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4/4/22, 7:03 PM 4th part Verbals

4th part Verbals
15 Questions DATE  : 

1. The Flash used his speed to catch the bank robber.

What type of verbal is in red in the sentence above?

A gerund B infinitive

C not a verbal D participle

2. The Joker came up with a terrifying plan.

What type of verbal is in red in the sentence above?

A not a verbal B infinitive

C gerund D participle

3. The exhausted children napped on the floor.

A Gerund B Participle

C None of the above D Infinitive

4. Knitting is her favorite winter hobby.

A Infinitive B None of the above

C Gerund D Participle 1/4
4/4/22, 7:03 PM 4th part Verbals

5. I have no one to decorate the tree with me this evening.

A None of the above B Participle

C Gerund D Infinitive

6. What is the best definition of a gerund?

A verb phrase with an -ing word A verb that ends in -ing and functions as a

A combination of helping verbs and other The word "to" plus a verb

7. What is the gerund in the following sentence?

During the concert, the crowd was said to like my singing.

A during B to like

C singing

8. What is the gerund?

Bernard hates buttering toast with a fork.

A toast B hates

C Bernard D buttering

9. What is the RED phrase?

She was going to the store after the PTA meeting.

A infinitive B participle

C gerund D prepositional phrase 2/4
4/4/22, 7:03 PM 4th part Verbals

10. What's the verbal?

I feel falling rain upon my head.

A participle B infinitive

C gerund

11. The swimming fish raced upstream.

A Infinitive B Gerund

C Participle

12. Jogging is her favorite activity.

A Infinitive B Participle

C Gerund

13. The passing bus accelerated down the street.

A Participle B Infinitive

C Gerund

14. Infinitives have what word in front of it?

A --ing B read

C to D --ed 3/4

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