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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ CBSE Pattern Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 0 Exact Duration :_________

Very Short Answer Type (1 Mark)

1. Nickel atom can lose two electrons to form Ni2+ ion. The atomic number of nickel is 28. From which
orbital will nickel lose two electrons?

2. Calculate the number of angular nodes and radial nodes present in 3p orbital.

3. An atom having atomic mass number 13 has 7 neutrons. What is the atomic number of the atom?

4. An atomic orbital has l = 3, what are the possible values of m.

5. Using s, p and d notations, describe the orbitals with following quantum numbers:
(A) n  1,   0 (B) n  2,   0 (C) n  3,  1 (D) n  4,   2

6. Is angular momentum of an electron in an atom quantized? Explain.

Short Answer Type-I (2 Marks)

7. The Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to the transition to n1 2 from
n2= 3, 4,.......... . This series lies in the visible region. Calculate the wave number of line associated with
the transition in Balmer series when the electron moves from n = 4 orbit.
(RH = 109677 cm–1)

8. According to de Broglie, matter should exhibit dual behaviour, which is both particle and wave nature.
However, a cricket ball of mass 100 g does not move like a wave when it is thrown by a bowler at a speed
of 100 km/h. Calculate the wavelength of the ball and explain why it does not show wave nature.

9. Chlorophyll present in green leaves of plants absorbs light at 4.620 × 1014Hz. Calculate the wave length
of radiation in nanometer. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does it belong to?

10. Table-tennis ball has a mass 10 g and a speed of 90 m/s. If speed can be measured within an accuracy
of 4% what will be the uncertainty in speed and position?

11. Hydrogen atom has only one electron, so mutual repulsion between electrons is absent. However, in
multi-electron species mutual repulsion between the electrons is significant. How does this affect the
energy of an electron in the orbitals of the same principal quantum number in multi-electron species?
12. The distance between 4th and 3rd Bohr orbits of He  is :
13. A hydrogen atom in the ground state is excited by monochromatic radiation of wavelength  Å. The
resulting spectrum consists of maximum 15 different lines. What is the value of wavelength  ?

( R H  109737 cm 1 )

Short Answer Type-II (3 Marks)

14. State limitations of Rutherford’s model of the atom.

15. Define atomic emission spectrum.

16. What are the laws of photoelectric emission?

CBSE Pattern 28 Level - 0 | Atomic Structure

17. Why are Bohr's orbits also known as energy levels.

18. Electrons jump from fourth energy level to finally first energy level in one mole hydrogen atom. How many
maximum possible numbers of photons can be emitted?

19. Arrange the electrons represented by the following sets of quantum numbers in decreasing order of
(A) n = 4,   0, m = 0, s = +1/2 (B) n = 3,  1, m = 1, s = –1/2
(C) n = 3,   2, m = 0, s = +1/2 (D) n = 3,   0, m = 0, s = –1/2

Long Answer Type (5 Marks)

20. (A) Calculate the number of electrons which will together weigh one gram.
(B) Calculate the mass and charge of one mole of electrons.

21. (A) Calculate the total number of electrons present in one mole of methane.
(B) Find (a) the total number and (b) the total mass of neutrons in 7 mg of C
(Assume that the mass of neutron = 1.675 × 10 kg)
(C) Find (a) the total number and (b) the total mass of protons in 34 mg of NH3 at S.T.P. (Assume the
mass of proton = 1.6726 × 10–27 kg)

22. A photon of wavelength 4 × 10–7 m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal being 2.13 eV.
(A) the energy of the photon (eV) (B) the kinetic energy of the emission and
(C) the velocity of the photoelectron
(1 eV = 1.602 × 10–19 J).

23. A 25 watt bulb emits monochromatic yellow light of wavelength of 0.57 m . Calculate the rate of
emission of quanta per second.

24. How much energy is required to ionise a hydrogen atom if the electron occupies n = 5 orbit? Compare
your answer with the ionisation energy of hydrogen atom (energy required to remove the electron from
n = 1 orbit).

25. Following results were observed when sodium metal is irradiated with different radiations.
Calculate (a) threshold wavelength and (b) Planck’s constant.
(nm) 500 450 400

v  106 (m s –1 ) 2.55 4.35 5.20

CBSE Pattern 29 Level - 0 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

1. Compared to the mass of lightest nuclei, the mass of an electron is only (approx.)
(A) 1/80 (B) 1/800 (C) 1/1836 (D) 1/2800

2. Which of the following is isoelectronic with carbon atom?

(A) N+ (B) O2 (C) Na+ (D) Al3+

3. Which of the following pair is isodiaphers ?

14 23 24 23
(A) 6 C and 11 Na (B) 12 Mg and 11 Na
4 16 12 15
(C) 2 He and 8 O (D) 6 C and 7 N

4. The ratio of e/m, i.e., specific charge for a cathode ray:

(A) has the smallest value when the discharge tube is filled with H2
(B) is constant
(C) varies with the atomic number of gas in the discharge tube
(D) varies with the atomic number of an element forming the cathode

5. In photoelectric effect, the number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to:

(A) intensity of incident beam (B) frequency of incident beam
(C) wavelength of incident beam (D) All of the above

6. Einstein’s photoelectric equation states that: E k  h  

Here, Ek refers to:
(A) Kinetic energy of all ejected electrons
(B) Mean kinetic energy of emitted electrons
(C) Minimum kinetic energy of emitted electrons
(D) Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons

7. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is found to be 6.63  10 19 J , when the metal is
irradiated with a radiation of frequency 2 × 1015 Hz. The threshold frequency of the metal is about :

(A) 1  1015 s (B) 1  1015 s 1 (C) 2.5  1015 s1 (D) 4  1015 s1

8. Bohr’s theory is applicable to:

(A) He (B) Li2+ (C) He2+ (D) None of these

9. If r is the radius of first orbit, the radius of nth orbit of the H atom will be:
(A) r n2 (B) rn (C) (D) r2 n 2

10. The principal quantum number of H-atom orbital, if the energy of e– is 3.4 eV , will be:

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) zero

11. Which of the following electronic transition in hydrogen atom will emit largest amount of energy?
(A) From n = 2 to n = 1 (B) From n = 3 to n = 2
(C) From n   to n  1 (D) From n = 5 to n = 3

DTS - 1 30 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

12. The mass of an electron is m, its charge is e and it is accelerated from rest through a potential difference,
V. The velocity of electron can be calculated by formula:

V eV  2eV 
(A) (B) (C)   (D) None of these
m m  m 
 

13. If the shortest wavelength of H-atom in Lyman series is x, the longest wavelength in Balmer series of He+
36x 5x x 9x
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 9 4 5
14. According to Bohr’s theory, the angular momentum of an electron in 5 orbit is:
h h h h
(A) 25 (B) 1 (C) 10 (D) 2.5
   

15. If the energy difference between the ground state of an atom and in excited state is 4.4  10 14 J , the

wavelength of photon required to produce the transition is:

(A) 2.26  10 12 m (B) 1.13  10 12 m

(C) 4.52  10 16 m (D) 4.52  10 12 m

DTS - 1 31 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

16. Consider the following statements for an electron moving in nth orbit of hydrogen like species of atomic
number Z?

Z2 Z2
I. Kinetic energy  II. Frequency of revolution 
n2 n3
Z3 Z
III. Coulombic force of attraction  IV. Momentum 
4 n
The correct choice is:
(A) I, II, IV (B) I, III (C) II, III (D) I, II, III, IV

17. The correct statement about proton is:

(A) It is nucleus of deuterium (B) It is an ionised hydrogen atom
(C) It is an ionized hydrogen molecule (D) It is an   particle

18. When a gold sheet is bombarded by a beam of   particles , only a few of them get deflected, whereas
most go straight, undeflected. This is because:
(A) The force of attraction exerted on   particles by electrons is insufficient
(B) The volume of nucleus is much smaller than atom
(C) The force of repulsion acting on fast moving   particles due to nucleus is very small
(D) The neutrons have no effect on   particles

19. The charge to mass ratio of   particles is approximately….. the charge to mass ratio of protons:
(A) six times (B) four times (C) half (D) two times

20. Which of the following atom does not contain the same number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus?
(A) Carbon (B) Deuterium (C) Tritium (D) Nitrogen

21. The radius of which of the following orbit is same as that of the first Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom?
(A) Li2+ (n = 2) (B) Li2+ (n = 3) (C) Be3+ (n = 2) (D) He+ (n = 2)

22. According to Bohr’s theory, the angular momentum for an electron of 3rd orbit is:
h h h h
(A) 3 (B) 1.5 (C) 9 (D) 2
2 2 2 
23. The ratio of kinetic energy and total energy of an electron in a Bohr orbit of a hydrogen like species is:
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 
24. The number of photons emitted per second by a 60 W source of monochromatic light of wavelength 663
nm is: ( h  6.63  10 34 Js )
(A) 4  10 20 (B) 1.5  1020 (C) 2  10 20 (D) 2  10 20

25. The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312  106 J mol 1 . The energy required to excite the
electron in the atom from n = 1 to n = 2 is:
(A) 8.51  105 J mol 1 (B) 6.56  105 J mol 1
(C) 7.56  105 J mol 1 (D) 9.84  105 J mol 1

DTS - 2 32 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

26. Time period of a wave is 5  10 3 s , what is the frequency?

(A) 5  10 3 s 1 (B) 2  102 s1 (C) 23  103 s1 (D) 5  10 2 s 1

27. An electron from one Bohr stationary orbit can go to next higher orbit:
(A) by emission of electromagnetic radiation
(B) by absorption of any electromagnetic radiation
(C) by absorption of electromagnetic radiation of particular frequency
(D) without emission or absorption of electromagnetic radiation
28. An isobar of Ca is:

40 38 1  38
(A) Ar (B) 20 Ca (C) 1H (D) 18 Ar

29. The energy of second Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom is 328 kJ mol 1 ; hence the energy of fourth Bohr

orbit would be:

(A) 41 kJ mol 1 (B) 1312 kJ mol 1

(C) 164 kJ mol 1 (D) 82 kJ mol 1

30. The radius of the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom is 0.529 Å . The radius of the third orbit of H will be:
(A) 8.46 Å (B) 0.705 Å (C) 1.59 Å (D) 4.76 Å

DTS - 2 33 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

31. Which one of the following sets of ions represents a collection of isoelectronic species?
(A) K  , Cl , Ca 2 , Sc3  (B) Ba 2  , Sr 2 , K  , S2 

(C) N 3  ,O2  , F  , S2  (D) Li  , Na  , Mg 2  , Ca 2 

32. Which of the following statements does not form a part of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom?
(A) Energy of the electrons in the orbit is quantized
(B) The electron in the orbit nearest to the nucleus has the lowest energy
(C) Electrons revolve in different orbits around the nucleus
(D) The position and velocity of the electrons in the orbit cannot be determined simultaneously

33.   particles are represented by :

(A) lithium atoms (B) helium nuclei
(C) hydrogen nuclei (D) None of these

34. The transition of electrons in H atom that will emit maximum energy is:
(A) n3  n2 (B) n 4  n3 (C) n5  n 4 (D) n 6  n5

35. If the energy of electron in H atom is given by expression, 1312/ n 2 kJ mol 1 , then the energy required
to excite the electron from ground state to second orbit is:
(A) 328 kJ/mol (B) 656 kJ/mol (C) 984 kJ/mol (D) 1312 kJ/mol

36. The work function of a metal is 4.2 eV. If radiations of 2000 Å fall on the metal, then the kinetic energy of
the fastest photoelectron is:
(A) 1.6  10 19 J (B) 16  1010 J (C) 3.2  10 19 J (D) 6.4  10 10 J

37. The ratio of the radii of the three Bohr orbits for a given atom is:
(A) 1 : 1/ 2 : 1/3 (B) 1:2:3 (C) 1:4:9 (D) 1 : 8 : 27

38. If the threshold wavelength ( 0 ) for ejection of electron from metal is 330 nm, then work function for the

photoelectric emission is:

(A) 1.2  10 18 J (B) 1.2  10 20 J (C) 6  10 19 J (D) 6  10 12 J

39. In excited H atom, when electron drop from n = 4, 5, 6 to n = 1, there is emission of:
(A) UV light (B) Visible light (C) IR light (D) Radio waves

40. In Bohr’s stationary orbits:

(A) electrons do not move
(B) electrons emit radiations while moving
(C) energy of the electron remains constant
(D) angular momentum of the electrons is h / 2

41. At 200°C, hydrogen molecule have velocity 2.4 × 105 cm s–1. The de Broglie wavelength in this case is
(A) 1Å (B) 1000 Å (C) 0.529  Å (D) 10 Å

DTS - 3 34 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

42. The radius of second Bohr’s orbit of Hydrogen atom is:
(A) 0.053 nm (B) nm (C) 0.053 × 4 nm (D) 0.053 × 20 nm

43. The radius of the second Bohr orbit for Li2+ is :

4 2 4 2
(A) 0.529  Å (B) 0.529  Å (C) 0.529  Å (D) 0.529  Å
3 3 9 3

44. If velocity of an electron in 1st orbit of H atom is v, what will be the velocity in 3rd orbit of Li2+ ?
(A) v (B) v/3 (C) 3v (D) 9v

45. How many number of atomic orbitals associated with M-shell?

(A) 9 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 25

DTS - 3 35 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

46. The wave nature of electron is verified by :

(A) de-Broglie (B) Davisson and Germer
(C) Rutherford (D) All of these

47. The uncertainty in momentum of an electron is 1  10 5 kg m / s . The uncertainty in its position will be :

 h  6.62  1034 kg m 2 /s 
(A) 2.36  10 28 m (B) 5.25  10 28 m

(C) 2.27  10 30 m (D) 5.27  10 30 m

48. The two electrons in sub-shell of K-shell will differ in:

(A) Principal quantum number (B) Azimuthal quantum number
(C) Magnetic quantum number (D) Spin quantum number

49. The number of orbitals and subshells present in the shell with n = 4 is:
(A) 8, 2 (B) 16, 4 (C) 18, 3 (D) 32, 5

50. The number of electrons in the valence shell of calcium is:

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

51. The ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen atom can be represented as:

(A) (B)

(C) (D) All of the above

52. How many unpaired electrons are present in Ni2+ cation? (At. No. = 28)
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6

53. An electron, a proton and an alpha particle have KE of 16E, 4E and E respectively. What is the
qualitative order of their de-Broglie wavelengths?
(A) e   p    (B) p    e
(C)  p  e    (D)   e   p

54. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom?
(A) n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = +1/2 (B) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = +1/2
(C) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2 (D) n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2

55. The number of radial nodes of 3s and 2s orbital are respectively:

(A) 2, 1 (B) 0, 2 (C) 1, 2 (D) 2, 11

56. In hydrogen atom an orbit has a diameter of about 16.92 Å, what is the maximum number of electrons
that can be accommodated in that orbit.
(A) 8 (B) 32 (C) 50 (D) 72

57. The number of waves in nth orbit are:

(A) n2 (B) n (C) n 1 (D) n 2

DTS - 4 36 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

58. The magnitude of the spin angular momentum of an electron is given by:
h h
(A) 
S s s  1  2
(B) Ss
3 h
(C) S  (D) None of these
2 2

59. Which of the following sets of quantum number is INCORRECT?

1 1
(I) n  5, l  4, m  0, s   (II) n  3, l  3, m   3, s  
2 2
(III) n  6, l  0, m   1, s   (IV) n  4, l  2, m   2, s  0
(A) II, IV (B) I, II, III (C) II, III, IV (D) I, III

60. The correct set of four quantum numbers for outermost electron of potassium (Z = 19) is:
1 1 1 1
(A) 4, 1, 0, (B) 3, 1, 0, (C) 4, 0, 0, (D) 3, 0, 0,
2 2 2 2

DTS - 4 37 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 5 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

61. A body of mass x kg is moving with a velocity of 100 ms1 . Its de-Broglie wavelength is 6.62  10 35 m .

Hence, x is: ( h  6.62  10 34 Js )

(A) 0.1 kg (B) 0.25 kg (C) 0.15 kg (D) 0.2 kg

62. The values of four quantum number of valence electron of an element are n = 4, l = 0, m = 0 and
s . The element is:
(A) K (B) Ti (C) Na (D) Sc

63. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in a d-orbital is:

h h h 2h
(A) 6 (B) 2 (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

64. de-Broglie wavelength of electron in 2nd excited state of hydrogen atom is: [where r0 is the radius of 1st
orbit in H-atom]
(A) r0 (B) r0 (C) 3 r0 (D) 6 r0

65. The H-spectrum show:

(A) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (B) Diffraction
(C) Polarisation (D) Presence of quantized energy level

66. Electrons will first enter into which set of quantum numbers-n = 5, l = 0 or n = 3, l = 2
(A) n = 5, l = 0 (B) both possible (C) n = 3, l = 2 (D) data insufficient

67. Which of the following configurations is incorrect?

(A) 1s2 2s2 2p2x 2p2y 2p0z (B) 1s2 2s2 2p1x 2p1y

(C) 1s2 2s2 2p1x 2p1y 2p1z (D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1

68. Which of the following set of quantum numbers is an impossible arrangement?

(A) n  3, m  2, s   1 / 2 (B) n  4, m  3, s   1 / 2

(C) n  5, m  2, s   1/ 2 (D) n  3, m  3, s   1/ 2

69. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?

(A) n  4, l 1, m  0, s   1 / 2 (B) n  4, l  3, m   3, s   1 / 2

(C) n  4, l   1, m   2, s   1/ 2 (D) n  4, l 1, m  0, s   1/ 2

70. A cricket ball of 0.5 kg is moving with a velocity of 100 ms 1 . The wavelength associated with its motion
is :
(A) 1/100 cm (B) 66  10 34 m

(C) 1.32  10 35 m (D) 6.6  10 28 m

71. The set of quantum numbers not applicable to an electron: (n, l, m, s)

(A) 1, 1, 1, + 1/2 (B) 1, 0, 0, + 1/2 (C) 1, 0, 0  1/ 2 (D) 2, 0, 0, + 1/2

DTS - 5 38 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Paragraph for Question No. 72 - 75
A neutral atom of an element has 2K, 8L, 9M and 2N electrons.

72. The atomic number of element is:

(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23

73. The total number of s electrons are:

(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 10

74. The total number of p-electrons are:

(A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24

75. The total number of d-electrons are:

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

DTS - 5 39 Level - 1 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 6 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 2 Exact Duration :_________

76. The number of spectral lines obtained in Bohr spectrum of hydrogen atom when an electron is excited
from 5th orbit to ground level is:
(A) 10 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 15

77. The wavelength associated with a golf ball weighing 200 g and moving at a speed of 5 m h 1 is of the
(A) 10 10 m (B) 10 20 m (C) 10 30 m (D) 10 40 m

78. On the basis of Bohr’s model, the radius of the 3rd orbit is :
(A) equal to the radius of first orbit (B) three times the radius of first orbit
(C) five times the radius of first orbit (D) nine times the radius of first orbit

79. The filling of degenerate orbitals by electrons is governed by………. rule:

(A) Hund’s (B) Aufbau (C) Pauli’s (D) None of these

80. The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of:

(A) 10 10 m (B) 10 13 m (C) 10 15 m (D) 10 8 m

81. In the third energy level, there are ………. Orbitals:

(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6

82. When there are two electrons in the same orbital, they have……spins.
(A) Parallel (B) Symmetric (C) Antiparallel (D) None of these

83. The number of spherical nodes in 4s orbital is:

(A) 4 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 3

84. How many electrons in an atom with atomic number 105 can have (n + l) = 8?
(A) 30 (B) 17 (C) 15 (D) Un-predictable

85. The wave mechanical model of an atom is based upon which of the following equations?
(A) Schrodinger’s equation (B) de Broglie’s equation
(C) Heisenberg’ uncertainty principle (D) All of the above

DTS - 6 40 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 7 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 2 Exact Duration :_________

86. For a given principal level n = 5, the energy of its subshells is of the order:
(A) s<d<f<p (B) s<p<d<f (C) d<f<p<s (D) s<p<f<d

87. The maximum number of electrons in an orbital, is governed by……..principle.

(A) Hund’s (B) Aufbau (C) Pauli’s (D) None of these

88. Any p orbital can accommodate up to:

(A) Four electrons (B) Two electrons with parallel spin
(C) Six electrons (D) Two electrons with opposite spin

89. The spectral line obtained when an electron jumps from n = 6 to n = 2 level in hydrogen atom belongs to
(A) Balmer series (B) Lyman series (C) Paschen series (D) Pfund series

90. The ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy required to remove an electron from the
n = 2 state of the hydrogen atom is:
(A) 3.4 eV (B) 6.8 eV (C) 13.6 eV (D) 27.2 eV

91. The e/m ratio for electron was determined by……..

(A) Einstein (B) Newton (C) J J. Thomson (D) Planck

92. Na  and Ne are ….to each other:

(A) Isobar (B) Isoelectronic (C) Isotone (D) Isotope

93. Which of the following angular momentum is not possible for electron in Bohr’s orbit?
(A) 0.5  (B)  (C) 2 (D) 3

94. If the radius of the first Bohr orbit of the H atom is r then for the Li2+ ion it will be:
(A) 3r (B) 9r (C) r/3 (D) r/9

95. The wavelength of certain line in H-atom spectra is observed to be 4341Å. (R H = 109677cm–1). The value
of quantum number of higher state is:
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) Data insufficient

DTS - 7 41 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 8 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 2 Exact Duration :_________

96. Which of the following transitions are not allowed in the normal electronic emission spectrum of an
(A) 1s  2s (B) 2p 1s (C) 5d  4p (D) 5p  3s

*97. Select the correct set (s) of quantum numbers :

(A) n  3,l  0, ml  1 (B) n  3,l  3, ml  2

(C) n  3,l  2, ml  2 (D) n  3,l  1, ml  0

*98. Select the correct curve(s):

If v= velocity of electron in Bohr’s orbit
r = Radius of electron in Bohr’s orbit
P.E. = Potential energy of electron in Bohr’s orbit
K.E. = Kinetic energy of electron in Bohr’s orbit

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

*99. Which is/are correct graph with respect to photoelectric effect?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

DTS - 8 42 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

*100. Select the correct statement (s):
(A) Radial function [R(r)] is a part of wave function which depends upon quantum number n only
(B) Angular function depends only on the direction, and is independent to the distance from the
(C)  2 (r, ,  ) is the probability density of finding the electron at a particular point in space

(D) Radial distribution function (4 r 2R 2 ) gives the probability of the electron being present at a
distance r from the nucleus

*101. Select the correct statement(s):

(A) An orbital with l = 0 is symmetrical about the nucleus
(B) An orbital with l = 1 is spherically symmetrical about the nucleus
(C) 3d is spherically symmetrical about the z-axis

(D) All are correct

*102. In a sample of H-atoms electrons are de-excited from 4th excited state to ground state. Which is/are
correct statement?
(A) No line observed in P-fund series
(B) Total ten lines observed in spectrum
(C) 4 line in UV-region and 3 line in visible region are observed
(D) One line observed in Brackett series
*103. Select incorrect statement(s).
(A) If the value of l = 0, the electron distribution is spherical
(B) The shape of the orbital is given by magnetic quantum number
(C) Angular momentum of 1s, 2s, 3s orbit electrons are equal
(D) In an atom, all the electrons travel with the same velocity

*104. Hydrogen has:

(A) half filled subshell (B) half filled shell
(C) one electron in valence shell (D) half filled orbital

*105. Select the correct statement(s):

(A) In wave mechanical model the energy of electron in the orbital remains constant
(B) d xy orbital lies in yz plane

(C) Nodal planes are yz and xy in d orbital

x 2  y2

(D) None of the above

DTS - 8 43 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 9 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 2 Exact Duration :_________

*106. Select the correct statement(s) regarding 3p y orbital:

(A) Total number of nodes are 2

(B) number of maxima in the curve 4r 22 vs r are two

(C) Quantum number n, l and m for an orbital may be 3, 1, –1 respectively

(D) the magnetic quantum number may have a positive value

*107. Choose the correct statements among the following:

(A) A node is a point in space where the wave-function  has zero amplitude
(B) The number of maxima (peaks) in radial probability distribution function is (n – l)

(C) Radial probability is 4 r 2R 2n,l (r)

(D)  2 represents probability density of finding electron

*108. Select the correct statement(s):
(A) Heisenberg’s principle is applicable to stationary electron
(B) Pauli’s exclusion principle is not applicable to photons
(C) For an electron the product of velocity and principal quantum number will be independent to
principal quantum number
(D) quantum numbers l and m determine the value of angular wave function

*109. Select the correct statement (s):

(A) Lower value of quantum number l indicates that there is a higher probability of finding the 3s
electron close to the nucleus than those of 3p and 3d electrons
(B) energy of 3s orbital is less than for the 3p and 3d orbitals
(C) At the node, the value of the radial function changes from positive to negative
(D) The radial function depends upon the quantum numbers n and l

*110. For radial probability curves, which of the following is/are correct?
(A) The number of maxima in 2s orbital are two
(B) The number of spherical or radial nodes is equal to n – l – 1
(C) The number of angular nodes are ‘l’

(D) 3d2z has 3 angular nodes

*111. Choose the correct statement (s):

(A) The shape of an atomic orbital depends upon azimuthal quantum number
(B) The orientation of an atomic orbital depends upon the magnetic quantum number
(C) The energy of an electron in an atomic orbital of multi-electron atom depends upon
principal quantum number only
(D) The number of degenerate atomic orbitals of one type depends upon the value of azimuthal
quantum number

DTS - 9 44 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

*112. Select the correct statement(s):
(A) An electron near the nucleus is more attracted by the nucleus and has a low potential energy
(B) According to Bohr’s theory, an electron continuously radiate energy if it stays in one orbit
(C) Bohr’s model could not explain the spectra of multielectron atoms
(D) Bohr’s model was the first atomic model based on quantisation of energy

*113. Select incorrect statement(s):

(A) Only three quantum numbers n, l and m are needed to define an orbital
(B) Four quantum numbers are needed for complete description of an electron
(C) Two quantum numbers n and l are needed to identify subshell and shape of orbital
(D) Splitting of spectrum lines in presence of electric field is known as Zeeman effect

*114. The angular momentum of electron can have the value(s):

h h h h
(A) 0.5 (B) (C) (D) 2.5
  0.5 2

115. The de-broglie wavelength of neutron at 27°C is  . The wavelength at 927°C will be:
   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 4 2 3

DTS - 9 45 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 10 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 2 Exact Duration :_________

116. A photon was absorbed by a hydrogen atom in its ground state and the electron was promoted to the fifth
orbit. When the excited atom returned to its ground state, visible and other quanta were emitted. Other
quanta are:
(A) 2  1 (B) 5  2 (C) 3 1 (D) 4  1

117. Of the following, radiation with maximum wavelength is:

(A) UV (B) Radio wave (C) X-ray (D) IR

118. Zeeman effect explain splitting of lines in:

(A) Magnetic field (B) Electric field
(C) Both (D) None

119. Which of the following statement is not true about electromagnetic waves?
(A) Are transverse in nature (B) Are produced by accelerating charges
(C) Travel with the same speed in all media (D) Travel in free space with speed of light

*120. Which of the following orbitals has/have zero probability of finding the electron in xy-plane?
(A) pz (B) dyz (C) dzx (D) px

121. If Hund’s rule is not followed, magnetic moment of Fe 2,Mn  and Cr all having 24 electrons will be in
the order :

(A) Fe2  Mn   Cr (B) Fe2  Cr  Mn 2

(C) Fe 2  Mn   Cr (D) Mn   Cr  Fe2

122. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s orbital is:

1 h h h
(A)  (B) zero (C) (D) 2
2 2 2 2

123. Number of electrons that F (Z = 9) has in p-orbitals is equal to:

(A) number of electrons in s-orbitals in Na
(B) number of electrons in d-orbitals in Fe3+
(C) number of electrons in d-orbitals in Mn
(D) (A), (B) and (C) true

124. The first emission line in the atomic spectrum of hydrogen in the Balmer series appear at
9R H 7R H 3R H 5R H
(A) cm 1 (B) cm 1 (C) cm 1 (D) cm 1
400 144 4 36

125. Which orbital gives an electron a greater probability of being found close to the nucleus?
(A) 3p (B) 3d (C) 3s (D) equal

DTS - 10 46 Level - 2 | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet – 11 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Numerical Value Type for Exact Duration :_________
JEE Main

126. A certain dye absorbs light of   400 nm and then fluoresence light of wavelength 500 nm. Assuming
that under given condition 40% of the absorbed energy is re-emitted as fluorescence. Calculate the ratio
of quanta absorbed to number of quanta emitted out.

127. How many electrons in Cu have azimuthal quantum number equal to zero?

128. The electron in hydrogen like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric state “A” with one radial node.
Upon absorbing light the electron in ion undergoes transition to a state “B”. The state “B” has one radial
node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom. The orbital angular
momentum quantum number of the state “B” is ………………..

129. The maximum number of electrons that can have principal quantum number, n = 3 and spin quantum
number, m s   is …………

130. Maximum number of electrons in an orbital having n = 4 and l = 2 are :

131. To which quantum level does the electron jump in H atom from the lowest level if it is given an energy
corresponding to 99% of the ionization potential of hydrogen atom?

132. An electron in the first excited state of H atom absorbs a photon and is further excited. The de-Broglie
wavelength of the electron in this state is found to 13.4 Å . Identify the energy level to which electron is

133. In a hydrogen like species 47.2 eV energy is required to excite the electron from second Bohr orbit to the
third Bohr orbit. Identify atomic number of hydrogen like species.

134. At what minimum atomic number, a transition from n = 2 to n = 1 energy level would result in the

emission of radiation with wavelength   3.0  10 8 m ?

135. How many number of atomic orbitals associated with M-shell have zero nodal plane.

136. The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ are …………

137. If uncertainty in the measurement of position and momentum of an electron are equal then uncertainty

in the measurement of its velocity is approximately x  1012 m/s . The value of x is …………

138. How many atomic orbitals of the following have more than one node?
1s,2s, 3px , 3d xy , 3d 2 , 4p z , 4d
z x 2  y2

139. How many waves are made by electron in one complete revolution around nucleus in fourth orbit of
hydrogen like species.

140. The orbital angular momentum of electron in 4s orbital of H atom is ……….

141. How many of the following atomic orbitals of H atom are degenerate?
3s, 3p x , 3p y , 3p z , 3d xy , 3d yz , 3d xz , 3d 3d
x 2  y2 , z2

DTS - 11 47 Numerical Value Type | Atomic Structure

aDate Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Main (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

*1. The atomic nucleus contains: (1988)

(A) protons (B) neutrons (C) electrons (D) photons

2. Uncertainty in position of a minute particle of mass 25 g in space is 10 5 m . What is the uncertainty in

its velocity (in m s1 ) ? (2002)

(A) 2.1  10 34 (B) 0.5  10 34 (C) 2.1  10 28 (D) 0.5  10 23

3. In a hydrogen atom, if energy of an electron in ground state is 13.6 eV, then that in the 2nd excited state
is (2002)
(A) 1.51 eV (B) 3.4 eV (C) 6.04 eV (D) 13.6 eV

4. The de Broglie wavelength of a tennis ball of mass 60 g moving with a velocity of 10 metres per second is

approximately (Planck’s constant, h  6.63  10 34 J s ) (2003)

(A) 10 33 metres (B) 10 31 metres (C) 10 16 metres (D) 10 25 metres

5. In Bohr series of lines of hydrogen spectrum, the third line from the red end corresponds to which one of
the following inter-orbit jumps of the electron for Bohr orbits in an atom of hydrogen ? (2003)
(A) 32 (B) 52 (C) 4 1 (D) 25

6. Consider the ground state of Cr atom (Z  24) . The numbers of electrons with the azimuthal quantum
numbers, l  1 and 2 are, respectively (2004)
(A) 12 and 4 (B) 12 and 5 (C) 16 and 4 (D) 16 and 5

7. Uncertainty in the position of an electron (mass  9.1  10 31 kg) moving with a velocity 300 m s 1,
accurate upto 0.001% will be (2006)
( h  6.6  10 Js )
(A) 19.2  10 2 m (B) 5.76  10 2 m (C) 1.92  10 2 m (D) 3.84  10 2 m

8. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom ? (2007)
1 1
(A) n  3, l  0, m  0, s   (B) n  3, l  1, m  1, s  
2 2
1 1
(C) n  3, l  2, m  1, s   (D) n  4, l  0, m  0, s  
2 2
9. In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainty with

which the position of the electron can be located is ( h  6.6  10 34 kg m 2 s1 , mass of electron,

em  9.1  10 31 kg ) (2009)

(A) 1.52  10 4 m (B) 5.10  10 3 m (C) 1.92  10 3 m (D) 3.84  10 3 m

10. Calculate the wavelength (in nanometer) associated with a proton at 1.0  103 m s 1 . (2009)

(Mass of proton  1.67  10 27 kg and h  6.63  10 34 J s )

(A) 0.032 nm (B) 0.40 nm (C) 2.5 nm (D) 14.0 nm

DTS - 1 48 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

11. Ionisation energy of He is 19.6  10 18 J atom 1 . The energy of the first stationary state (n  1) of Li2
is : (2010)

(A) 8.82  10 17 J atom 1 (B) 4.41  10 16 J atom 1

(C) 4.41  10 17 J atom 1 (D) 2.2  10 15 J atom 1

12. A gas absorbs a photon of 355 nm and emits at two wavelengths. If one of the emission is at 680 nm, the
other is at (2011)
(A) 1035 nm (B) 325 nm (C) 743 nm (D) 518 nm

13. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers n & , (i) n  4,   1, (ii) n  4,   0, (iii) n  3,   2,
(iv) n  3,   1 can be placed in order of increasing energy, from the lowest to highest, as : (2012)
(A) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (B) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii)
(C) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) (D) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)

14. The correct set of four quantum numbers of the valence electrons of Rubidium atom  Z  37  is:

1 1 1 1
(A) 5, 0, 0,  (B) 5, 1, 0,  (C) 5, 1, 1,  (D) 5, 0, 1,  (2014)
2 2 2 2

 Z2 
15. Energy of an electron is given by E   2.178  10 18 J   . Wavelength of light required to excite an
 n2 
 
electron in an hydrogen atom from level n  1 to n  2 will be: (2014)

 h  6.62  10 34
Js and c  3.0  10 8 ms 1 
(A) 1.214  10 7 m (B) 2.816  10 7 m

(C) 6.500  10 7 m (D) 8.500  10 7 m

DTS - 1 49 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Main (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

16. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom is 13.6 eV. The possible energy value of the
excited state for electrons in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is : (2015)
(A)  3.4 eV (B)  4.2 eV (C)  6.8 eV (D)  6.8 eV

17. Which of the following is the energy of a possible excited state of hydrogen ? (2015)
(A)  13.6 eV (B)  6.8 eV (C)  3.4 eV (D)  6.8 eV

18. If the principal quantum number n = 6, the correct sequence of filling of electrons will be : (2015)
(A) ns  np  (n  1)d  (n  2)f (B) ns  (n  2)f  (n  1)d  np
(C) ns  (n  1)d  (n  2)f  np (D) ns  (n  2)f  np  (n  1)d
19. At temperature T, the average kinetic energy of any particle is kT. The de Broglie wavelength follows
the order. (2015)
(A) Thermal proton > Visible photon > Thermal electron
(B) Thermal proton > Thermal electron > Visible photon
(C) Visible photon > Thermal electron > Thermal neutron
(D) Visible photon > Thermal neutron > Thermal electron

20. The total number of orbitals associated with the principal quantum number 5 is: (2016)
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 20 (D) 25

21. A stream of electrons from a heated filament was passed between two charged plates kept at a potential
difference V esu. If e and m are charge and mass of an electron, respectively, then the value of (where

 is wavelength associated with electron wave) is given by : (2016)
(A) 2 meV (B) meV (C) 2meV (D) meV

22. The radius of the second Bohr orbit for hydrogen atom is: (Planck's Constant h  6.6262  10 34 Js; mass
of electron = 9.1091  10 31 kg; charge of electron e  1.60210  10 19 C; permittivity of vacuum

0  8.854185  10 12 kg 1m 3 A 2 ) (2017)

(A) 2.12 Å (B) 1.65 Å (C) 4.76 Å (D) 0.529 Å

23. If the shortest wavelength in Lyman series of hydrogen atom is A, then the longest wavelength in Paschen

series of He is : (2017)

5A 9A 36A 36A
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 5 5 7
24. The electron in the hydrogen atom undergoes transition from higher orbitals to orbital of radius 211.6
pm. This transition is associated with: (2017)
(A) Lyman series (B) Balmer series (C) Paschen series (D) Brackett series

25. Ejection of the photoelectron from metal in the photoelectric effect experiment can be stopped by applying
0.5 V when the radiation of 250 nm is used. The work function of the metal is (2018)
(A) 5 eV (B) 4 eV (C) 5.5 eV (D) 4.5 eV

DTS - 2 50 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

26. The de-Broglie’s wavelength of electron present in first Bohr orbit of ‘H’ atom is : (2018)
0.529 o o o o
(A) A (B) 2  0.529 A (C) 0.529 A (D) 4  0.529 A

27. Which of the following statements is false? (2018)

(A) Photon has momentum as well as wavelength
(B) Splitting of spectral lines in electrical field is called Stark effect
(C) Frequency of emitted radiation from a black body goes from a lower wavelength to higher
wavelength as the temperature increases
(D) Rydberg constant has unit of energy

 1 
28. For emission line of atomic hydrogen form n i  8 to n f  n, the plot of wave number (  ) against  2 
n 
will be : (the Rydberg constant, R H is in wave number unit) (2019)
(A) Linear with slope  R H (B) Non linear
(C) Linear with slope R H (D) Linear with intercept  R H

29. Which of the following combination of statements is true regarding the interpretation of the atomic
orbital? (2019)
(a) An electron in an orbital of high angular momentum stays away from the nucleus than an
electron on the orbital of lower angular momentum.
(b) For a given value of the principal quantum number, the size of the orbit is universally
proportional to the azimuthal quantum number.
(c) According to wave mechanics, the ground state angular momentum is equal to .
(d) The plot of  vs r for various azimuthal quantum numbers, shows peak shifting towards higher r
(A) (a), (b) (B) (b), (c) (C) (a), (d) (D) (a), (c)

30. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy of second excited state He ion in eV

is : (2019)
(A)  27.2 (B)  3.4 (C)  54.4 (D)  6.04

DTS - 2 51 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Main (Archive) Exact Duration :_________
31. Heat treatment of muscular pain involves radiation of wavelength of about 900 nm. Which spectral line
of H-atom is suitable for this purpose ? R H  1  105 cm 1, h  6.6  10 34 Js, c  3  108 ms 1  (2019)
 
(A) Paschen,   3 (C) Lyman,   1 (C) Paschen, 5  3 (D) Balmer,   2

32. What is the work function of the metal if the light of wavelength 4000 Å generates photoelectrons of
velocity 6  105 ms 1 from it ? (Mass of electron  9  10 31 kg, Velocity of light  3  10 8 ms 1, Planck’s
constant  6.626  10 34 Js, Charge of electron  1.6  10 19 Je V 1 ) (2019)
(A) 2.1 eV (B) 3.1 eV (C) 0.9 eV (D) 4.0 eV

33. If the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in nth Bohr orbit in a hydrogenic atom is equal to 1.5 a 0 ( a 0
is Bohr radius), then the value of n / z is : (2019)
(A) 1.50 (B) 0.75 (C) 1.0 (D) 0.40

34. Which of the graphs shown below does not represent the relationship between incident light and the
electron ejected from metal surface? (2019)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

35. The de Broglie wavelength (  ) associated with a photoelectron varies with the frequency (  ) of the
incident radiation as [0 is threshold frequency] : (2019)
1 1 1 1
(A)  3
(B)  1
(C)  1
(D) 
   0 
   0  2    0  4    0  2
36. The electrons are more likely to be found: (2019)
(A) in the region a and c
(B) only in the region a
(C) in the region a and b
(D) only in the region c

37. Among the following, the energy of 2s orbital is lowest in : (2019)

(A) K (B) Li (C) Na (D) H

38. Which one of the following about an electron occupying the 1s orbital in a hydrogen atom is incorrect?
(The Bohr radius is represented by a 0 ): (2019)
(A) The electron can be found at a distance 2a 0 from the nucleus
(B) The magnitude of the potential energy is double that of its kinetic energy on an average
(C) The total energy of the electron is maximum when it is at a distance a 0 from the nucleus
(D) The probability density of finding the electron is maximum at the nucleus

DTS - 3 52 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

39. If p is the momentum of the fastest electron ejected from a metal surface after the irradiation of light
having wavelength , then for 1.5 p momentum of the photoelectron, the wavelength of the light should
be: (Assume kinetic energy of ejected photoelectron to be very high in comparison to work function):
4 3 1 2
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  (2019)
9 4 2 3

40. The radius of the second Bohr orbit, in terms of the Bohr radius, a 0 , in Li 2  is : (2020)
4a 0 2a 0 4a 0 2a 0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 3 3 9

41. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the 4th Bohr orbit is : (2020)
(A) 2 a 0 (B) 4 a 0 (C) 8 a 0 (D) 6 a 0

  1 1 
42. For the Balmer series in the spectrum of H-atom, v  R H  2  2  , the correct statements among (I) to
 n1 n 2 
(IV) are : (2020)
I. As wavelength decreases, the lines in the series converge
II. The integer n1 is equal to 2
III. The lines of longest wavelength corresponds to n2  3
IV. The ionization energy of hydrogen can be calculated from wave number of these lines
(A) II, III and IV (B) I, II and IV (C) I, III and IV (D) I, II and III

43. Amongst the following statements, that which was not proposed by Dalton was : (2020)
(A) Matter consists of indivisible atoms
(B) When gases combine or reproduced in a chemical reaction they do so in a simple ratio by volume
provided all gases are at same T & P
(C) Chemical reactions involve reorganization of atoms. These are neither created nor destroyed in a
chemical reaction
(D) All the atoms of a given element have identical properties including identical mass. Atoms of
different elements differ in mass

44. The number of orbitals associated with quantum numbers n  5, m s   is : (2020)
(A) 15 (B) 50 (C) 11 (D) 25

45. Consider the hypothetical situation where the azimuthal quantum number, l, takes values 0, 1, 2, …. n
+1, where n is the principal quantum number. Then, the element with atomic number: (2020)
(A) 13 has a half-filled valence subshell (B) 8 is the first noble gas
(C) 9 is the first alkali metal (D) 6 has a 2p-valence subshell

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Main (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

46. The correct statement about probability density (except at infinite distance from nucleus) is : (2020)
(A) It can be zero for 1s orbital (B) It can be negative for 2p orbital
(C) It can be zero for 3p orbital (D) It can never be zero for 2s orbital

47. The difference between the radii of 3rd and 4th orbits of Li2 is R1 . The difference between the radii of

3rd and 4th orbits of He is R 2 . Ratio R1 : R 2 is : (2020)

(A) 2:3 (B) 8:3 (C) 3:8 (D) 3:2

48. The shortest wavelength of H atom in the Lyman series is  1 . The longest wavelength in the Balmer

series of He is : (2020)

91 271 361 51
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 5 9

49. The region in the electromagnetic spectrum where the Balmer series lines appear is :
(A) Microwave (B) Visible (C) Infrared (D) Ultraviolet

50. The figure that is not a direct manifestation of the quantum nature of atoms is: (2020)

(A) Intensity of black body radiation

(B) Kinetic energy of photoelectrons


(D) Internal energy of Ar

51. The number of subshells associated with n  4 and m   2 quantum numbers is : (2020)
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 8 (D) 16

52. The work function of sodium metal is 4.41  1019 J. If photons of wavelength 300 nm are incident on the
metal, the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons will be ________ 10 21 J. (2020)
34 8
(h  6.63  10 Js; c  3  10 m /s)

DTS - 4 54 JEE Main (Archive) | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Advanced (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

1. Rutherford's experiment on scattering of  -particles showed for the first time that the atom has :
(A) electrons (B) protons (C) nucleus (D) neutrons (1981)

2. The mass of a hydrogen is ________ kg. (1982)

3. Isotopes of an elements differ in the number of ________ in their nuclei. (1982)

4. The outer electronic configuration of the ground state chromium atom is 3d4 4s2. (1982)

5. Rutherford's scattering experiment is related to the size of the : (1983)

(A) nucleus (B) atom (C) electron (D) neutron

6. The light radiations with discrete quantities of energy are called ________. (1983)

7. Elements of the same mass number but of different atomic numbers are known as ________. (1983)

8. When there are two electrons in the same orbital, they have ________ spins. (1983)

9. The energy of the electron in the 3d-orbital is less than that in the 4s-orbital in the hydrogen
atom. (1983)

10. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations of wavelengths of 10 6 to 10 5 cm. (1983)

11. The principal quantum number of an atom is related to the : (1983)

(A) size of the orbital (B) spin angular momentum
(C) orientation of the orbital in space (D) orbital angular momentum

12. Any p-orbital can accommodate upto : (1983)

(A) four electrons (B) six electrons
(C) two electrons with parallel spins (D) two electrons with opposite spins

13. The principal quantum number of an atom is related to the (1983)

(A) size of the orbital (B) spin angular momentum
(C) orbital angular momentum (D) orientation of the orbital in space

14. Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not to emit a photon?
(A) 3s (B) 2p (C) 2s (D) 1s (1984)

*15. When alpha-particles are sent through a thin metal foil, most of them go straight through the foil,
because: (1984)
(A) alpha particles are much heavier than electrons
(B) alpha particles are positively charged
(C) most part of the atom is empty space
(D) alpha particles move with high velocity

DTS - 1 55 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Advanced (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

*16. Many elements have non-integral atomic masses, because: (1984)

(A) they have isotopes
(B) their isotopes have non-integral masses
(C) their isotopes have different masses
(D) the constituents, neutrons, protons and electrons, combine to give fractional masses
*17. An isotone of 32 Ge is: (1984)
77 77 77 78
(A) 32 Ge (B) 33 As (C) 34 Se (D) 34 Se

18. The increasing order (lower first) for the values of e/m (charge/mass) for electron (e), proton (p), neutron
(n) and alpha particle (  ) is: (1984)
(A) e, p, n,  (B) n, p, e,  (C) n, p, , e (D) n, , p, e

19. Bohr's model can explain: (1985)

(A) the spectrum of hydrogen atom only
(B) spectrum of an atom or ion containing one electron only
(C) the spectrum of hydrogen molecule
(D) the solar spectrum

20. Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is : (1985)

(A) ultraviolet (B) radio wave (C) X-ray (D) infrared

21. The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of : (1985)

20 13 15 8
(A) 10 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 10 cm

22. The possible sum of the number of neutrons and protons in the isotope of hydrogen is : (1986)
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3

23. The electron density in the XY-plane in 3d orbital is zero. (1986)

x 2  y2

24. The ratio of the energy of a photon of 200 Å wavelength radiation to that of 400 Å radiation is : (1986)
1 1
(A) (B) 4 (C) (D) 2
4 2

25. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers represents an impossible arrangement ? (1986)
n  m s n  m s
(A) 3 2 2 1/ 2 (B) 4 0 0 1/ 2

(C) 3 2 3 1/ 2 (D) 5 3 0 1 / 2

26. Rutherford's alpha particle scattering experiment eventually led to conclusion that : (1986)
(A) mass and energy are related
(B) electrons occupy space around the nucleus
(C) neutrons are burried deep in the nucleus
(D) the point of impact with matter can be precisely determined

DTS - 2 56 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

27. The outermost electronic configuration of the most electronegative element is : (1988)
2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6
(A) ns np (B) ns np (C) ns np (D) ns np

28. The orbital diagram in which the Aufbau principle is violated : (1988)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

29. The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is: (1988)

14 15 17 12 14 19
(A) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F (B) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F

14 14 17 14 14 19
(C) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F (D) 6 C, 7 N, 9 F

30. The wavelength of a spectral line for an electronic transition is inversely related to: (1988)
(A) the number of electron undergoing the transition
(B) the nucleus charge of the atom
(C) the difference in the energy of the energy levels involved in the transition
(D) the velocity of the electron undergoing the transition

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Advanced (Archive) Exact Duration :_________
31. The correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron of chlorine atom is : (1989)
n  m n  m
(A) 2 1 0 (B) 2 1 1
(C) 3 1 1 (D) 3 0 0
32. The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom is : (1989)
5 1 4 2 6 0 5 1
(A)  Ar  3 d 4 s (B)  Ar  3 d 4 s (C)  Ar  3 d 4 s (D)  Ar  4 d 4 s

33. Which of the following does not characterise X-rays ? (1992)

(A) The radiation can ionise gases
(B) It causes ZnS to fluoresence
(C) Deflected by electric and magnetic fields
(D) Have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays
34. Wave function of electrons in atoms and molecules are called ________. (1993)
35. The 2p x , 2p y and 2p z orbitals of atom have identical shapes but differ in their ________. (1993)

36. In a given electric field,  -particles are deflected more than  -particles in spite of  -particles having
larger charge. (1993)
37. The outermost electronic configuration of Cr ________. (1994)
38. A 3p orbital has (1995)
(A) two non spherical nodes
(B) two spherical nodes
(C) one spherical and one non-spherical node
(D) one spherical and two non-spherical nodes

39. Which of the following relates to photons both as wave motion and as a stream of particles ? (1995)
(A) Interference (B) E  mc (C) Diffraction (D) E  h

40. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 3s-orbital is : (1996)

1 h h h
(A)   (B) zero (C) (D) 2
2 2 2 2
41. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired electrons? (1997)

(A) Mg 2 (B) Ti3  (C) V 3 (D) Fe2

42. For a d-electron, the orbital angular momentum is : (1997)

 h   h   h   h 
(A) 6  (B) 2  (C)   (D) 2 
 2   2   2   2 
       

43. The first use of quantum theory to explain the structure of atom was made by: (1997)
(A) Heisenberg (B) Bohr (C) Planck (D) Einstein

44. The uncertainly principle and the concept of wave nature of matter were proposed by ________ and
_______________ respectively. (1998)

DTS - 3 58 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

*45. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) correct? (1998)
5 1
(A) The electronic configuration of Cr is  Ar  3d 4 s (atomic number of Cr  24)

(B) The magnetic quantum number may have a negative value

(C) In silver atom, 23 electrons have a spin of one type and 24 of the opposite type. (atomic number
of Ar  47)
(D) The oxidation state of nitrogen in NH3 is 3

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Advanced (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

*46. Ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen atom can be represented by (1999)
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

47. Statement I : The first ionisation energy of Be is greater than that of B. (2000)
Statement II : 2p-orbital is lower in energy than 2s.
(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct; Statement II is the correct explanation of
Statement I
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct; Statement II is not the correct explanation of
Statement I
(C) Statement I is correct; Statement II is the incorrect
(D) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is the correct

48. The number of nodal planes in a p x orbital is : (2000)

(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) zero

49. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2 , 2 s2, 2 p6 , 3 s2, 3p6 , 3 d5, 4 s1. This represents its :
(A) excited state (B) ground state (C) cationic form (D) anionic form (2000)

50. The wavelength associated with a golf ball weighing 200 g and moving at a speed of 5 m / h is of the order :

(A) 10 10 m (B) 10 20 m (C) 10 30 m (D) 10 40 m (2001)

51. The quantum numbers  1 / 2 and  1 / 2 for the electron spin represent : (2001)
(A) rotation of the electron in clockwise and anticlockwise directions respectively
(B) rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clockwise directions respectively
(C) magnetic moment of the electron pointing up and down respectively
(D) two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue

52. Rutherford's experiment, which established the model of the atom, used a beam of : (2002)
(A)  -particle, which impinged on a metal foil and got absorbed
(B)  -rays, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered
(C) helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered
(D) helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered

53. If the nitrogen atom has electronic configuration 1s7, it would have energy lower than that of the normal

ground state configuration 1s2 2s2 3p3 , because the electrons would be closer to the nucleus. Yet 1s7 is
not observed because it violates. (2002)
(A) Heisenberg uncertainty principle (B) Hund’s rule
(C) Pauli exclusion principle (D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits

54. The radius of which of the following orbit is the same as that of the first Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom?

DTS - 4 60 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

(A) He n  2  (B) Li2  n  2
  (C) Li2  n  3
  (D) Be3  n  2
  (2004)

55. The numbers of radial nodes of 3 s and 2 p orbitals are respectively: (2005)
(A) 2, 0 (B) 0, 2 (C) 1, 2 (D) 2, 1

56. According to Bohr’s theory En  Total energy, Kn  Kinetic energy, Vn  Potential energy

R n  Radius of nth orbit : (2006)

Column I Column II
(A) Vn / K n  ? (P) 0

(B) If radius of nth orbit  E nx , x  ? (Q) 1

(C) Angular momentum in lowest orbital (R) 2

(D)  Z y, y  ? (S) 1

57. Match the entries in column I with the correctly related quantum number(s) in column II. (2008)
Column I Column II
Orbital angular momentum of the electron in a
(A) (P) Principal quantum number
hydrogen like atomic orbital
A hydrogen-like one electron wave function obeying
(B) (Q) Azimuthal quantum number
Pauli’s principle
Shape, size and orientation of hydrogen-like atomic
(C) (R) Magnetic quantum number
Probability density of electron at the nucleus in Electron spin quantum
(D) (S)
hydrogen like atom number

Paragraph for Question No. 58 - 60 (2010)

The hydrogen-like species Li is in a spherically symmetric state S1 with one radial node. Upon absorbing light

the ion undergoes transition to a state S2. The state S2 has one radial node and its energy is equal to the
ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.

58. The state S1 is :

(A) 1s (B) 2s (C) 2p (D) 3s

59. Energy of the state S1 in units of the hydrogen atom ground state energy is :

(A) 0.75 (B) 1.50 (C) 2.25 (D) 4.50

60. The orbital angular momentum quantum number of the state S2 is :

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 5 Expected Duration : 90 Min
Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ JEE Advanced (Archive) Exact Duration :_________

61. The kinetic energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is [ a 0 is Bohr radius] :

h2 h2 h2 h2
(A) (B) (C) (D) (2012)
4 ma 20 2
16  ma 20 32  2
ma 20 64 2ma 20

62. P is the probability of finding the 1s electron of hydrogen atom in a spherical shell of infinitesimal
thickness, dr, at a distance r from the nucleus. The volume of this shell is 4r 2dr . The qualitative sketch
of the dependence of P on r is: (2016)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Paragraph for Question No. 63 – 65 (2017)

The wave function,  n, l, m is a mathematical function whose value depends upon spherical polar coordinates

(r, , ) of the electron and characterized by the quantum numbers n, l and m l . Here r is distance from nucleus,
 is colatitude and  is azimuth. In the mathematical functions given in the Table, Z is atomic number and a 0
is Bohr radius.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

 Zr 
32  
 Z  a 
(I) 1s orbital (i)  n,l,m   e  0  (P)
l a 
 0 

(II) 2s orbital (ii) One radial node (Q) Probability density at nucleus 
a 30
5  Zr 
2p z  Z  2  2a  (R) Probability density is maximum at
(III) (iii)  n,l,m    re  0  cos 
orbital l a  nucleus
 0
(IV) 3d 2z (iv) xy-plane is a nodal plane (S) Energy needed to excite electron from
n = 2 state to n = 4 state is 27/32
times the energy needed to excite
electron from n = 2 state to n = 6

DTS - 5 62 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

63. For He ion, the only INCORRECT combination is:
(A) (I) (iii) (R) (B) (II) (ii) (Q) (C) (I) (i) (R) (D) (I) (i) (S)

64. For hydrogen atom, the only CORRECT combination is:

(A) (II) (i) (Q) (B) (I) (i) (P) (C) (I) (iv) (R) (D) (I) (i) (S)

65. For the given orbital in Column 1, the only CORRECT combination for any hydrogen-like species is:
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (IV) (iv) (R) (C) (II) (ii) (P) (D) (III) (iii) (P)

Paragraph for Question No. 66 - 67

Consider the Bohr's model of a one-electron atom where the electron moves around the nucleus. In the following,
List-I contains some quantities for the nth orbit of the atom and List-II contains options showing how they depend
on n. (2019)
List-I List-II
(I) th
Radius of the n orbit (P)  n 2
(II) Angular momentum of the electron in the nth orbit (Q)  n 1
(III) Kinetic energy of the electron in the nth orbit (R)  n0
(IV) Potential energy of the electron in the nth orbit (S)  n1
(T)  n2
(U)  n1/2
66. Which of the following options has the correct combination considering List-I and List-II?
(A) (IV), (U) (B) (IV), (Q) (C) (III), (P) (D) (III), (S)

67. Which of the following options has the correct combination considering List-I and List-II?
(A) (I), (T) (B) (I), (P) (C) (II), (Q) (D) (II), (R)

*68. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. Consider an electronic state  of He whose
energy, azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number are –3.4 eV, 2 and 0, respectively.
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true for the state  ? (2019)
(A) It has 3 radial nodes
(B) It has 2 angular nodes
(C) The nuclear charge experienced by the electron in this state is less than 2e, where e is the
magnitude of the electronic charge
(D) It is a 4d state

69. The figure below is the plot of potential energy versus internuclear
distance (d) of H2 molecule in the electronic ground state. What is the
value of the net potential energy E 0 (as indicated in the figure) in kJ

mol 1, for d  d 0 at which the electron-electron repulsion and the

nucleus-nucleus repulsion energies are absent? As reference, the
potential energy of H atom is taken as zero when its electron and the
nucleus are infinitely far apart.
Use Avogadro constant as 6.023  10 23 mol 1. (2020)

DTS - 5 63 JEE Advanced (Archive) | Atomic Structure

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