodically fluctuating small rodent population data
importance of local and regional effects. This is because clearly suggests the presence of direct and delayed
ecologists have rarely addressed the issue of species annual density dependence. This implies that either a
richness on a proper local scale. For example, the data predator-prey type of interaction or a plant-herbivore
taken from distribution range maps are very likely to type of interaction (but not both) may be the underly-
fail to fill strict criteria, because the spatial resolution is ing cause of the periodic multiannual population cycles.
too coarse and includes even at its finest scale a range The current consensus appears to be that specialist
of different habitat types. predators are the key for understanding vole cycles.
Despite the fact that climate affects large areas simi- However, clear-cut experimental evidence addressing
larly, Huston finds little evidence to attach ecological or the validity of these propositions is still scanty (but see
evolutionary processes uniquely regional in scale. In his Korpimaki and Norrdahl 1998).
review, Huston is rather skeptical of the success of In his review, Stenseth begins from the beginning
contemporary ecologists in resolving the relative contri- (Elton 1924) and goes through all major achievements
butions of local vs regional processes in providing an in the research to solve the puzzle of cyclic population
understanding for global patterns of species diversity. dynamics. One of the intellectual leaps forward is the
understanding that a given vole species may exhibit
different kinds of population dynamics in different
parts of its distribution range. This is clearly indicated
Scale and experimentation
by the gradient of the multi-species vole cycle length
The scale problem is also addressed by Petersen et al. from southern Scandinavia (no cycle) to central (3
(1999). The past 50 years or so have witnessed how years) and the northern parts of this area (4-5-year
experimentation has made ecology a more rigorous cycle). A similar gradient has been found in the gray-
science. The need for proper experimentation is sided vole data in Hokkaido. Together with the pattern
reflected by recent textbooks in experimental ecology found earlier in Scandinavian vole data, this observa-
(e.g., Hairston 1989, Underwood 1997). It is challeng- tion led to speculations of the significance of predators
ing to find out which results from an experiment are behind the cyclic fluctuations. Nevertheless, the vole
scale free and which are artifacts of the scale of the and lemming cycle - despite the voluminous efforts of
experiment. Addressing questions of ecosystem func- trying to understand why the cycle occurs - is still one
tioning with experiments would definitely call for differ-
of the largest unsolved issues of ecology. Against this
ent scale and temporal duration than unraveling background, it is worth mentioning that the enigmatic
predator-prey interactions with bean weevils and their vole cycle has started to disappear. In large areas of
parasitoids. The causes of the scale of enclosed aquatic Scandinavia the previously 3-5-year regular fluctua-
ecosystem experiments is the topic of the review by tions have leveled off (Henttonen et al. 1987, Hansson
Petersen et al. (1999). 1999).

Linking large-scale patterns to local processes Ecology in space

Stenseth (1999) advocates an optimistic stance. To- The ecology of spatially structured populations and
gether, data and theory should be able to do the job of communities has a long tradition dating back at least to
disentangling general properties of ecological systems. Huffaker's (1958) classic experiments. As we have seen,
Few ecological features have captivated the mind of spatial scale plays a major role in macroecology. Land-
ecologists more than the cyclic population fluctuations scape and metapopulation ecology are other ap-
of northern voles and lemmings (Elton 1924). Research proaches to the role of spatial structure. The only
on vole and lemming ecology in Sweden, Norway, anniversary review that explicitly deals with population
Finland and Hokkaido has contributed much to the and community dynamics in space is Hanski's (1999)
contemporary understanding of patterns and processes metapopulation paper. Metapopulations are composed
behind the cyclic dynamics of these herbivorous ro- of discrete habitat patches containing local populations
dents. Stenseth makes an effort to bring all the research being woven together by migrating individuals. Local
together. His review will certainly be the starting point extinctions and colonization of empty patches compose

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 467

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the dynamics of the metapopulation. Hanski derives against this logic. On the other hand, he warns about
new measures to predict the dynamics of a focal species making strong generalizations of the role of coevolu-
using information about the structure of a fragmented tion in community dynamics based on too narrow an
landscape. The aim is to develop a measure that could approach. He also claims that studies on coevolution-
be used to assess the persistence of a metapopulation in ary processes are in a key position when evolutionary
a dynamically changing landscape. The novelty of this studies are applied to community management. Possible
idea is that the landscape where metapopulations are areas of applied research in coevolution include, for
living may often be in continuous change, new patches instance, agriculture, conservation and epidemiology.
being created and old ones permanently disappearing. Every organism, in an evolutionary sense, represents
Thus, it may well be that part - if not all - population a life cycle. Therefore, when looking at a particular
turnover is due to turnover in the habitable patches trait and assessing its fitness value, one has to take into
themselves. This habitat turnover may be natural, such account the whole life history of the organism. Due to
as successional stages replacing each other, or due to tradeoffs, a trait optimal at some life stage may be
anthropogenic causes. Hanski's new model (yes, in this suboptimal at another life stage. In his review,
review there is genuinely original research) is a direct Kozl'owski (1999) discusses the value of optimization
continuation of his metapopulation work, and brings models in studies of adaptations. He emphasizes that
the metapopulation concept from the classical Levins optimization models do not represent adaptationism;
(1969) metapopulation origins closer to contemporary they do not aim to prove that organisms are optimal,
landscape ecology. but instead describe the optimization process of selec-
tion. Multiple reasons exist why the ultimate optimum
for a trait may never be reached. The difficulties in the
optimization approach include building a reasonable
model in the first place, transforming trait values into
Although Oikos is not specialized in evolutionary ecol- fitness, the fact that model solution is not always an
ogy, it nevertheless reflects that strong back-bone of ESS, and finally, it is not always clear how fitness
modern ecology. Two of the anniversary reviews ad- should be measured or defined.
dress evolutionary problems. The question about fitness is especially difficult to
Thompson's (1999) review deals with coevolution. As solve. However, this is the issue that we are ultimately
so many other topics in evolution and ecology, the idea interested in - and searching for an evolutionarily
now called coevolution was already presented by Dar- optimal solution without a well-defined criterion is
win in The Origin of Species. For instance, in chapter 2, doomed to fail. In addition, different fitness measures
he wrote: "...the structure of every organic being is often do actually affect the conclusions. Several alterna-
related, in the most essential yet often hidden manner, tives exist. It is known, for instance, that reproductive
to that of all the other organic beings...". Clearly, value at birth is an appropriate fitness measure in
Darwin saw the essence of coevolution in the interplay deterministic population dynamics. In real situations
between ecology and evolution. In his review, Thomp- this is a rather limiting assumption. Lifetime reproduc-
son focuses on mechanisms bringing about coevolution- tive success (LRS) is a straightforward and often used
ary changes in nature and outlines the usage of measure in empirical studies. However, there are
different kinds of data in coevolutionary studies. He difficulties with LRS as well. Offspring may differ in
recognizes six main approaches in gaining understand- quality and under density dependence timing of repro-
ing of coevolution: studying (1) phylogenetic context, duction matters to the spread of a genotype.
(2) patterns of specialization, (3) genetic architecture of Mylius and Diekmann (1995) presented a solution to
coevolution, (4) distributed outcomes of interactions, density-dependent situations in Oikos. They asked, in
(5) rates and forms of selection, or (6) geographic particular, which density-independent fitness measure is
mosaic of interactions. These approaches enlighten dif- maximized at an ESS. Alas, their solution depends on
ferent aspects of coevolution; some focus more on the details of density dependence in the population
constraints, others more on forms and possibilities of dynamics to such an extent that at the moment their
coevolution. Thompson concludes that progress in this approach is not very practical with real data. Fortu-
field has suffered from lack of testable hypotheses, nately, there are alternative ways to tackle fitness prob-
especially due to the dominance of the paradigm of lems with optimization models as shown by Kozbowski.
diffuse coevolution. According to this idea, organisms None of these solutions is universal but will undoubt-
commonly interact with so many other species that edly be useful in more specific situations. Kozlowski
actual coevolution is rare or diffuse and therefore hard also suggests ways to validate optimization models with
to find. Intriguingly, this view can also be seen in the comparative methods. Further challenges for the future
Darwin quotation above when he wrote about the include taking community structure and spatial dimen-
hidden manners in the causation of structural related- sion, e.g., metapopulation structure, into account in
ness between organisms. Thompson argues powerfully optimization models.

468 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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Genes in ecology that Noss (1999) addresses in his review: "Whether
conservation biology is a distinct discipline with its own
One of the scientific disciplines in natural sciences that theories, methods, and applications - or simply an
has experienced an exciting period of fast development
amalgam of what scientists and practitioners in many
after the 1960s is molecular biology. Tunlid (1999) disciplines have been doing for many years - is a
reviews the recent development of molecular biology by troubling question to conservation biologists who yearn
presenting it as a science linking microbial ecology, for a disciplinary identity". He ends up evaluating this
general ecology and organismal biology. His main ar- problem by posing the question whether self-pro-
gument is that molecular techniques offer currently new claimed conservation biologists are filling useful roles in
possibilities to identify species, population and commu- the scientific and conservation communities that have
nities of microorganisms in nature. Using the methods not been filled by academic ecology and the resource
provided by the recent development of molecular tech- management disciplines. We may develop the theme by
niques one can identify genotypes and species of mi- asking whether applied ecology, applied genetics, or
croorganisms. In this way we can obtain information
resource management, or even environmental econom-
on the structure of microbial communities, the evolu- ics could do the same job. In practice, this issue has
tionary relationship of the organisms, the spatial and
developed as a professional rivalry between conserva-
temporal dynamics of microbial populations, gene ex-
tion biology and other disciplines such as wildlife biol-
pressions and metabolic activities. In particular, it has
ogy, applied ecology and environmental management.
become possible to link microbial diversity to ecological Conservation biology appeared for the first time in
processes and develop the interaction between experi- 1937 on the pages of the Journal of Wildlife Manage-
mental microbiology, microbial ecology, and general ment (Errington and Hamerstrom 1937). At that time,
ecology. Consequently, it should be able to narrow the conservation was understood in North America as util-
gap between ecology and other branches of biology. itarian, as opposed to preservation, the latter referring
Tunlid (1999) illustrates the great potential of molec-
to protecting the wonders of Nature. Focus was on
ular biology in the tasks outlined above by presenting
game species of mammals and birds, as opposed to the
examples of molecular methods that are used to reveal
current approach of spreading out activities over all
the structures and functioning of microbial communi-
taxa. The term "conservation biology" appeared regu-
ties and populations in natural environments. Apart
larly in the late 1970s, with its content having changed
from microbial communities, fungal DNA has been
crucially. The beginning of conservation biology as a
sequenced from plant roots infected by pathogenic and unified discipline can be traced back to a symposium:
symbiotic (mycorrhizal) fungi. Molecular biology meth-
"Conservation biology: an evolutionary-ecological per-
ods can also be used to analyze the spatial and tempo-
spective" (Soul and Wilcox 1980). As is understand-
ral structures of microbial and other populations. For
able, the idea must have been in the air for some time
example, bacteria in mixed species assemblages can
then, as witnessed by many scattered journal articles
outgrow predation pressure, or in some other cases,
and several books published around the theme. The
develop inedible, inactive morphological structures. The
term "biodiversity" developed as the guiding content of
recent development of genetic markers has made it
conservation biology in the late 1980s.
possible to test, for instance, the degrees of sexual and In the 1990s, conservation biology has proceeded by
asexual reproduction in hermaphrodites.
attempting to develop general principles for conserva-
tion and rules-of-thumb about population viability, re-
serve design, and similar issues. At the same time,
conservation biology has been closely tied to the tack-
Ecology, environment and conservation biology
ling of case studies. Consequently, it has been observed
Conservation biology is a discipline taught at universi- that developing general laws in conservation biology is
ties throughout the world. A huge number of people jeopardized by the fact that all case studies seem to be
work at institutes carrying the name conservation biol- too specific.
ogy in the academic world, in the private sector and in As a set of selected examples of the principles devel-
public governmental positions. Conservation biology is oped in conservation biology we may consider the
an important way for mankind to address the relation- following: 1) habitat in contiguous blocks is better than
ship between economic, industrial and other activities fragmented habitat; 2) maintaining viable ecosystems is
of the human society and the environment. usually more efficient, economical, and effective than a
Despite the undeniably important role of conserva- species-by-species approach; 3) biodiversity is not dis-
tion biology in all sectors of society, and despite the tributed randomly or uniformly across landscapes; in
fact that universities openly advertise conservation biol- establishing protection priorities, consider hot spots.
ogy as a new scientific discipline, the question of its The first principle states that habitat fragmentation is
merit as a scientific discipline pops up regularly on the usually deleterious for biodiversity. The second princi-
pages of scientific journals. This is also the question ple addresses the question of the object of conservation.

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 469

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Should we concentrate on protecting rare bird and much to understand the ecological processes in frag-
butterfly species, or should we take an alternative ap- mented landscapes. This is because the central element
proach and protect functional entities in nature, such as in these theories is in dispersal linkage of mainland to
ecosystems? The third principle deals with the criteria islands or population sub-units to each other. They
to characterize and compare different ecosystems or propose that these theories make too many simplifying
landscapes. All these problems have high priorities in assumptions (no habitat quality differences among
conservation biology at the moment. patches, local population sizes reduced to presence/ab-
According to Noss, one of the key issues of contem- sence, focusing on non-interacting species, etc.) to cap-
porary conservation biology is whether its principles are ture the essence of fragmentation. They claim that "As
sufficiently general to guide conservation actions in always, theory may either be an elegant simplification
particular cases. Obviously, it is not a simple task to that allows us to focus on the essential issues, or such
manage natural populations or ecosystems. Fisheries an oversimplification that its predictions are never met
economics, for example, has been said to be a history of in real systems because the factors it excludes are too

mismanagement cases (Pitcher et al. 1998). important".

Another key issue raised by Noss for conservation Harrison and Bruna maintain that most of the extant

biology is the question of education and training. Most theory focuses on fragmentation as a spatial problem.

of the conservation biologists have studied some tradi- Thus, it is conjectured that dispersal of individuals in
the landscape has a central role in affecting the persis-
tional academic discipline such as biology or ecology,
and many of them have studied resource management,
tence of local populations in a fragmented world. In
contrast with this view, Harrison and Bruna bring
forestry, or fisheries. However, it is not difficult nowa-
evidence from empirical studies suggesting that it is the
days to find university programs under the title of
quality of habitat that goes down with increasing frag-
conservation biology, alone or combined with wildlife,
mentation. This deterioration is due to the edge effect:
fisheries, etc. We can distinguish at least two basic
micro-climate changes, matrix species entering the
problems in developing the education in conservation
pristine habitat and edge-to-area ratio increases. Their
skeptical attitude is sobering reading and one cannot
The first deals with the multidisciplinary nature of
but agree when they say that there can be few tasks
conservation biology. Biology and ecology are at the
more important for ecologists than determining how
heart of conservation biology training. Here we should
diversity can be maintained in the remnants of natural
learn the basics of ecosystem functioning. The accom-
panying question is how far we can go with this under-
The unique versus the general is also dealt with by
standing and how much we should be able to deal with
Austin (1999). He is especially interested in the role of
social sciences in order to successfully tackle conserva-
vegetation ecology in biodiversity research. How should
tion problems. Many scientists share, after all, the
we develop it? He defines plant community ecology as
opinion that conservation deals more with politics,
the study of distribution and behaviour of multispecies
economy and other social issues than biology (see Haila
assemblages of plants in time and space. In comparison,
vegetation ecology applies to the branch of plant com-
The second problem deals with the relationship be-
munity ecology where observational analysis is the
tween empirical work and conceptual or theoretical
dominant research method. In answering the
development. The rapid development of theory, both in
paramount question, Austin addresses the problems of
conservation biology and related sciences such as ecol- communication between paradigms used in species rich-
ogy, population biology, and population genetics ness studies and asks whether vegetation ecology is able
makes it important to educate conservation biologists to contribute to the study of biodiversity. In clarifying
to work in terms of general concepts and mathematical the content of his review he raises three questions: 1)
models. The relevance of vegetation ecology's own paradigmatic
assumptions regarding theory, methodology, and exper-
imentation to current questions regarding biodiversity;
Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity 2) The need to simultaneously test hypotheses from
different paradigms in order to develop a new synthesis;
Harrison and Bruna (1999) focus their critical review 3) The use of vegetation survey and analysis techniques
on habitat fragmentation and its consequences. They in conservation biology.
correctly point out that habitat fragmentation in vari- Austin advocates the continuum as a pivotal but
ous forms has been one of the occupations of ecologists neglected concept in vegetation ecology. Species com-
since the discipline of conservation biology began. Har- position and other collective properties such as species
rison and Bruna's argument is that the two extant richness vary as a continuum in a multi-dimensional
flagship theories, the theory of island biogeography environmental space, and thus the concept or the pat-
(MacArthur and Wilson 1967) and metapopulation the- tern of continuum should be included in the develop-
ory (Hanski and Gilpin 1997), do not, in fact, help us ment of the paradigms of biodiversity. He proceeds by

470 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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posing the demand that any process-based ecological High intrinsic rate of increase and absence of natural
theory should be able to take into account the contin- enemies are typical to invading species but, for instance,
uum in the sense that it should be able to predict the size, taxonomy and niche do not predict invasion prob-
ecological patterns, e.g. species richness, which occur ability successfully. Actually, the only consistent predic-
along environmental gradients. He ends up with em- tor seems to be history: species having invaded
phasizing that both environmental space and geograph- somewhere are likely to do it again.
ical space need to be incorporated into the community One of the major problems with invasion studies is
ecology paradigms. the bias towards successful invasions. A way forward,
Environmental gradients may or may not refer to in Williamson's view, is to get more and better data.
climatic ones. In addition, resource gradients can occur There are not enough studies on natural population
and it is critical that these gradients are distinguished dynamics of invasive species, let alone experimental
when considering the continuum in space. Furthermore, manipulations.
we must not forget the scale: depending on the geo-
graphical scale (global, regional or local) the patterns
may remain the same, indicating power law structures,
self-similarity, etc., or they may change, the patterns of
which remain largely unknown.
What are the reasons for the fact that the paradigms The role of ecology in environmental issues and conser-
used by vegetation ecologists are neglected by the ecol- vation is not, however, unproblematic. "A basic fact of
ogists in other branches? Austin refers to the general human ecology is that human beings depend on natural
lack of testable hypotheses as the major reason, and systems, but they cannot depend on such natural sys-
lists a number of these. Obviously, a scientific discipline tems with which they have no interactions". This quo-
which is not capable of generating ideas or theories that tation is from Haila's (1999) review of ecology as an
could be verified by empirical tests is useless. environmental science. Haila's point of departure is the
The second reason for the under-representation of observation that environmentalists (including conserva-
vegetation ecology in biodiversity research is, according tion biologists and environmentally concerned profes-
to Austin, methodology: the one-sided use of ordina- sional ecologists) tend to detach humanity from
tion methodology by many vegetation scientists. The "nature" and to regard the "environment" as a dualis-
now-famous comment by May (1985) must have been tic contrast to human culture. This, Haila argues, is
painful: "the wilderness of meticulous classification and fundamentally flawed. Human activities are not a priori
ordination of plant communities in which plant ecology bad and every human action that changes the environ-
has wandered so long, began in pursuit of answers to ment cannot by the statement above be evil and
questions but then became an activity simply of its own detrimental.
sake". The modification of the environment in which hu-
mans live is a inevitable consequence of being a biolog-
ical organism and that is what humans are. A way out
of this predicament is, according to Haila, to embrace
this fact but also to be careful when defining humanity.
Invasions of alien species is a major conservation prob- "Humanity" is not a well-defined and unequivocal en-
lem in many areas, especially in Australasia and the tity. "Humans" do not destroy rain forests or pollute
USA. This is the topic of the review by Williamson rivers or cause soil erosion, only certain segments of
(1999). Questions for ecologists are along the lines of humanity with a certain history and social and cultural
"Why do some species become pests?" and "Can we context do that, and it is different from place to place
predict which areas are prone to invasion?". Under- and from time to time.
standing invasions is also extremely important for bio- Haila also argues that there is ultimately a "radical
control for two reasons. First, there is the pest contextuality" in which we find ourselves. That is, our
managers want to get rid off. Second, selecting a suit- (like any other organism's) existence depends on partic-
able control organism requires understanding the risk ular conditions here and now that have arisen due to a
of getting a new pest instead of successful biological chain of historical processes, some of them coinciden-
control. Apart from practical conservation and man- tal. This does not imply a laissez-faire mentality that
agement, studying invasions sheds light on central eco- ignores responsibilities and respect, but instead an obli-
logical issues. For instance, the question of the gation to appreciate the environment that actually
relationship between ecosystem stability and species makes our existence possible. Hence Haila's title of the
richness has a long history. Invasion studies have review: "Socioecologies". Environmental problems are
shown that in the tropics, invasion problems actually real problems inasmuch as they threaten our existence
tend to increase with biodiversity. However, very few or well-being, but this threat can only be understood in
robust generalizations have been possible to make. historical, social and cultural contexts.

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 471

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Haila is also critical of the notion that the conflict by increased per capita survival during winter. This
between the productivity of human systems vs the argument has since long been used by hunters to ex-
productivity of ecological systems is a zero-sum game. plain why harvesting is not necessarily a bad thing from
First, this dualistic contrast is impossible in the first a population perspective. Standard models of popula-
place. Second, the so-called PAT rule cannot work. The tion and community dynamics tell us otherwise, but
PAT rule says that Impact = Population x Affluence x that is, Boyce et al. argue, because they do not account
Technology (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1990). It cannot work for the seasonality. Should that be done, however,
because the right-hand terms are not independent, they models and a good body of data, mainly from birds
are not divisible to add up to given number, there are and mammals are often compatible. Boyce et al. show
no interaction terms, and they are not quantifiable in a that such models are relatively straightforward to for-
straightforward manner. It also omits the fact that the mulate and that both discrete time and continuous time
Earth is not a uniform whole and that humanity is not models lend themselves to do the job. A harvested
a unified entity. population characterized by sequential density depen-
Where does the science of ecology fit into all this? dences may actually have a higher equilibrium popula-
The annoying notion that real ecological principles and tion density than an unharvested one. Some of the
processes can only happen in pristine environments models that Boyce et al. review also make the predic-
should be abandoned. Ecology should then take on the tion that harvesting may affect the dynamics of the
role of characterizing the nature of Nature, human-infl-population. Low to moderate harvest rates seem to be
uenced and virgin habitats alike. The abandoning of the able to stabilize the dynamics whereas high harvest
balance of nature view is one such scientific break- rates do the reverse.
through according to Haila. Ecology should also These potential effects on the target population still
provide the raw material for action rather than just hold true if trophic-level interactions are included in the
reaction. In order to become operational, ecologists modeling. Although Boyce et al. only hint at the com-
must therefore learn how to make decisions (cf. Hilborn
plications (but also better understanding) that multi-
and Mangel 1997). Having given up the romantic view species models of harvested populations may invoke,
of Nature as an untouchable virgin and acknowledging they certainly have opened the road for ways of im-
the social, historical and cultural contexts of human proving population management by injecting harvesting
actions, as well as interactions with our environment, theory with some useful community ecology.
ecologists can start acting to make the Earth a better
place to be.

Whither ecology in the 2000s?

Population management
Where shall ecology go, which are the future main
Conservation biology certainly also involves a great streets, where do we encounter new frontiers, and
deal of population management. Although relatively which will be the battlefields of ecology? These are
little of that is expected to be found on the pages of intriguing questions and it takes a visionary to predict
Oikos, but more on Ecography's, one of the anniver- what kind of ecology Oikos and her kind will promote
sary reviews deals with the topic. on their pages during the next few years to come, not to
Most ecosystems are characterized by seasonality. As mention perspectives as long as 50 years ahead. The
a result, reproduction often takes place during a limitedfuture, as seen by the authors of the anniversary re-
favorable time of the year. Other seasons are harsher views, is listed in Table 1. Remember that the summary
even for survival alone. Boyce et al. (1999) take this should be read with caution since the authors of the
fundamental observation seriously and argue that if reviews were not asked to provide future perspectives.
such sequences of events are associated with density-de- Table 1 therefore represents our interpretation of what
pendent survival and/or reproduction, then it should we thought the authors felt would be important in the
have notable consequences for population dynamics. future.
Such sequences of density-dependent processes should It should be obvious that a handful of reviews cannot
also give room for compensation of predation or har- summarize the state of the art of ecology, which ever
vesting mortality. since Huxley has developed from natural history to a
Imagine, for example, that density-dependent repro- scientific discipline rich in subdivided fields. Many of
duction happens in the spring. In the winter, there is the topics that some ecologists would argue is the core
strong density-dependent mortality. Should this popu- of ecology (e.g., plant-herbivore interactions, para-
lation be harvested in the fall, before the yearly "bottle- sitoids and pathogens, ecosystems ecology, sexual selec-
neck", then population density could be reduced to the tion, the list could be made infinitely long), even those
extent that per capita mortality rate during winter is actively advanced by ecologists all over Fennoscandia,
reduced. The loss due to harvesting is compensated for were not touched upon in the anniversary reviews due

472 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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Table 1. The "future of ecology" according to the authors of the Oikos-Ecography 50 years' reviews. This list is taken from the
corresponding reviews. Recall that in assembling this table we had to be terse due to space limitations. This list is put up simply
for giving insights into what the different authors felt the future should bring. Note that they were not advised to conclude their
essays with sweeping perspectives and conclusions. If the author(s) did not give indications of future the entry is left empty.

For Austin, continuum is a central concept to vegetation ecology. Consequently, he concludes that patterns, such as species
richness, dominance, standing biomass and assembly rules, should be detectable in relevant environmental spaces. He also
calls for the development of statistical modelling techniques for vegetation ecology.
Boyce et al.
Seasonality is a very important property of many, if not most, natural environments. However, this is seldom addressed in
population models. Boyce et al. show that seasonally structured models will be important for population management and

We need theory and models to understand emerging macroecological patterns and to formulate hypotheses causing these

Gaston and Blackburn

Progress in macroecology will gain by more careful and balanced documentation of patterns and better understanding of
the mechanisms behind the patterns.

Haila warns against duality thinking: one could, and especially should, avoid culture-nature dualism in theoretical
developments as well as in practical aspects of conservation biology, wild life management, fisheries, etc. But most
importantly, even in desperate situations from the societal point of view, ecology might point out new possibilities to
overcome the problems which seem hopeless.

It is important to notice that not only populations but also habitats can be dynamic. This is a way to greater unification
of landscape ecology and spatial population dynamics.

Harrison and Bruna

The most important task for ecologists is to determine how biodiversity can be preserved with ever-continuing
fragmentation of habitats. They call for empirically motivated development of theory that begins with real scenarios of
fragmentation, and has an explanation of the real observation as its goal.

Complains about the lack of data in testing ideas concerning species diversity. According to him, there are more ideas and
hypotheses around than data allow to test.

Great progress in ecology has been because of an evolutionary approach. This direction will probably change. Evolutionary
studies will start gaining from acknowledging ecology in action. Populations do not live in density-independent
homogenous space. Acknowledging density dependence and spatial structure of populations is a great challenge to
evolutionary research for some time to come.

Does not directly provide fuel for forthcoming studies, but rather just concludes that in ecology large enough scales
(macroecology) and small enough scales (individuals, populations) are quite well understood. "It is the middle ground
which is the mess".

A need for an integrative field of conservation science will remain for a long time to come. Conservation biology will
continue to make a positive contribution both in scientific and professional issues. He ends up with presenting a vision
where conservation biology will gradually become less distinct as its theories and techniques are incorporated into other

Disagrees with Polis. In his world, restricted subsamples ("community modules") should be studies as a caricature of real
ecosystems. He would like to see future ecosystem studies focusing on adaptive foraging, nutrient recycling, habitat
coupling and size-structured dynamics.
Petersen et al.
Stress the importance of scale in experiments. To be able to successfully extrapolate from lab to nature, physical and
temporal scales of the study have to match those of the organisms and systems studied.
The following questions need to be answered to understand ecosystem level distribution and dynamics of biomass: 1) How
does population dynamics affect ecosystem processes and vice versa? 2) How does spatial variability affect populations and
communities? 3) How does past productivity affect current interactions? 4) How do age- and stage-structured processes
affect food webs and communities? 5) What happens to the primary productivity not eaten by herbivores?
Studying the deviations from the common pattern that species richness increases toward the equator should aid in
understanding latitudinal gradients in diversity. Also, appreciating that the patterns we see today often reflect
non-equilibrium situations will help our understanding.

OIKOS 87:3 (1999) 473

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Table 1. (Continued)

Rosenzweig and Ziv

Propose that community ecology will flourish from the realization that identifying the scale-dependent properties, in particu-
lar large scales, may help in revealing the determinants of communities. They also suggest that the study of assembly rules
has a promising future, and that it may be aided by expanding its analyses to include such topics as coevolution.

Takes, with wise caution, the effort to guide future research on cyclic population dynamics of voles and lemmings: 1)
Perform experimental manipulations for populations known to display multi-annual periodic cycles (trying to make them
only seasonal cycles) and for populations known to exhibit only seasonal density cycles (trying to make them multi-annual
cycles). Here lies the understanding of this enigmatic problem. 2) Integrate demographic analysis better into population
dynamic models.

Studies on coevolutionary processes are in key position when evolutionary studies are applied to community management.
Possible areas of applied reseach in coevolution include, e.g., agriculture, conservation and epidemiology.

Asks what is the ecological significance of microbial diversity. He would also like to know what is the cause of microbial
diversity. Do nutrients in ecosystems cycle faster if microbial diversity is higher?

Questions the predictability at invasions: it could be that invasions are just as unpredictable as earthquakes. Nevertheless,
despite this comparison, he maintains that better understanding of ecological invasions is possible, and such understanding
is badly needed in the context of preserving biodiversity.

to space limitations. Thus, the visions expressed in the is about time. During the past 75 years (since Elton
reviews, by necessity, remain limited in scope. However, 1924) ecologists have kept on debating with both theory
anyone who takes the time and effort to read all of and data as arguments to give the answer to the causes
them will see that there still emerge topics in the and effects of cyclic dynamics in voles, grouse, hare and
outlooks that many ecologists would agree are lynx.
important. To call for better data and better tools to deal with
Common to almost all authors of the reviews is the the data does not come as a surprise. New methods
emphasis on the relevance of proper theory guiding the have always proved to provide more precise and de-
empirical research. Thus, they echo the opinion held by tailed answers that the old ones. One has to keep in
many others, most clearly put by Haila and Jarvinen mind, however, that now and then ecologists also have
(1982): "Sound naturalism is to ecology what legs are to rethink their questions. Ecology has seen several
to a runner; but anti theoretical naturalists are, quite "paradigm shifts" during the past 50 years, clearly
naturally, like headless runners". Depending on the
revealed when browsing through the pages of Oikos
author, and the broadness of issue dealt with in the
from volume 1 to volume 87. One thing is certain in
anniversary review, the theory called for is either a
ecology, that paradigms will continue to die and be
sweeping one, or very detailed. We agree that at this
born and some will even become re-born. In this intel-
stage of the history of ecology as a scientific discipline
lectual stream the society will continue to challenge
there still is a long way to the ecological Theory of
ecologists to providing answers to various environmen-
Everything. However, it is hard to believe that ecology
tal issues be they due to habitat degradation, or loss of
as a natural science will be a network of localized
biodiversity rising from the conflict between contrasting
theories rarely communicating across the (often arbi-
needs of economy and concern of our well-being being
trary) boundaries of ecological sub-disciplines. Thus, in
mediated by the ecological state of the Earth.
this field there is plenty of free space for genuinely new
Mingled with the needs of the society, ecologists will
thinking, by ecologists as well as by philosophers.
also make an effort to thrive as researchers advancing
Against this background, we suggest that the tour
through the 50th anniversary begins with Lawton's their own scientific discipline. Here, certainly adhering

review. It bravely takes the intellectual effort to tie it all to principles of the theory of evolution by natural

together. There are others who like to guide ecologists selection they will continue to pave the road to success.
to the new millennium with critical but not acutely And although evolutionary ecology seems to be unbeat-
skeptical advice (Persson 1999, Brown 1999). Stenseth able, there is always "plus ultra" - more beyond!
(1999), who took on the paramount work of summariz- Whether molecular genetics or ecosystems research will
ing the results of the multi-annual cycles industry (espe- be the main channel for ecology the coming 50 years
cially Nordic voles and lemmings), is very precise in his remains to be seen. We know one thing for sure,
visions of the future of ecology - to understand cyclic though. Ecology is very rich in data and has a wealth in
dynamics. If his outlooks are to come true, one of the theory and this makes it both useful, fun and intellectu-
largest unsolved issues of ecology will become solved. It ally challenging.

474 OIKOS 87:3 (1999)

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